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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Anne- I didn't really notice any changes until I titrated up to 80-100mgs. Like everyone told me, keep titrating up and try to be patient.

    I'm thinking that I have finally hit my switch! I played around with my distribution today 20/30/40/25. I took the 40 dose 2 hours ago and I have no craving at all. It's 5pm and that is when I'm pouring my 1st glass. I'll stick to this schedule a few more days and titrite up another 10mgs or so just to make sure. It's taken me a little over a month to reach this.

    I'm noticing a strange side effect, though. I'm feeling this strange sensation in my throat and my sinus area. And my brain feels a little "loopy". Anyone else ever notice this?


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      just want to thank

      all of you...I've lurked for a long time and have laughed and cried.
      It's overwhelming to realize how similar we all are, locked in battle with this viscious disease. I, too have tried everything- gawd- I almost went to Lenair!
      Ibogaine was the only thing that really helped me understand it...wondering why there's no mention of it on these sites. It utterly cured 4 of the 5 people I've known that have taken that 'journey.' Hey- way less freaky than Lenair. It does do something in the frontal lobes. Lots on the Internet. Absolutely stops opiate addiction. Been kept from the public since the 50's, when it was noted that it cures addiction. Heroin it is most successful with, but addresses all
      issues and turmoils. It's a plant- no possibility of patenting. I'm happy to steer anyone curious to the right provider. This is an amazing medication. ANYWAY...
      Shout outs to Beatle, Cinders, Pete, Zen...and Bill P! Evie! You're right Shelby, I need patience with the Bac.


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Ibogaine info[/video]]YouTube - IBOGAINE IN THE NEWS

        I've tried to start a thread on this real interest was shown.
        I decided periodically I would post about it...maybe the Bac crew is open minded enough.


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          That was very interesting. I wonder if the dreams some people are reporting are similar to the dreams these addicts had on ibogaine.


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            Ibogaine takes you on a "life review." It explains everything about you to yourself. It is not a dream, nor is it anything like a hallucinegenic.
            It re-wires your brain, that's all I can say, explains your trauma (and addiction IS from trauma). You then have a very intricate knowledge of why you're an addict. It was the most astounding experience I've ever had. There's a book "Breaking Open the Head" by Daniel Pinchbeck. Also a longer youtube:
            "Ibogaine-Rites of Passage." Tons more info online if you're intrigued. I just don't understand why more people don't know of it. Been on 60 Minutes, CNN, etc. Anyone considering a rehab or Lenair would get far more out of this. It is expensive, though. Best money I ever spent. It is also now being used, especially in Thailand, for brain disorders like bipolar. My friend said he felt a SNAP in his mind, and knew he was no longer biplar. Thai doctors claim
            it cures schizophrenia. Yes, they use that word.


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              anne1232;682584 wrote: Ibogaine takes you on a "life review." It wasn't that good the first time. I'll skip the rerun.
              It explains everything about you to yourself.Wow, everything? And it's multilingual!
              It re-wires your brain, I knew I shouldn't have trusted that electrician.
              There's a book "Breaking Open the Head"
              At least its title is honest. Julia Child used to do that with iceberg lettuce on TV.
              My friend said he felt a SNAP in his mind, and knew he was no longer bipolar.
              but psychotic.
              Thai doctors claim it cures schizophrenia.
              What about baldness?


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Could you be any more rude bernard? No one is trashing your bac use and it is not approved either.


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  luCKy;682589 wrote: Could you be any more rude bernard? No one is trashing your bac use and it is not approved either.
                  Baclofen is approved and proven. Don't flame with false statements. Leave that method to Fox News.

                  Pointing out the obviously absurd and dangerous is a service, not rude.

                  Be nice, use facts not flame. Let us know how Ibogaine works for you.


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread



                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      For the many interested folks:

                      Awakening in the Dream House-Integrative Ibogaine Addiction Therapy


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        Thanks Anne.

                        B- Please site with a link where the FDA has approved bac for alcohol abuse. I look forward to you backing up your statement.

                        BTW- Just because the FDA has not approved, I do not deny experience of those who posted.


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          I am very interested in learning more about Ibograine.

                          I agree with lucky, "bernard you are rude". Are you new to this site? I ask because we are open minded here and interested in learning.

                          Sorry, but you are the one that is "flaming". And it was not nice.

                          An apology to lucky is in order. If you can't do that, then you do not belong here.

                          asta la vista baby,
                          Peace ~C~


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                            Just what a recovering alky needs- a 'lil humiliation and ridicule.
                            Sorry to muddle up the thread; anyone curious about I. can pm me.
                            I'm gone, but care about all of you. I will be watching, and cheering your successes. I'll continue the Bac, titrate up, and and wait/HOPE for the magic switch in my brain to go off. Then, I'll post results. Also still waiting to see if 4rx will match Inhouse's pricing, as they say they will. It did take 41 days for my order from 4rx to arrive, so Inhouse needs to perform on the schedule they claim, as well.


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Anne, please do not let one person's comments make you leave. We would like you to stick around so we can cheer your success as well.


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Please don't leave, Anne. You are not reponsible for the behavior of other members. You have already provided a valuable source of information that may be the way out for someone.
                                AF as of August 5th, 2012

