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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    don't care

    I for one, don't really care about baclofen or staying AF right me extremely sensitive, but caring and just f'd off in way too many ways lately to really care..............wishing you all luck, i really DO care, but right now dealing w/ divorce attorneys etc,:upset::upset: ........................will check in later you all dearly, just an extremely emotional hurtful day......................xoxoxoxo love to you all:h:l:h

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      Shitty day

      Hate to use that start, you all know that is not theI am very spiritual, so it is very important to me that you 'otey' that I am OK. Ha!! Now, that is precisely why I love you. And I do. You might have the best face ever, the most gorgeous*lips ever, a tremendous pair of*breasts and a pussy I*just want to dive into, but the thing I love the*most is that you are more than just a bit ditzy, as you seem to call it. I absolutely love that. Ditzy totally does it for me!! Big time!! And blonde and ditzy, with that gorgeous mouth. WOW!!
      Just so you know.
      * usual me!!!!?? But been one of those venting necessary days?! If you know what I mean....... Lawyer blew me off,I sure it was due travel delays etc.,
      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        just to clarfy

        I have had a HORRIBLE day, lawyer blew me off, friends seem to just not be there and ex husband is being a total ASS......................just no support anywhere, so that is why I had a negative post, usually unlike you all, thanks for always being there for me,:thanks:

        just needed to vent, usually do that on the 30 days or the ass in gear threads on the general discussion, which is more for this kind of will all be good, no worries.........................lots of love, MA xoxoxoxo:l:l:h
        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          I don't come on here very often. Just wanted to tell cowgal that I'm doing ok.

          Still locked in my father's hell, but I'm AF.

          My salvation has been someone else. We all know who I mean, but I would not embarrass him.

          Just wanted you to know. Baclofen working for me. Kind of.



            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            I think that what we aredoing is important.

            Today, for the very first time, I have e-mailed Olivier Ameisen through his web site saying exactly who I am. Let's see what happens. Because, my friends, we are finally getting somewhere.

            Pip xx


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


              I am happy Dimitri that bac seems to be helping can (and I hate to sound like a promotional person, but there are a few of us there, and it is full of promising info from Dr. Phill.............) go to my eyes are a little tired and cloudy...............

              Anyway, pm me any time, and best of luck, we all are always here for you!!!!

              lots of luck and best to you..................:l:l:l:l

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Just found out that you can't even enter your name or e-mail address on Dr Ameisen's site, No wonder that none of you ever get a reply. I have left a message. Let's see if he replies to me. I truly hope he does respond to me, at least. I made it very clear who I was. We need him. Our group will be so much better for him.

                Pip xx


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  This is what I e-mailed to Olivier Ameisen, just so there are no misunderstandings.

                  "None of us know if you ever get or read these messages. I know that nobody ever seems to get a reply.

                  I'm Phillip Thomas - Dr Phill from

                  We really should talk and involve you in the great things we're doing.

                  Please e-mail me at

                  I really hope that I hear from you, Dr Ameisen. You would be such abig asset to what we are doing.


                  Dr Phillip Thomas MB ChB LLB(hons) FRCS"

                  We'll see.


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    Will be very interesting to see if he replies. I hope so too.
                    Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                    :h ya


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      I have just put in another order - this time from Inhouse Pharmacy and I have ordered the generic "Pacifen" that a lot of you talk about here.

                      At the moment, I have just begun Bacmax - the lowest dose, still on my first 5 days. My cravings are still with me, so I will have to dose up or whats the name for that??? Although I have been zombie like, so figure that something is going on.

                      My question for anyone who may know: What happens if I have one of the "diluted" baclofen that is out there, and suddenly take something that is stronger?

                      Anyone had an experience like this??
                      Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                      :h ya


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        I have been titrating up for 6 or 7 weeks. I was going up 10 mg every three days and then got full blown severe somnolance when I went from 120 mg to 130 mg. I could barely function. I went back down to 100 mg a day and now am going up just 5 mg every four or five days and am only up to 110 now. I have cravings but I have been able to control drinking as of Monday night. Before Monday I had been drinking to excess every night. I have had about a half of glass of wine with my wife each evening, then nothing more. It is first time in years that I have not passed out and then gone to bed. I actually have been absolutely sober at bedtime. So, improvement, but not there yet. I still crave alcohol.

                        My advice is to go slowly. It took me a long time to get where I was with alcohol, so I figure if it takes me a few months to get to the point where I am indifferent to alcohol, then so be it. I am going to just take it easy and titrate up slowly. I can't afford to be too somnolent because I have to work, drive, etc. I just plan on going up when I feel I can handle the degree of somnolence I am having at that time. I have to resist the temptation to increase my doses too rapidly.

                        My current schedule is 25 mg at 7 AM, 25 mg at 11 AM, 30 mg at 3 PM, and 30 mg at 7 PM. In four days I will go to 30 mg at 11, and then in four more days, I will go to 30 mg at 7 AM, as long as I am not too somnolent. I then will go to 35 mg at 7, increase my 3 PM dose, then my 11AM dose, then my 7 AM and just keep titrating up like that. At least that is my plan.

                        I think patience for me is going to be the key. I am not sure there is a difference in potency of the different brands. Dr. Phill is looking at that on his website, I use Pacifen from In House Pharmacy. Theoretically, they should all be the same potency. If they are not, I think if you use one brand and stick with it, you should be okay. Anyway, check out Dr. Phill's website.

                        Just my opinion.



                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          Thanx NC,

                          I guess its different for everyone, and just have to experiment. Your post sent a big message though, have patience. This is something I hadnt even thought of. I just want the stuff to work. I will heed your warnings.

                          I suffered from fatigue before taking the Baclofen and I dont know if its mind over matter, but the first couple of days, like you, I couldnt keep my eyes open. Although it felt different to my usual fatigue if thats possible.

                          I have a Christmas party tonight, and I guess Im just stressing about that. Last one I went to, I wiped myself out the night before so I was hungover the day of the party. There was method in my madness and didnt really drink that much at the party due to the hangover. This time I avoided the wipeout the night before, and will just have to wait and see how I behave. I get very anxious around people I dont know well, hence lets drink til we cant see or walk straight.

                          Anyway... thankx again NC, oh yeah and Im a regular at Dr Phills site. Cowgal was the one who had a bad batch with Baclofen and thats the reason I asked about the "watered down Baclofen". I think its pretty rare to get a bad batch though, its all good with her now.
                          Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                          :h ya


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                            I woke up from a very atrange dream, came here to my fav site..........see my favs...............I wouldn't hold our breath waiting for Dr. Ameisen's reply, although I have seen that he DID reply to someone on one of these threads...............

                            My main point for stopping by WAS, the old brand(finally positing cuz I finally remembered while out w/ a gf last night(love this NEW LIFE!!!!) so the old manufacturer was Walden.............not horrible, w/ horrible side effects etc.............don't want to give anyone a bad wrap....................

                            good to see you all, now off to the "other site" to remember while I am awake enough.............:H:H


                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Problem with server

                              Hi everyone

                              There is a problem with the server for my web site. They assure me that it will be sorted very soon.

                              So, I'm sorry, but it is out of my hands.



                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                I've taken several different types of Baclofen now, first Lioresal, then UK generic, now AWD generic, and they do indeed seem to act in slightly different ways. Presumably they are all the same chemically, so I can only guess that there is some difference in the crystal size that effects the rate of absorbtion?

