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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Hehe thanks Zenny. Dubai is actually swimming in booze. There are bars everywhere where anyone can drink. The only problem is if, like me, you like drinking at home. Then, if you are deemed a muslim, it is not possible unless you get a boot-legger. Youre deemed a muslim if you are from a muslim country and have a muslim name. Im from Pakistan so I fall into that category. My wife has a US passport, but married women are not allowed to get liquor licenses here.

    Anyway, I am definitely feeling something at the 75mg level. Tying not to get my hopes too high, but am optimistic.

    The optimism/hope is kind of crazy. Like I find myself daydreaming about what an alcohol-free life would be like. My wife has been through a lot due to my drinking, and I just want so bad to reward her for sticking with me through it all - by being AF. I cant wait.


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      LOL. Thanks for the tip Zen. She is very understanding, but I cant expect her to be understanding for the rest of her life (or the rest of my life at least). Hopefully, I wont be in the dog house much longer!


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Hi all. I am confused by the meds. According to The MWO book, I thought topomax was what everyone was taking. Is Bac for the same thing? Can you try to moderate on Bac. It sounds like some are still drinking. I have 19 days AF but I would love to find a way to be able to have a glass or two of wine in social situations. We have a lot of drinking friends and AF I definitely have to white knuckle it -- and often for HOURS! If you don't want to go through your doctor, where do you get it?


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          Zenstyle;673622 wrote: Thanks for all the info Billy. Do you know if Adrafinil makes one feel the same way as if they took Adderal, for example?
          I haven't taken Adrafinil, but I have taken Modafinil (which is pretty much identical aside from onset times). But no, Modafinil and Adderal are quite different. I've only taken Adderal a couple times, and it made me really racy, elevated heartbeat, etc. I am not much one for speedy things - I find it really uncomfortable.

          Modafinil definitely has a stimulating effect in that it makes me feel awake and alert, but it doesn't make me feel speedy and uncomfortable like Adderal does. It's much nicer to me.


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


            Topa and Bac are not the same thing. I dont know much about Topa but most peeps here are on Bac, and many are reporting amazing results.

            Lots of peeps, including me, would love to suddenly transform into a "normal" drinker - someone who can have a few drinks and not feel the need to get blacked out. I dont know if Bac helps with that. Dr. Amiesen says that he can, and Zenstyle says she is going to try to have a few drinks this week and see how it goes.

            But that being said, people generally recommend a period of 30 days or so of abstinence before they try to mod. Thats what im going to try to do. AL has had awful (though not totally disastrous) effects on my life, but due to my social metwork, not drinking at all seems crazy. Hopefully, Bac will help me get sober and then mod.

            Most people here say that is a reliable source for the Bac. I dont use it (no affiliations ! hehe). But thats what most people recommend.


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              prancy;673780 wrote: Hi all. I am confused by the meds. According to The MWO book, I thought topomax was what everyone was taking. Is Bac for the same thing? Can you try to moderate on Bac. It sounds like some are still drinking. I have 19 days AF but I would love to find a way to be able to have a glass or two of wine in social situations. We have a lot of drinking friends and AF I definitely have to white knuckle it -- and often for HOURS! If you don't want to go through your doctor, where do you get it?
              Prancy, I've ordered from three online pharmacies without a prescription, and have received bac from all three now (got my shipment from the third just a short while ago today). This thread has info about the stores, and people's comments about their experiences.
              Click here for info about ordering baclofen online.


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                Just a word of caution, from wikipedia, I found the following for modafinil:

                Because of its effect on dopamine in the brain's reward center it has abuse potential similar to cocaine and amphetamine.
                Click here for info about ordering baclofen online.


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                  Also from Wiki, it can damage your liver. Not something people like us can afford...


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    Thanks Zman. I plan on at least 30 days AF before trying anything. For one thing, I am already on Day 20 (thought it was 19 but even better to be on 20) and I don't have the drugs yet or the hypnotherapy tapes yet either. I have been using the other supplements and am not really experiencing any cravings. Like you, because of my social situation, not drinking at all is hard. But we are going out to dinner tomorrow with another couple and I don't plan on having an AL. I just would like the option when we are at an event. I have never been good with AL and although I have not "lost" anything, it has certainly caused me to do some incredible stupid things! So I will be eagerly following for more on how it is working for people. These threads are very helpful! It worries me that it might cause liver damage. I am not sure how much more my liver can take!


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                      I read about milk thistle but what i read said its effects on healing the liver were inconclusive. I dont thnk my liver is damaged as i just had an LFT done and everything came back normal, except for the GGTP which was 3 times higher than normal. But the doc said that the elevation in GGTP by itself was not anything to worry about (wish BillP could weigh in on that but I i know he is busy with his wife coming back and all).

                      My question i guess, is, did milk thistle actually have physiologically recorded benefits for you? Did your LFTs improve after you started taking it? And should i start taking it even though my LFTs are normal? I know youre not a doctor, but let me know what you thnk.

                      Also, i just want to post that, as i said earlier, I ordered two bottles of wine tonite. Usually, i would have downed both bottles within 2 hours (tops) and passed out. It took me 4 hours to drink just a little more than a bottle. Im not drunk right now, and the remaining wine is put away in the kitchen cabinet. That is UNPRECEDENTED!!!

                      Something is definitely happening!!! I am over the moon....but still to early for me to let myself believe that this is it, im cured, or will be soon. I guess "cautiously optimistic" is the best way to describe how I feel right now.


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                        That's great. I also have reduced significantly since I started (just my fourth day now), and without any significant effort. I'd be drinking right now if it weren't for the bac.
                        Click here for info about ordering baclofen online.


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          Zman, I needed a clear bill of health for a particular allergy trial. I had liver functions done secretly and my results were not good. I then took milk thistle and lots of vitamin B and repeated my tests a month later. There was only one slightly raised enzyme. They still accepted me for the allergy trial as they said it was often raised in the case of allergies.

                          During this period, I did cut down my drinking, but still had a couple of bad oopses. I had a particularly bad one before the test. I do think that it would be important to take it with a good, plant based vitamin B. It would also be essential to know that you would be getting your Milk Thistle from a reputable source.


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            I haven't posted much lately about my progress.

                            This is a good thing. My progress has stabilized.

                            I am still AF.

                            I am at 120 mg/day and I have little -- if any -- side effects from the Baclofen.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Thats very cool Cinders. How are the cravings, are they totally gone? If not, are you going to titrate up more?


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                                I don't have any cravings at all. Occasional thoughts that pop up but not the cravings.

                                Alcohol was a huge part of my life. I drank when I got home, I drank when I was happy, I drank when I was nervous, I drank when I was sad.

                                I fully expect those thoughts.

                                I don't have to act on them at all and more importantly, I smile because of that.

                                I am happy at 120 mg/day.

                                AF April 9, 2016

