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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Louise, I think you are exactly right about turning to AL to relax, predisposition to alcoholism, all that. Yes, my baclofen is manufactured here in the States, and we've had some overseas generics tested, and they didn't comprise as much of the active ingredient as the US brands, which makes sense, because they don't have the same regulations on the amount of active ingredient to be a generic. It's not to say they aren't effective, it just takes more tabs or pills to acheive the same result.
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


      Thats really interesting about the foreign vs. domestic Bac. What do yu mean you had it "tested"?


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        And what is the name of the US brand?


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          We had our compounding pharmacy supplier analyze some topa for a member, after several folks had mentioned they had to take so much more of the overseas generic, than the brands manufactured here in the US. Plus, I was a pharmaceutical rep. previously, and I knew that they have different requirements for generics, but we weren't sure how much difference, so we checked it for another member. There's alot of US generics, all with different names, but if you get it from a pharmacy here in the US, they are all manufactured under the same requirements. Hope that makes sense or helps!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            I went to 30 mg yesterday and am having a bit of a problem. I have a bad headache, feel nausea and had obsessional thoughts (about bac titration) last night instead of sleeping. It was like the thought just kept repeating itself over and over. It was very weird. I woke up feeling awful. That does not seem like a very high dose for this kind of a reaction. Any thoughts?


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              Prancy, my hubby had intestinal upset, but he started off taking 40mg per day, he THOUGHT more was better, and he found out's a-ok now tho. I did the samething you did, the first night that I took it tho, I was obsessed with the dose schedule, and getting on it, you can look back thru this thread, and see was awake just freaking bout how much can I really take, can I take this much, this little, what if it doesn't work for me like everyone else, then what....on and on and on! I think part of it too was, I didn't drink before bed, and I was awake from that too. I will tell you that This Too Shall Pass....the bac takes care of the anxiety, and obsession over things, and I haven't been on it a week yet. Just give it another day or so, and I think you'll be ok. It helps me to divide the doses in 4, instead of 3, it seems to keep the witching hour at bay more. I will tell you this, yesterday, we had a houseful of company, and a lil of a family crisis, and I wasn't home, haven't gotten in the groove of remembering to take it with me, if I'm going to be away from home, at my dose time, and skipped the afternoon dose, and the witching hour dose, and we went to a fav restaurant, where they know us, went to the restroom, came back, found my fav wine sitting at my place, they auto., bring it over, and drank it without thinking, and they brought me a second. I got home, was visiting and getting everyone something here or there, and drank 2 more, then stopped dead in my tracks, realized what was happening, and poured out the last one, went and took a dose, woke up to potty (and yes, I'm peeing like a racehorse and thirsty too, but its about 110, at 5am, took a dose, at 10am, at 3pm, and will take another at 5:30, and at bedtime to catch up. But, I did STOP and think! It's 4:21 here, and I just opened the refrig, saw the last glass in the bottle, and was disgusted with myself over yesterday....USUALLY, I'D HAVE POURED THE LAST GLASS, AND BE HAVING IT NOW! I really can't believe it! Just take it, and try not to dwell on it, take something for the headache, and tummy ache, and give it time. Love to all!
              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Hi All
                My Baclofen came from River Pharmacy
                I am just finishing off the topamax and then I will do the switch
                I am on my 12th AF day and truthfully, this time really hasn't been difficult so I am hoping I won't have to go very high on the baclofen, but if I do, I do. I am really looking forward to it. Tough in Texas, I haven't seen you in a while, it's good to see you.
                Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                November 2, 2012


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Toughintexas. thanks for sharing your and your husband's experience. I backed off on the dose and felt a bit better but I do feel weird. I think I will stay on the lower dose for a few more days until I get over this weird feeling. For some reason, I feel more anxious, but I know that is not the norm. I just have to give it time to regulate a bit, I think. I understand on the heat. It is hot here is California also but I have been "eliminating" more on the bac. But you have to assume it is going to have some effect if it is going to change lifelong behavior patterns! Hang in there and keep sharing your experience.


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    going tomorrow

                    I really hope this works, I give up......................Rhonda won't help me, said she needs me to go to you know how much $$ that will cost!?!? On top of what I just spent on vacation!!!??? So much for my good things to say about her!!! I wanted to print out some info to take to the doc, anyone know where I can find any?? I remember reading about it in the book, but don't have the book anymore, lent it to some butt-head, never got it back, keep forgetting to buy another, but that is an entirely different animal...................if anyone knows where to find info to take tomorrow, I will be forever grateful, as I am unable to stop again..................I HATE THIS!!!!!!!:upset::upset::upset::upset:

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      already found 2

                      I went to the "reseaarch" portion of this site and found 2 articles, not too detailed or great, but may help..............any other info would be greatly appreciated, as to dosing, titrating etc...........I have talked to TIT, (thanks btw, I love you girl!!!) :thanks::thanks: am really hopeful that today will be my last day of misery................I like being af so much better than the way I feel right now................just cannot seem to stay stopped, :upset:I NEED that drink after the long day of work, you know?? It was different a few weeks ago, wish I never started back!!!:upset::upset:

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        If you remember from a a few posts back I had reached my off switch at 120-130 mgs. I was doing great! But then I got worried that my next batch of Baclofen would not arrive in time so I started to titrate down. I went down to 80 for a few days. I could tell that I had lost my switch. My pills finally came in (And I was shorted by both River and 4rx) and I have titrated back up to 120. No switch. I'm so freakin frustrated now. Who knows how high I will have to go now. My advice is to not get low on your supply. I feel like now I have wasted a month and a half and a lot of money just to start over. And starting over at 80 mgs vs 0 mgs is not cheap!


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          I'm at 60 mg - yaaaaay, my bac is here! I haven't really felt much of an effect yet - maybe slight relaxation/drowsiness, but not enough to know for sure. I'll probably have to go pretty high - topa didn't help me until 200 mg. I'm prepared to go as high as I need to.


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            Not working???

                            Is it not working for you??? That is scarey as I used campral, naltroxen, you name it and Rhonda Lenair is the only thing that took thaw craving away, that is what I want GONE, I crave it sooo bad, just wantthe escape I guess........ You are scaring me that this too won't work!?

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              MA, I'm not saying that it is not working at all. I'm saying that I did hit my switch (at 120mgs) -no cravings at all. But when I titrated down to 80mgs the cravings came back full force. I'm now titrating back up but it looks like I will have to go above 120 this time. I didn't want to scare anyone! Just wanted everyone to be sure that thay have good supply so they do not have to titrate down while waiting for customs (If you ordereing from overseas).


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Just wanted to post my status. I forget to do it now that I am AF everyday, it seems kind of boring.

                                However, I did want to say that I think my titrating back down is a good plan. I am down to 10/30/40 right now and that is still more than enough to help me stay sober.

                                I realized today that I simply do not want to drink. The thought of drinking actually makes me kind of ill. My brain remembers all the bad now and only vaguely remembers some of the good.

                                I will stay at this dose for a few days and see if I can titrate down a little more.

                                All I can say to those who are still trying to get sober, it worked for me and I am one hardcore, alcoholic granny.

                                I am enjoying being sober, too. Life is still stressful and I still have all the usual issues I always did but now I just handle them and go on. I do get to spend some quality time on MWO, I get to read a book (and remember what I read), I get to cozy down in my hotel bed and watch some tv, and I get to talk to my family every night and not have to turn off the phone so they won't hear my drunkenness in my voice.

                                I get to live a real life.

                                AF April 9, 2016

