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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    I'm probably in too much of a hurry, but the bac is doing nothing for me. Up to 120mg today. Nothing. No side-effects, still modding.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      Your ascent rate is about 10 mg/day/day. Not med. advice, but I'd maintain that ascent rate and be ready to level out and-or cut the alcohol. Max. is 300 mg/day which you'd get to in less than 3 weeks, but you'll surely get an effect before that.


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        How long are each of you going to stay on bac?


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


          I guess I spoke to soon...


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            OK, I'm on board. I have read all the Bac threads here and I am going to join you. I have the bac and I have taken 20 mg for the past two days. Today is the third. I am still drinking as normal (a fifth every night) and the hangovers are killing me on Bac. I was supposed to get up for work at 7:30 this morning and I couldn't get my head off the pillow until 1:30 pm. I'll lose my job at this rate. I can't help but be optimistic reading about the success you folks have had, but I have to cut back on the booze before titrating up the Bac.

            I do more lurking than posting, but one thing is for sure- if this works (after SO many failures) I will have this forum and those of you who have posted your stories to thank.


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


              I heartily suggest you titrate down off the booze as you go up with the bac.

              In my mind there is no question there.

              Just be careful, although Baclofen has been used as a withdrawal med, too. Interestingly enough.

              Good luck with the Baclofen. If you get from it what I have, you will be thrilled.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                What are you vital stats? Height and weight? (You can give more than that if you want.. :H:H)

                Just curious. If you are a large man, you may need more than most.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Hi everyone, I'm back from vacation, which was wonderful. It is so good to see people like Shelby and Cindi doing so well! And it is great to see a bunch of new people checking in. I haven't had time to check any of the other threads to see waht is happening, but came here first. I have now been on baclofen for almost 5 weeks. However, the last 2 while on vacation I have just been in maintenance mode and have not titrated up (in fact forgot to take it a lot of times so am down to 40mg). I need to start titrating up again - I am definitely not at my switch and drank almost daily on vacation, but only over did it one night so it wasn'ttoo bad. Trying for another long AF stint.


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    Just wondering, I am not even close to AF -- how long does it take?

                    Cindi suggests strongly that anyone doing the Bac titration should stop drinking. To me this is not a fair proposition, or even a remote possibility, at least at this stage. I'd love to "just do it". But that is the one thing I've been trying to do the past few years. If I could just stop drinking, I would. I can't. That's why I am doing the Bac.

                    Any suggestions for how, and how quickly, one can reduce and eliminate the drinking are welcome.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      Beatle, do you usaully have physical withdrawels? It does seem that it takes a little longer if that is the case. Just keep going. Don't give up.


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        Yes, I have had physical withdrawals many times (including a seizure the first time I decided to quit -- cold turkey) but after much research and much experience, I have learned how to reduce them to an uncomfortable but bearable level.

                        I won't give up. Although I feel this is my last chance, Dr. Ameisen and Cindi, especially, have given me hope. (and you too, of course!)
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          Your Thoughts Please and some Questions


                          I am new here and am very happy to have found this forum. I recently read Dr. Ameisen's book and immediately thought baclofen could help me. I ordered it and began taking it very gradually. I tend to be highly sensitive to medication so I increase my dose by 5 mg, take that dose for three days, then increase again. I am now at 45 mg per day. I am feeling some somnolence, but otherwise no major adverse efects, save some anxiety (see below).

                          I am in the process of weening off Effexor, an antidepressant I have been taking for 18 months. I am feeling unusual levels of anxiety. I don't believe the baclofen is at cause, but rather my progressive Effexor reduction. Still, the anxiety is uncomfortable and has, in my life, been a major reason for my excessive alcohol consumption (I am 42 years old).

                          Any thoughts?

                          Also, I have a few questions:

                          1) I am taking baclofen four times per day - morning, lunch, dinner and before bed. Is it recommended to take it three times a day instead?

                          2) What does AF mean?

                          Thanks very much. Reading these posts has provided me with much encouragement.

                          - emvee


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            emvee;677663 wrote: Hello,

                            I am new here and am very happy to have found this forum. I recently read Dr. Ameisen's book and immediately thought baclofen could help me. I ordered it and began taking it very gradually. I tend to be highly sensitive to medication so I increase my dose by 5 mg, take that dose for three days, then increase again. I am now at 45 mg per day. I am feeling some somnolence, but otherwise no major adverse efects, save some anxiety (see below).

                            I am in the process of weening off Effexor, an antidepressant I have been taking for 18 months. I am feeling unusual levels of anxiety. I don't believe the baclofen is at cause, but rather my progressive Effexor reduction. Still, the anxiety is uncomfortable and has, in my life, been a major reason for my excessive alcohol consumption (I am 42 years old).

                            Any thoughts?

                            Also, I have a few questions:

                            1) I am taking baclofen four times per day - morning, lunch, dinner and before bed. Is it recommended to take it three times a day instead?

                            2) What does AF mean?

                            Thanks very much. Reading these posts has provided me with much encouragement.

                            - emvee

                            I don't know about how many times per day you should take it, but I'm guessing 3 or 4 times is fine. Maybe spreading it out over 4 times is better (more constant), but it might be harder to do.

                            AF means Alcohol Free.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Welcome Emvee,

                              AF means alcohol free.

                              Some people take it 3 times a day and some people take it 4 times. But, and this is just my opinion, I dont think its very useful to take it just before bed. My reasoning for this is that, because Bac goes through your system pretty quickly, the dose youre taking just before bed isnt really doing much to help you.

                              This brings me to another theory I have:

                              I dont think the important thing is how much you are taking a day, but rather, how much you are taking per dose. As Bac doesnt stay in your system for very long, the trick is to take doses throughout the day so that you have an even amount in you. Hence my advice that there is little point in taking it just before bed (assuming you arent craving alc while youre asleep hehe).


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Beatle, what is your current dosage? I didnt start feeling anything until 75mg, and even then, after like 4 days on that dose.

                                There are a few people who say that Bac kicks in faster if you dont drink, but I, like you, have always thought this is a bit of a catch-22 (i.e. if we could not drink, whats the need for Bac hehe).

                                I have been drinking on bac. In fact, for the first couple of weeks I was drinking more than usual. I am definitely not at my switch-off point yet, but at 75mg, the cravings have become less severe.

                                I think if you need to drink then drink. Just keep titrating up, until you think youre at a point that you can try a short stint of AF. Ive been AF now for 4 days, and it hasnt been that difficult. But at this point, I dont think I have the will-power (or the Bac-power hehe) to not drink at least one day of the weekend.

