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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    interested in others experience. I drank heavily up to 60mg a day (20/20/20) but abruptly stopped drinking on 75mg (25/25/25), thought I wouldnt drink again, but I am. Although I can see it is slower & less compulsive (also fall asleep before I can drink too much). I think if I just use a bit of will power I could go back to mostly AF, because I am not really enjoying drinking. I dont think I can go any higher with my dose as I think I would have trouble staying awake at work, as I do some days now.

    Im getting over laryngitis, had it nearly 4 weeks. Think it was prolonged because of nasal/sinus congestion - side effect of Baclofen. Do other people experience the congestion? and does it eventually go away? What causes it? What is the conection between Baclofen & sinus congestion.

    I have suffered severe anxiety all my life, Baclofen has been great for this, although some days I feel almost "catatonic" but other days are great. Do other people experience this?

    Thanks for reading all my ramblings, I would appreciate feedback from others who Have had similar side effects. many thanks, Lbaclofen


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      lbaclofen;724623 wrote: I have suffered severe anxiety all my life, Baclofen has been great for this, although some days I feel almost "catatonic" but other days are great. Do other people experience this?
      I've also had severe anxiety for my whole life. Bac has pretty much eliminated this for me. Bac has also made me really sleepy (I'm not sure I'd say 'catatonic' but I definitely see what you mean!). This is going to sound really stupid but in order to counter the somnolence, I've started drinking coffee again. A LOT of coffee. I always had to avoid caffeine b/c it made my anxiety worse. But so far, the caffeine is almost completely countering the bac-induced sleepiness side effect and I don't have an anxiety rebound. Not sure if that is helpful. Just wanted to share my experience. Good luck!


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        I'm at 190 now - not drinking, but still not indifferent to AL and determined to get there, so I'll keep going. I'm pretty much stoned all day now. (E.g., I usually score between 20,000 and 30,000 on Word Challenge, a game on Facebook. Last night, after my 3rd dose of 50 mg, I couldn't get above 6,000.) I'm stoned at work right. now. My ribs are tight, I cough a lot, I keep waking up snoring, and I have a big booger in my throat that I can't swallow. I'm going to have to borrow on my HELOC to buy the bac this month, I think.

        But I'm sober!!! Sorta. Dude...

        Those exclamation points kinda hurt my eyes.


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          I went to 200. I felt I hit the off swittch at around 160. I am going back down now and am sitting at under 90 per day right now. The coming down actually brought on more side effects than going up.

          The stoned feeling and the spaciness have been there and are not at all pleasant. There has also been a return of some fleeting anxiety - which is a real downer after a huge reduction of this life long constant companion during the higher doses of Bac.

          I understand everyone is different and that Bac is not for everyone. I feel for those of you who havent found it as I have - a magic bullet.

          Having said that - even though I am now completely disinterested in alc I know that the answer for me is not 100% Bac. There has to be some other inputs to keep life on as even a keel as possible.

          Reading what you all have to say here is one of them.

          Best wishes to you all.
          Andy R:


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            In terms of drinking, Baclofen has been a "magic bullet" for me.

            I never achieved indifference but I did achieve the "just say no" button.

            However, life still continues to happen and now I don't have the outlet I used to have.

            It is hard. It is difficult. I have always had that "friend" and today I don't.

            The truth is, I thought that quitting drinking would make my life a cake walk. That is not so. I am going through a difficult personal time right now. It is hard for me because I always used alcohol to get through this kind of thing. Today, I can't and won't.

            Baclofen has helped me achieve sobriety.

            Now, I must learn to handle life.

            Like the rest of the world.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              I know what you mean Cinders.
              Andy R:


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                I hear ya too.....

                I agree Cindi, the bac, for me (or combination of things finally "gelling"!?) makes it easier to deal w/ the "high" highs and the "low" lows.......don't know if that makes sense or not, but life in geneal is easier to deal with now.........

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  They'll stone you when you're drivin in your car...
                  They'll stone you when you're playin your guitar...
                  But I would not feel so all alone
                  Everybody must get stoned


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    I've gone up to 60 mg now--first night abs last night--had no problem at all--went to a meeting that I completely would have avoided or had a few before and after any other time. Definitely lightheaded a lot, some headaches, but sleeping like a ROCK. Haven't slept like this in years--I wish it would stay forever but have the feeling that side effect will wane. Looking forward to another sober night tonight--should be easy with an open school night that doesn't end till the liquor store closes! A bit concerned about Friday as hubby comes home from Europe after 10 days--he's not abstaining at all and I'm hoping to have a few with him, just a few less than usual. Not sure if I should titrate down or not. Any suggestons?


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      Back up

                      I am going back up to my indifference level,,,,,,,,w/ all the crap at work w/ my hours/benefits. I am drinking again...........nothing like I used to, by I'd rather up my dose and not take the risk of spiralling out of control, hopefully this helps!?!

                      This whole economy thing has me scared TO DEATH!!!!!!

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        Me too, Cowgal. That's why I keep going up. I don't have anyone here to help me keep from drinking, and I'm scared to death about the economy, and anti-anxiety pills don't help. I'd rather be fuzzy and falling down sleepy and congested and anything else if it'll help me not want to drink - because otherwise, I WILL.


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          Wow, I've been away for a few days, and it seems a bit has happened.

                          But I'm happy to see that the general trend is positive. I can relate to most everything everyone has said.

                          Quick update on me: I am still pretty much where I was shortly after I started Bac. My AL consumption has dropped by about 20-30% -- without much effort. My anxiety went from high-level to almost non-existent overnight and has remained so. My horrible, life-long insomnia is also pretty much gone. Yep. Anxiety and insomnia gone.

                          As if that were not enough.

                          But it's not.

                          So on to tackling AL.

                          Here I go.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            I'm at 160mg.. 50mg @ 1pm 50mg @ 5pm and 60mg @ 8:30pm

                            quite dizzy, hands twitchy.. craving around 9pm a 1.5 on a scale of 1-10. feels pretty darn close to a switch but I'll have to see how I feel in the coming days.


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              I also had issues of dizziness, but would much rather that than the alternative.

                              Sounds like a good trip PF! You are doing fantabulous! If the 9pm cravings get crazy, just pop another 10 or 20mgs and it should help you out.
                              AF July 6 2014


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                My problems:

                                1) I cannot take more than 10mg at a time (separated by 2 hours)... or else I get really dizzy ditzy, feel like I am in a fog ... also if I take more than 70-80mg/day.

                                2) I go into manic mode at higher levels, even at very slow titrations (it seems there is a fine line between sleeping like a baby and pacing the walls like a maniac)... every time I push the Bac up a notch, I end up so wired I have to drink to bring myself down.

                                3) When I abstain, the physical cravings are not so very strong, but the habit is so ingrained that resisting is still very difficult.

                                As a result, I'm feeling rather down on myself... it's obviously me, and not the Bac, that isn't doing its job. No excuses, right?
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

