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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    good point

    spectra, that is a good point, yeah Trix.............somnolence can be frustrating, so can the wired feeling I used to get, but was sort of helpful when it came to cleaning my house...................:H:H:H

    Dr. Phill, hopefully you get your site all cleaned up and going soon....................


    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      What a relief!!!

      Just to let you, the server has sorted out their problems, and the site is up and running again. Phew!!! The problem wasn't the site, it was the same for everybody on that server. 600,000 of us!!

      Thanks to Ivan for contacting me this morning. You raise some very interesting points about stopping Baclofen acutely, and the potential implications of taking high dose Baclofen long term. I hope I answered them for you, and that the web site helped.

      I told him that there wasn't a great deal of information out there about long term (ie indefinite, maybe lifelong) high dose Baclofen, but there was no evidence that it should be a problem.

      As for stopping acutely, I pointed him to the web site.

      Take care, everyone.

      Pip xx


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Although I’ve been a longtime reader to this site (or a more fitting word might be student), I haven’t posted very much at all. I think I should start doing so for a while.
        I’ve been addicted to AL for 25 years, with just a blissful five years of sobriety tucked in there about 6 years ago. The stakes have been raised lately. I notice I’m starting to get the shakes in my hands, especially in the morning. This is very frightening to me, and I’m terrified people at work will notice. I’ve avoided coffee breaks with coworkers and any meetings where I have to demonstrate anything using the keyboard. It’s pathetic.
        To be AF is my long-term dream. I tried the Topamax. It simply didn’t work for me and the SE were terrible. I tried Naltrexone, and had fairly good success once I began taking it correctly. A doctor had previously prescribed it to me and gave me usage instructions that were in complete contradiction to Sinclair Method. I had to undo the effects of that, then achieved moderate success using it as people here recommended. I just seemed to plateau for the longest time. Then River Pharmacy completely screwed up on my order (of course blaming it on customs, but who knows.). So I stumbled on my progress there.
        I discovered this thread and it gave me hope again. This time I’ve decided to do it right. I ordered a huge amount of Baclofen from Gold Pharma, which arrived two days ago after a very reasonable wait time. I know a few of you might think this is silly, but I wrote a contract with myself. Just a brief Word document that I open each morning, read, update some numbers, and re-sign. It just lists all the things I have to be grateful for (family, job, my health, considering!), and what medication and supplements I have to take during the course of the day. I find it’s a good way for me to keep the numbers straight and re-commit to the game plan. This plan includes a safe Baclofen titration schedule, Campral 3 times a day, a good dose of supplements, and some exercise. What it doesn’t include is a vow not to drink, because I don’t want to set myself up to fail this time. But I did promise to take 25mg of Naltrexone an hour before I take a drink.
        The first day went fine on the 15 mg of Baclofen. A few waves of feeling tired, but I was in training for 7 hours at work, so who wouldn’t be! Yesterday I drank about half as much as I normally would. I was really pleased with that, but attribute it to the Nal. What I was also happy about, was that I was able to delay my first drink quite comfortably until 8 pm. That’s never happened before. Can Baclofen be kicking in at such a low dose? Today I will up the dosage to 10 mg now, 10 mg at noon, and 10 mg at 4 pm. Fingers crossed.
        I just wanted to say that I think the people who contribute here are amazing and a real lifeline to us all (and I’m sure there are thousands like me who are content just to read most of the time). It’s not just that you give us hope. I’ve finally internalized that the small setbacks are not the make it or break it monsters that I’ve always set them up to be. Every attempt at sobriety was an all or nothing. I now finally get that setbacks are part of the process. The road is going to be different for each of us, and the setbacks are just there to teach us which is the right one for us. We just have to keep trying. Why aren’t doctors taught this in medical school!? Anyway, just a sincere thanks to all.


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


          Great to see you here:welcome: w/ open arms from all if us(like a big helpful family!)

          Internalizing and beating yourself is no good, been there, done that, got the tshirt!!

          Come here & get it out gal, that is what we are here for

          I too tride topa, nal, campral. With NO help, best of luck w/ bac, it has done wonders for me!!!
          Btw, go to dr. Phill's site, a load of help & support, good luck & keep us posted please!!


          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            Well done, Henrietta!!

            Thank you so much for joining in here. By doing that, you have taken a huge step towards success.

            Your Baclofen dose is very low, but if that is what works for you, then that's brilliant. Don't beat yourself up if it isn't perfect. As NC so rightly pointed out, it's all about patience. Gentle, peaceful patience. It has taken us all years to get into this state. It's not remotely surprising that it takes time to reverse the process.

            Your contract with yourself is a totally excellent idea (I would say that wouldn't I, given that I'm a lawyer as well as a surgeon!!). And it is right that you have not got a clause demanding total sobriety.

            Never ever beat yourself up over this. It doesn't help. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself down, and crack on with the next day.

            Everyone on MWO is right behind you. Use them. They have a wealth of experience and only have the very best of intentions. And, if I can help you at all, you know where I am.



              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              A Visitor's Story

              Just a quick posting.

              On my site, I ask visitors to share their story with me, and hence all of us. From time to time, I post brief summaries of some of these on the Your Stories page. Today, I was sent Big D's story. It was such a perfectly produced tale, that I decided to post it in its entirety. Big D is not a member of MWO, as far as I know, but he does follow the site. Therefore, I thought that you might be interested to read his story. Here is the link



                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Hey Henrietta, congrats for posting, I read it with interest. Keep going,:goodjob: we will all get there, and yeah the people here are amazing.

                Just knowing that you can ask, tell or vent whatever and someone will read and respond is such comfort. Someone is listening.

                I absolutely know that with out MWO and Dr Phill's site, I would not feel as strong and as hopeful as I do now. I am day 5 on Baclofen and will have to increase my dose (slowly and patiently as NC advised), as I still have the urge to drink, its ok though as I know that i will make it.

                You are amongst friends, and I love your contract idea, thats very powerful - might steal the idea
                Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                :h ya


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Yeah really!

                  I enjoy you being here, Dr. Phill.............................and you Trix.....................and really everyone, big happy(well not always so happy, but we get over it, right!!??) family right!!???

                  I just stopped by as I cannot get back to sleep, but really need tonight, so need as much sleep as I can get......................

                  love all the support and friendship here on this site...............xoxoxo:l:h

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    Cowgal, Dr. Phill, Trixiebelle, thank you all for your replies. You’re a library of experience and I will be here often. Trixiebelle, it sounds like you and I are in the same place right now! Thank you especially Dr. Phill for the wise words and the link. I’m adjusting to Baclofen well so far, but it is good to be reminded of the experiences of those that tirate too fast. 30 mg a day has been a breeze, but I will stay with that dosage at least another 3 days.
                    The only change I’ve noticed is that I feel genuinely calm on Baclofen. I have such a sense of well being, it’s almost euphoric. I’m on the east coast, and I was out yesterday getting everything done before this massive storm we are being hit with right now. Unlike many around me at the post office and shops I felt completely stress-free, even downright jolly.
                    I drank late in the evening, but still only half of what I usually do. It just put me to sleep. I slept well for several hours, then I woke at about 3 or 4 am, but drifted back no problem. It’s probably because I’m not out cold from the drink. That, or my daughter, a college freshman in California, is back home on Christmas break and was just getting to bed. A night owl on Pacific time –hell for us all! But in a lovely way if you know what I mean.


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                      Nothing makes me happier than seeing this family/friends sharing and so suppotive to eachother...... Going for a cold ride on the horses, much needed for my heart!!

                      Love checking in& seeing this, see you all soon.


                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        Hello to the Group


                        I am happy to find this site. I thought I posted a reply, but it did not got through.

                        I had been sober for three years, but new that I could never remain so if I went back to my former life as a businessman who has lived and travelled around the world. I luckily found Dr. A's book (It is curious that he does not respond to emails). My hope is I now have something to protect me from a full relapse that destoyed my career. I am working with a doctor that specializes in addiction in MA. He prescribes in addition to Baclofen such medications Naltraxone and Camprol as well vitamin supplements. He also provides good council and some specializes audio tapes. He does not at this time believe in the full blown Dr. A program rather I guess you would call the Sinclair Method after taking the medications for some time. However he is willing to work with me. He does push the camprol. When I mention MWO, he actually suggested the B4A site, which I will look at soon.

                        I am now at 70mg and holidng. I probably went up too fast to 70MG, but all side effects
                        are now gone. I must admit I have experiemented with alcohol (just beer instead of my former love Scotch). I am amazed at this level with the lack of withdrawal and obsessional thoughts. At the end of my dringing day, I was a hard core nightly drinker with boughts of binges that could last a week. I was out of control. I believe that I will need to go up much higher to get to total lack of desire for alcohol.

                        Sorry for the lenghty post, but I also have some questions:

                        1. I am holding at 70MG, but will increase. Has anyone found they can increase the dose faster at higher levels. I would like to increase 10MG per week;
                        2. I have been on 100MG of zoloft for two years. I hope with Baclofen I can stop taking it. Has anyone experienced coming off an SSRI with Baclofen? I would work with my Dr. on a slow taper;
                        3. Has anyone experienced the total effect at much lower that the 270MG level?
                        4. Inhouse seems to be the best pharmacy. I did a test order and they seem to provide good service and the Pacifen seems to be a quality product. I have read good things about Inhouse on the site. Anyone have any problems?

                        I look forward to reading the posts and your support. I hope more people can be helped with Baclofen. I have mentioned it to many people in recovery and it seems to fall on deaf ears. They seem only to believe in AA or rehab for help.

                        Again sorry if this is too long a post.:thanks:



                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          JimBrook;777291 wrote: :new:

                          Sorry for the lenghty post, but I also have some questions:

                          1. I am holding at 70MG, but will increase. Has anyone found they can increase the dose faster at higher levels. I would like to increase 10MG per week;
                          2. I have been on 100MG of zoloft for two years. I hope with Baclofen I can stop taking it. Has anyone experienced coming off an SSRI with Baclofen? I would work with my Dr. on a slow taper;
                          3. Has anyone experienced the total effect at much lower that the 270MG level?
                          4. Inhouse seems to be the best pharmacy. I did a test order and they seem to provide good service and the Pacifen seems to be a quality product. I have read good things about Inhouse on the site. Anyone have any problems?

                          I look forward to reading the posts and your support. I hope more people can be helped with Baclofen. I have mentioned it to many people in recovery and it seems to fall on deaf ears. They seem only to believe in AA or rehab for help.

                          Again sorry if this is too long a post.:thanks:

                          Hey, Jim

                          Welcome to MWO.

                          There is no such thing as a too short or too long post, so relax

                          As far as your questions are concerned, I can only offer the following from my own experience:

                          1. The speed of your titration is totally up to you. Some say take it slow, some say go faster. You need to listen to listen to your body and be guided by your circumstances. If your side-effects (primarily somnolence) aren't too bad, I'm all in favour of fast titration. I went up by about 10mg per day until my somnolence got bad, and then took it more slowly and added 10mg every third day. Some would say that's too fast, but I was desperate at the time.
                          2. SSRIs and baclofen are totally unrelated (with maybe the exception of both helping with anxiety). Their chemistry and working bear no relation to each other. Be very careful, and only taper off your SSRI under medical supervision if you're totally sure your depression is under control and only a result of your drinking.
                          3. The switch or state of indifference to alcohol is different for every one of us. Mine happened to be at the upper end of the scale, but many have experienced it at a very low dose (lucky feckers). You need to work out what your potential upper limit is, and just prepare yourself to go on the journey.
                          4. Inhouse's service is good. I also use them. Even with FedEx door-to-door delivery (extra US$40) their price is comparable to that of sites like 4RX. The BacMax (10mg) and Liofen (25mg) from 4RX worked better for me than Pacifen. When I switched to Pacifen, I had to up my dose by about 40mg per day to get a comparable effect.

                          The best of luck to you, and hang in there!
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            welcome and hello!!

                            I welcome you, :welcome::welcome:Jimbrook, you will enjoy reading and posting and getting feedback here...............Tip has great advice....................

                            great job so far, :goodjob:want to hear more about your progress!! Thanks for sharing..........:thanks:

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              And just in case people forget, have a look at Zennie's thread:

                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Yes, I went up faster at higher doses. I increase by 10mg every third day. I am at 170 now for the past 3 days and I do not need to go higher - I HIT MY SWITCH everybody!! I am there! I officially have NO DESIRE to drink. I am beyond amazed. I feel like the monkey s finally off my back and I can work on myself and why I felt the need to drink to ease my pain.

                                I feel like I could have one glass of wine and stop. I don't even really even want a glass of wine. This is like a miracle to me. I almost stopped because of the side effects - for those of you still titrating up - stick with it!! It really does get better and after 35 years of obsessing over alcohol, I feel I finally now have a chance. I am so grateful I could fall to my knees.

                                Sorry to gush. I just never believed I could be where I am now. Thanks everyone for giving me hope and thanks to baclofen for giving me the rest of my life in control of this damned monkey.

                                Love and hugs to all.

                                Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                                That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                                Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                                Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart

