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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Don't know?!

    beatle, gotta go home & check my bottle when I get home..... I like mine, it is an rx loose in bottle from doc, don't know who makes it, but I an happy w/ it whoever makes it!!!
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      shelbysmiles;713171 wrote: I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a difference when switching companies/brands? I was taking Bacmax and was doing fine. Actually I was doing great. I never had a craving and only drank when I forced myself to. I switced over to Pacifen because it was cheaper and noticed a change immediately. My off switch was switched on and onto highbeam. My cravings and manic behavior have returned (the first 8 items on the history on my computer are shopping sites). My anxiety and irratablility is at a new level. I sat in a crowded airport this weekend and bit all my nails. I have not touched my nails in weeks and I have never bit them in public.

      I have decided to discontinue the Pacifen and order more Bacmax but has anyone else had this problem?
      This is not unusual, even though generics are supposed to be the same. I know I myself have detected differences in medications when switching brands. Generics are just based on the "recipe" developed by the original company. After the original company's patent expires, it has to reveal its "recipe". However, as we all know, 2 different cooks using the same recipe will still come up with different dishes, even if similar, not the same.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Cinders;713195 wrote: Shelby,

        I actually posted some time ago that my prescription of Baclofen was much better than my online purchased Baclofen. I felt the difference in the effects between the two.

        I would go back to the Bacmax if it worked.

        Until you get it, is it possible to take an extra bit of the Pacifen? That may help.

        White knuckling is no fun. I did it at the start of my journey with Baclofen and I vividly recall those days.

        Cindi, just wondering what kind of Bac you are on now? (And what you were on that was not as effective.)

        I'm using Bacmax now but just got a prescription from my doctor (way cheaper! Yay!). It is just called Baclofen (which is just the generic name), but I see in tiny writing it is manufactured by Ivax.

        I'm hoping yours is the same, since I want to emulate you!
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


          My script Bac is from Upsher-Smith Laboratories.

          However, since Bac is generic, I am sure there are a lot of labs making it and selling it.

          The other Bac I used was the ones from 4rx in the blister packs.

          and, yes, I am still sober.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            yay for you!
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              I have been taking Bacmax, Lioresal and Pacifen (all from different online pharmacies). I haven't been able to get a prescription from my doctor (long, annoying story) so I'm forced to take these other generics. Overall, though, I haven't noticed a difference between these different generics. They're all working for me and I'm doing great.

              Oh, and yes, Cindi--you are truly an inspiration!


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Hi All,

                It's been a crazy couple of weeks and I haven't posted much. Working and Driving alot gets me scared to increase my Bac dosage. Still at 80mg and I wouldn't say that I'm doing good. 3 days a week I have to drive 1 1/2 hours each way to work.

                Good to hear that cowgal and Anna are still doing so well. Larisa sounds like you've gone a few days AF good for you. I just have to keep trying. I tried to go up to 100mg one day and I was literally off balance all day, like I was drunk when I was trying to walk. It was a little scary.

                Everything I need is within me!


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Anna B;713686 wrote:

                  Oh, and yes, Cindi--you are truly an inspiration!
                  I second that seeing Cindi's progress is awesome!!

                  I buy mine inthe pharmacy here is Spain it is called Lioresil and says (baclofeno) underneath in brackets. I am in Spain.

                  It seems to be the real deal- I finally managed to take 35 mgs today (have been swinging around 25/30mgs for months) and the thought of a drink is totally uninteresting. I might not be at my off switch just yet, but I think I am very near.
                  I have the feeling 40mgs will be my off switch- I don't think I can tolerate more due to my extreme intolerence to drugs in general, so I guess I will be one of the lucky ones.


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    Brand new here - first post. I just received Dr. A's book by mail on Friday and have already finished it! I have started to read the different threads here, but rather than lurk I wanted to post and say hi. My husband is an alcoholic and I am praying that he will be encouraged by Dr. A's story and this forum. I am going to spend a few days reading through posts! And pray that I can get my husband to pick up Dr. A's book. At the moment he is so discouraged and feels that nothing can help him. I am cautiously optimistic with what I have read so far. And just want to say with all my heart that I am so happy for all of you that have had success with Baclofen and have started your process of healing. Bless you all for having the courage for trying something new and different and wanting to grab your life back.
                    I am not an alcoholic and I just wanted to say that Dr. A's book was an amazing read for me. It really was so enlightening. I have lived with this disease (through my husband) for almost 15 years and I can't even begin to tell you how much I feel I learned just from reading his personal account.
                    I know my husband has to want to recover but I find it really hard to watch him suffer. I really hope he will consider trying baclofen.


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                      I truly am so happy to hear you are doing so well on such a low dosage.

                      If you stay at 35 mgs a while and can stay AF, I would do it.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                        I was lying in bed last night thinking back to how desperate and depressed I used to be. I just simply could not quit drinking. It was horrible.

                        Today, occasionally I have some desires to drink but I can easily overcome them. I can firmly say "no" to myself.

                        I have never become indifferent, unlike Dr. A and others here, but I have been AF and I have been happy. Very happy that I am finally sober, facing life sober, and once again able to lift my head up and feel good about myself.

                        A few short months ago, I was unable to make it through half a day sober, I was hurting my family and I was killing myself.

                        Today, I smile. I hope your husband can get to where I am today.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                          It makes me so happy to read about your progress.

                          I had the depression thing hit me hard again today - again, I don't know if it's the bac or just going through AL withdrawal and actually having to think/feel. This time, though, I waited it out, and I came out on the other side. I'm fine now - very strange. I'm up to 160 mg and just feeling flooooooooatyyyyyy....ahh. Still being bombarded by thoughts and feelings, but positive now.

                          I'm going to keep going up and seeing if I can become indifferent to AL.


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            Hopeful, you are a wonderful person that can care so much and can see this disease for what it is. I don't think there are many non-alcoholics who can do that.

                            My husband is a kind and caring and supportive person. But he doesn't get it. He doesn't understand that this is not a matter of willpower. If it were, none of us on this site would be here. We all desperately want (or the successful ones *wanted*) to not drink, to be free from this disease which we *did not* ask for. If you don't have this affliction, you will never understand, but at least *you* are close.

                            I am not free yet, but like many others, I have tried absolutely everything, and Baclofen is the first thing that ever worked at all. It is a blessing beyond belief for me.

                            Based on our unscientific experiment here, there is every reason to believe it will work for your husband, too -- at least somewhat. I hope you will prevail in your efforts to convince him to try (although I can't imagine he wouldn't want to!).

                            Good luck, and thank you for being such a caring and openminded person.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Hopeful- Welcome!

                              I do so hope your husband tries the Baclofen, it is working for so many of us.

                              Before this I tried The Sinclair Method, I was doing really well, but eventually stopped because of bad side effects. However I was an extreme case- most people don't get them as bad, so I believe there are now coming to light, two med-based solutions that work.

                              So if one doesn't work for someone due to a bad reaction to the med, or it simply doesn't work- there is always plan B.

                              I finally see there is a light at the end of this tunnel, which previously seemed to be a deep pit- and not a tunnel.

                              Glad you are with us, and I hope hubby jumps on board too!


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                beatle;715340 wrote: Hopeful, you are a wonderful person that can care so much and can see this disease for what it is. I don't think there are many non-alcoholics who can do that.

                                My husband is a kind and caring and supportive person. But he doesn't get it. He doesn't understand that this is not a matter of willpower. If it were, none of us on this site would be here. We all desperately want (or the successful ones *wanted*) to not drink, to be free from this disease which we *did not* ask for. If you don't have this affliction, you will never understand, but at least *you* are close.

                                I am not free yet, but like many others, I have tried absolutely everything, and Baclofen is the first thing that ever worked at all. It is a blessing beyond belief for me.

                                Based on our unscientific experiment here, there is every reason to believe it will work for your husband, too -- at least somewhat. I hope you will prevail in your efforts to convince him to try (although I can't imagine he wouldn't want to!).

                                Good luck, and thank you for being such a caring and openminded person.
                                I agree! Thank you for understanding! My husband is of the belief as well that it is merely a willpower issue. If I put my head into it, I can not drink. He doesn't understand everything behind the scenes.

                                So again, thank you!!! You give us hope for a non-alcoholic understanding our psyche!!!
                                AF July 6 2014

