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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


    :new: I posted my first post elsewhere, then found this thread which seems like it might be the right one for me so I have copied & pasted my first post here.......

    Ive been on Baclofen for just over a week. I had to talk my Psych into prescribing it for me. I also gave him the book. At present I am taking 30mg a day (10 x 3) and finding the side effects debilitating. I hope they improve as I dont want the only reason that Im not drinking being that I feel to sick! Am interested in other people's experiences of side affects (dizzyness, nausea, insomnia mixed with heavy sweaty sleep & weird dreams).


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


      So what was the general tone on the french forums? Were people reporting successes as consistently as on here? Were there failures reported?


      I am going up to 105 tomorrow. But the reason I am not titrating faster is because of the comments I have read that the slower you titrate, the lower your off switch is. Thus, since I'm not in any huge rush to quit as soon as a humanly possible, I figured I'd take it at a slightly slower pace.


      There is a thread called side-effects of baclofen started by Zenstyle which you should read if you are interested in learning more on that subject.


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread



        I didn't have the nausea but I did titrate up way too fast and had the sweaty nights and horrible dreams I couldn't wake up from. Also, I would get very tired at first.

        I have been on Baclofen for almost 2 months, now, and all that has gotten better.

        I find if I take my last dose of Baclofen a minimum of 3 - 4 hours before I go to bed, it alleviates some of the sleep issues. If I fall asleep too soon after my last dose, I do still have some strange dreams.

        Stick with it and things will get better. Also, remember that if you are AF or cutting down on the alcohol intake, some of these symptoms are AL related. Without meds you will sweat, have strange dreams and be unable to sleep. That is detox.

        In my case, things have gotten so much better in my life because I am sober, that occasional sleepiness and actually remembering my dreams are not worth worrying about.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


          Great post!!

          I keep trying to explain that just because I have been able to stay sober doesn't mean I don't think about drinking. Occasionally when we go out to eat and I see the glasses of wine or drinks go by on trays, I get those sighing thoughts.

          However, because of the Baclofen (and there is no doubt in my mind it is because of it) I am able to just brush those thoughts aside and end up smiling because of it. I finally have power over my addiction that I never had before.

          It is very gratifying to know that taking that extra 30 mgs just "did it" for you.

          Thank you for posting. I know your life has been stressful and on top of that you are dealing with this. I am glad when you pop in and let us know how it is going.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


            Hi all,

            Harry i wish i could do 30-40 pages in one hours!!!it more 30-40 pages a day!
            French like to speak and argue a lot !

            So i am now at page 60 of the french thread and here is the big lines:

            -The french are sending letter to government,media,and to everyone that would listen to have a formal study made on baclofen base on their success.

            -Most were just starting taking Baclofen at the beginning of the thread so not much there but now that they are about a month in the process ALL OF THEM report some reduction in their drinking.

            -Most importantly NONE OF THEM said that he would discontinue because the lack of result.(VERY VERY ENCOURAGING!!!)

            -At this point the range of dose is in between 30 mg and 90mg(the one at 90mg said that she drinking by habit and that she it the off switch)

            _Most of them continue to drink(the french LOOOOOOOOOVE their wine)but at much lower amount.

            -Most of them want to be AF.

            -the worse side effect reported were sleepiness,nausea and weird dream.

            that it for now...


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              Thats really helpful Shan.

              Keep it up!


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Shantao-thanks for all the translations!

                I'm doing a little better since my last post. I think I'm getting close to my switch at about 110-130mg. I'm going to play around with daily distribution and see if it helps. I'll try something like 20/30/40/25 today and titrate up as needed. I was not hungover yesterday and still turned down a glass of wine (I never drink the day after a big wine fest!)... And I felt really good about it. The thought of a glass of wine was not appealing. I still had thoughts about the buzz, but the thought of the taste was not appealing. Interesting...


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Shantao;682043 wrote: Harry i wish i could do 30-40 pages in one hours!!!it more 30-40 pages a day!
                  French like to speak and argue a lot !

                  So i am now at page 60 of the french thread and here is the big lines:

                  -The french are sending letter to government,media,and to everyone that would listen to have a formal study made on baclofen base on their success.

                  -Most were just starting taking Baclofen at the beginning of the thread so not much there but now that they are about a month in the process ALL OF THEM report some reduction in their drinking.

                  -Most importantly NONE OF THEM said that he would discontinue because the lack of result.(VERY VERY ENCOURAGING!!!)

                  -At this point the range of dose is in between 30 mg and 90mg(the one at 90mg said that she drinking by habit and that she it the off switch)

                  _Most of them continue to drink(the french LOOOOOOOOOVE their wine)but at much lower amount.

                  -Most of them want to be AF.

                  -the worse side effect reported were sleepiness,nausea and weird dream.

                  that it for now...
                  This sounds like the same results being reported here -- which is yet more encouraging.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    sorry- am I missing something re pharmacies?

                    4rx was $78 USD for 200 10 mg., with shipping.
                    Inhouse is saying $106 for 400 including shipping. This seems significantly
                    lower...4rx says they'll match any other price, so I contacted then about that, will let you know.


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      I meant,

                      WITH shipping 4rx came to $78 for 200.
                      Inhouse is $106 including shipping.


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        yes, i was pretty amazed, inhouse sent mine, 400 with shipping and came to 106. i thought they were adding on shipping price but no, thats what was charged. pretty cool.


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          So what was the general tone on the french forums? Were people reporting successes as consistently as on here? Were there failures reported?


                          From what I read there were no "failures". I think some struggled with motivation issues. If people wanted to mod....they did. Likewise for AF.

                          Have a read yourself. The google translation is very good. You really dont need to know French although it would be preferrable ( Shantao.... please keep up posting your findings ) . Im sure I got 90% understanding with the translation.

                          These people are the pioneer guinea pigs of baclo.

                          Im going to start reading from 505 where I left off. Be interesting to see where they are now.


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                            I agree about the guys handling the bac better or it could be that we are all in differents stages of our lives as well.

                            Me well I am going through menopause and Julie is going through another stage.

                            Hormones play a huge part in why women drink I think.

                            I am gong to have to pull in the reins abit and not want to be the hare but the tortoise. :H
                            Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Shas, thanks for stopping by and letting us know how well that extra dose helped in a short time. That was great! Shelby, glad things are going better. Interesting that the buzz was still appealing but not the taste. Shantao, thanks so much for reporting on the French site - really encouraging news. ME and Julie, thanks for info on In House - that is a bigger difference than I thought (went and looked at the thread on diff pharmacies and bumped it for those just ordering). Hope everyone is doing well.


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                I'm optimistic, but

                                at 40 mg I have been drinking. A lot. I still feel the "brain flame" when in anticipatory mode, then crave more and more and more. I am small, and usually require less than prescribed of any med. But I will stay the course. Played games with Antibuse, haven't tried Naltroxene yet. Guess I'd hoped less Baclofen would work. I do not have any adverse reactions to it at all, though. No extreme hangover. Obviously, though, it seems quitting drinking while starting up would be wise. Horrendous craving. Reinforcing that I am...well, fill in the blank.

