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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Oh, and in terms of scheduling your orders: I place one every week... I don't care if I have lots of tablets, they're generally very far from expiry. Rather safe than sorry. I order 200 at a time.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      Ive settled into 65mg a day nicely....down from 137.5mg.

      I presently have enough bac on hand to last 260 days. That might seem extreme, but suits me. Every 3 months or so Ill stocktake and order.


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


        Hi baclofriends,

        update from the french forum(now page 140) :

        -some of them are now alcohol free with such low dose as 60mg.

        -the highest dose taken so far is 120mg and that person report little effect on drinking !?!

        -one mention to have hit the switch at 30mg(but still continue drinking )

        -They have a lot of difficulty with having Baclofen prescribe.

        -One person(who live in new york) say he talked to a proffessor who told him there is currently a study made in the US on Baclofen.

        -2 persons discontinued Baclofen because of side effect...first person=extreme tiredness(only @ 30mg) the second=incontinence (that one is scary!).

        -a lot of them report a pain in the back of the neck at higher dose(60mg and over).

        -interresting fact: some report that it also diminished other compulsory behavior like smoking,gambling,online shopping etc...

        -A lot of them feel empty when not drinking and don't know what to do with themselves now that they don't drink.

        -they recommend to see a psychologist as your still have to heal what made you drink in the first place (emotions).

        As of for me i'm now 21 days AF but have major craving lately.Today i will pass to 60mg and see if that help...

        Later and keep on going !


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          Zenstyle;684238 wrote: Thanks for the update Shantao!
          Also interesting that many of them feel "empty" and are going the psychologist route, that makes a lot of sense... Drinking is so ingrained in me... my mind set definitely needs to be addressed also.
          So true, Zeny. And in general, when psychic malfunction is corrected chemically, it takes some time and adjusting to get used to the new way of being. This is true for people suffering from depression, as an example. It's a whole new world to be free of the alcohol curse or the depression curse. Some may find that talking therapy is helpful in adapting to the improvement.


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            This is kind of depressing. I'm trying so hard to titrate up and get AF, and what I'm hearing is that that is just the first step. This sounds too hard.


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


              I have found this route doable for me. I have been trying for 3 years to get sober. I have tried everything.

              I never expected it to be easy but I am finding this way to be easier than I did expect.

              I knew I would have to learn to deal with life in general no matter how I sobered up. I have been drinking through life for the last 30+ years. There are many things I have never done sober. There is a lot to learn.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Zman;684273 wrote: This is kind of depressing. I'm trying so hard to titrate up and get AF, and what I'm hearing is that that is just the first step. This sounds too hard.
                No dude. Do not be discouraged. Just go with the program and it will work.

                What kind of trouble are you having with increasing your dose?


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Cinders;684279 wrote: Zman,

                  I have found this route doable for me. I have been trying for 3 years to get sober. I have tried everything.

                  I never expected it to be easy but I am finding this way to be easier than I did expect.

                  I knew I would have to learn to deal with life in general no matter how I sobered up. I have been drinking through life for the last 30+ years. There are many things I have never done sober. There is a lot to learn.

                  Thanks for that. The few times I have been sober I have had a hard time knowing what to do with myself. I find it a scary prospect.


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    I find that, too. With Baclofen I'm not wanting to drink but I don't know what else to do! It's hard to break the habit. I got my double jogger in the mail today so I may take the kids out for a run in the evenings now.


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      Not knowing what to do with yourself.....sounds like a good problem to have as opposed to the drinking problem! LOL Now's the time to try all that stuff you've always wanted to do but couldn't.

                      Everything I need is within me!


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        I was so apprehensive about taking the bac that I thought I felt something the minute I took the first 5 mg dose. I swear! I hadn't even swallowed it yet. I find that when I intensely focus on my body I feel all kinds of things that may or may not be caused by whatever I am taking. Sometimes our bodies just get little twitches and pains. I felt like I had something crawling on my arm today and was sort of freaking out that the bac might have been causing it. I kept wiping off my arm and looking to see if there was a little creepy crawler on it.

                        A few minutes later, I noticed that I had a hair (from my own head) that was stuck to my top and was ticking my arm. So much for that crisis!


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread



                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            prancy;684529 wrote: I was so apprehensive about taking the bac that I thought I felt something the minute I took the first 5 mg dose. I swear! I hadn't even swallowed it yet.
                            I had the same experience. In fact, I reduced my drinking the first day I knew my Bac was on its way. I think the element of hope can have a huge psychosomatic effect.

                            However, I am also a sceptic at heart, so I prepared myself for the fact that this might not, actually probably would not, work on me. (After all, everything else had failed, including Lenair)... but the undeniable physical change (although still not stong) has convinced me I have a good chance of success (knock on wood).
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              I kind of feel the same way Beetle. Everything has failed for me- year after year. But the success we are seeing here is undeniably encouraging.


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Actually I was out tonight and was offered a glass of wine. To not make a big fuss, I just took the glass and sat it in front of me. I didn't even want it. Since I only took the bac yesterday for the first time, I can't imagine that had anything to do with it. Just probably a result of posting on here and thinking about this so darn much.

                                However, I did have killer stomach cramps tonight. Don't know if the bac caused that or something else. I hope not the bac!! Because I have high hopes for it and I couldn't navigate life with stomach pains like that. It isn't supposed to cause stomach gas, is it? I have not seen anything like that on here.

