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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    hey all, i agree with cindis point as well, but i am hoping the baclofen will get me to a point where i can drink maybe twice a week, and not nearly as much as now when i do drink..i dont want to be an everyday drinker anymore. drinking as a normal drinker would be a miracle that im unsure will happen.. we'll jst have to see. hopefully the baflocen will make us less and less interested in drinking and possibly get to that point. i believe dr. amnesian did get to that point. but he may have been an exception.

    louise so you are 50mg and have only had one glass of wine? that is amazing. that would be my goal as moderating, to just have some when im out with friends but nothing like do now, and then maybe a glass or two with dinner.. not everyday though. so was it easy to stop after that one glass? or did you struggle saying no no no i must stop?

    zman, why are you planning on stopping at 60? that dose doesnt usually work for most on here?


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      It was easy to stop at one. But I was at a very nice restaurant enjoying the food (and where wine by the glass is expensive) and there was no bottle on the table as my husband only ordered one glass as well. My husband has been helpful by not having wine with dinner so there is no open wine in the house.


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        thats good. my bf drinks alot pretty much nightly to, so he isnt a help. we dont see eachother daily anymore though as the relationship is crumbling.


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


          Im not planning on stopping at 60. That is just the next titration level im going to go up to. After that 80, then 100 and so on.


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            I do understand Cindi's concern, but I agree with bernard. Not only did Dr. Amiesen himself drink while titrating up on Bac, but just about everyone on this forum has done so, or is doing so, without a single report of a problem. Another thing: I think that at low doses, the Bac combined with alcohol is not dangerous, and as the doses get higher, just about everyone seems to reduce their drinking, meaning high doses of Bac and a large amount of alcohol are not being combined.

            In addition, it seems that many people either can't afford to go to a doctor who would prescribe this, or their doctors won't prescribe it for this purpose, or they don't want the alcohol problem to go on their "record" for insurance or other reasons.

            I am only on my third day (3x5mg per day) and I already feel some effect-- a little less obsession with alcohol (at this early stage, this may be a placebo effect, of course). Still I was determined to reduce my drinking, and I managed to do that last night (the second night on Bac) with no problem. Now, we are talking about going down from 8 drinks to 6-- so not exactly abstinent (or even moderate)! I plan now to go down one drink per day as I titrate very slowly up. Since my goal is abstinence rather than moderation (let's face it, I am not able to be a normal drinker, Bac or not), I hope to achieve this even before the "switch" goes off.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              It really heartens me to hear of the progress so many are making. I want to be one of the many that succeed at beating this beast. The more the better, I say.

              My earlier comments were purely out of concern. I know that when I went up to 160 mg / day, I was toasted in terms of sleep and dreams and tiredness, I would be afraid what would have happened to me if I had been drinking at the same time. Although, I did go up rather quickly -- obviously too quickly -- and believe if I stay where I am for a while, I could probably go up again and wait a while.

              Meanwhile, I am being af, and that is amazing for me. I am doing it almost pain free, i.e. I do have those thoughts, I am not indifferent, but I can control my feelings and get past those minor craves.

              Thanks to all who are posting here. I want us all to win this war.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Cinders;664970 wrote: It really heartens me to hear of the progress so many are making. I want to be one of the many that succeed at beating this beast. The more the better, I say.

                My earlier comments were purely out of concern. I know that when I went up to 160 mg / day, I was toasted in terms of sleep and dreams and tiredness, I would be afraid what would have happened to me if I had been drinking at the same time. Although, I did go up rather quickly -- obviously too quickly -- and believe if I stay where I am for a while, I could probably go up again and wait a while.

                Meanwhile, I am being af, and that is amazing for me. I am doing it almost pain free, i.e. I do have those thoughts, I am not indifferent, but I can control my feelings and get past those minor craves.

                Thanks to all who are posting here. I want us all to win this war.

                I WANT you all to win this war and I also want you to realize that you are not just doing this for yourselves but for the countless generations to come .you all should be so very proud of yourself. I SURE AM !!!
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Yay! By the way, I ve woke up from scary creepy can't remember dreams throughout the night. I'm only on 40mg but I'm very sensitive to meds. I'm one of the few on here w nausea. Whatever about the dreams though. Hopefully when I get used to the meds they won't happen again-very creepy! I remember wakin up at like 4am and thinkin, I wanna write this dream on mwo! But to tired to get up.hehe


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    My sleep has been crazy!! Last night (and I had not been drinking) I got up to use the restroom and I could not figure out how to use to toliet! I'm not sure if I was sleep walking or not....


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      I would only share with you guys about my "Toilet malfunction"!

                      Zen, I have not noticed numbness in my legs but I have noticed a little bit of shooting pain in my shins after I take my dose. I find that odd since it is supposed to relax that area.


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        Zenny, you write "I can only speak from my little bender on the Bac and that wasn't good for me at all."

                        For the good of humanity, please tell us what were your symptoms? It will help us immensely since otherwise all we hear is the steady drumbeat of bac-is-our-salvation. Others may have experienced the same thing, supporting the connection between your symptoms and bac, or the opposite which would suggest a coincidence.


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          Zenstyle;665166 wrote: I guess this is the difference between being under a physician's care and doing it solo... We need a Doctor in the house!
                          I know a lot of people would agree with this statement, but in my experience, the only thing most doctors can offer patients with alcohol problems is either their pre-conceived notions based on limited and biased training in medical school, or, in the most rare cases, a true interest in and experience with patients with addictions. I believe Cindi is fortunate enough to have such a doctor (with interest and experience), but most of us are not so fortunate (and many of us, including myself, have tried to find such a doctor for years).

                          So, this tirade is not aimed at Zennie in the least, but just at the idea that a physician's care would always be better than our own well-researched conclusions and our own interest in our well-being.

                          Yes, we could sure use a doctor in the house-- but there are not many doctors who fit the bill.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            im guessing what happened to zennie is in the begining when the baclofen wasnt working as much she went on a bender and bac tends to make you more drunk? it seemed to do that for me, makes me more effected. not as much as i up the dose it seems, so i hope it starts to work with that too. but not sure. only on 45mg a day..


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              beatle;665209 wrote: there are not many doctors who fit the bill.
                              Except Bill of course - we need him back! But we will just muddle along.

                              Bernard, when I was first starting baclofen and did drink, my hangover was the same as usual.

                              I'm so pleased to hear everyone making progress. I'm still doing well, and keep forgetting to take my baclofen because of it! So I'm still at 40-50mg. I'm heading off on vacation and will be at parties and dinners out so I will be around a lot of temptation for the next 10 days. We'll see if I really have a low switch dose or have just not been challenged. Not sure how often I'll be able to check in, but I'll be thinking og you all.


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                For those that are interested here is the actual article the good doc Olivier posted in the American Journal for Alcohol and Alcoholism ( FULL PDF DOWNLOAD)I found it very informative being one that hasnt read the book( however i have ordered it ....the book that is). I too wish Bill P would post soon but I understand he is busy. The article link is below the great thing about it is..... that it gives links to other articles for us online research junkies of which I am one !!! Go well


                                OLIVE take care all

