hey all, i agree with cindis point as well, but i am hoping the baclofen will get me to a point where i can drink maybe twice a week, and not nearly as much as now when i do drink..i dont want to be an everyday drinker anymore. drinking as a normal drinker would be a miracle that im unsure will happen.. we'll jst have to see. hopefully the baflocen will make us less and less interested in drinking and possibly get to that point. i believe dr. amnesian did get to that point. but he may have been an exception.
louise so you are 50mg and have only had one glass of wine? that is amazing. that would be my goal as moderating, to just have some when im out with friends but nothing like do now, and then maybe a glass or two with dinner.. not everyday though. so was it easy to stop after that one glass? or did you struggle saying no no no i must stop?
zman, why are you planning on stopping at 60? that dose doesnt usually work for most on here?