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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Lance, sorry we haven't answered your question but the people on this thread are using a different medication, called baclofen that works differently than topiramate. That is what the "off switch" discussion is about, that the baclofen turns off your desire to drink. It is great that topiramate worked so well for you - some of us have not been able to take it. If you are being successful not drinking without it, that is probably fine. Just keep it around in case you need it again.


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      more2life;706687 wrote: I missed my second dose of bac and am having horrid cramps in my feet. I played three hours of tennis this morning, so that could be part of the problem. Went for a pedi and a foot massage and could barely stand to have my feet touched.

      I'm only on 50mg. Will we have to take this stuff forever? Has anyone successfully titrated down to nothing?
      HI, Bill.p. here.

      Your cramping of the feet is undoubtedly related to your exercise. You can have your blood level potassium and other electrolytes checked but it is not from the baclofen.

      The answer on if you have to take this stuff forever is, well, its up to you. People quit drinking and also cigarettes for example cold turkey with no help from baclofen and any drugs.
      Likewise there are people who are intelligent, highly motivated to quit, reasonably mediclaly educated who despite our best intentions, have such overwhelming cravings that they cannot quit on their own and bacloen is their life line offering a tremendous antianxiety medication and completely alleving them of the affliction they have, very easily I might add.

      For myself, I feel I will probably have to involved with baclofen much like a diabetic needs insulin or person with genetic prmary high blood pressure needing an ace inhibitor for life.
      See, I have tried to quit and with my intelligence and willpower in other aspects of my life. This SHOULD be easy. BUT, I also have to look at a near 20 year history of starts and fits of trying to quit drinking and also unsuccessful rehab attempts inpatient and outpatients and more inpatient (more than alcohol rehab) suicide prevention where I was so hopeless that i couldnt stop drinking or continue on with my career that I thought in the depths of drunken depression I had no other "out" but to take the 'final exit".
      It was only when I did bacloen that I finally was able to break that madness in my brain that stayed with me even when I was abstinent from alcohol.. When I found baclofen, it really was life or death for me.
      So, "I" am at the end of the spectrum given a substantial documented history. The other end is probably how I was at age 19 and could probably take baclofen and get some cognitive therapy and not have been set in my ways of escaping my anxiety with the drink.
      Where you fall is completely in your discretion and observance. There are many psychological and validated tests that can be asked and answered by addiction specialists to see where you falla nd then project out how long you may need extra-ordinary treatment with medication or counseling. None are hard and fast. Having met many patients who are in denial and also recognizing my own patterns, saying you will know best, well we know that is often right and often not right as the other side of coin.
      So you may need to take it, as long as you need it. For some of us it may be lifelong, for others, it may be situational.
      cognitive depression can be temporary and situational. Its quite completely normal to experience a severe downturn in mood. Its a normal response biologically and naturally to say events such as losing a loved one. Or losing a job, financial distress. That is natural response to external environmental issues.
      What is striking about many cases of clinical depression is there is no precipitating factors and it occurs spontaenously with no triggers and also resolves spontaneously with no help.
      Why that is was part of a research project I was involved with as an undergrad 15 years ago. which at the time, there was no literature to suggest why and we researched cognitive markers to depression.
      That is a long topic to discuss. But if you understand that there is a continuum of both normal depression and abnormal depression and consequently there is both normal responses based on environmental learning and brain pathways, there isa huge variation on how people deal with the depression.
      one of which is escalating alcohol use to cope with the sadness and struggles which most oten makes it worse.
      Baclofen is more geared to the flip side of that,whichis the anxiety head of that coin. Which anxiety and the fatigue and overwhelming feelingss that lead to exhaustion can also be far too easily selfmedicated with alcohol. Why pay hundreds of dollars to go to a psychiatrist or a doctor who tries to change the subject when the notion of addiction and selfmecitation arise?
      The system is geared towards not discussing this issue, be it insurance, or stigma.

      But I guess my point is, you dont have to be on baclofen for life. No, in fact, if it is situational, the odds are you are not gong to need it. If you are like I am, that I have trained my brain to selfmedicate with overwhelming alcohol cravings to deal with the slightest cues related to anxiety. I would need it longer.
      But I could also become a marathon runner, or a bodybuilder or find a healthy addiction and not need baclofen.
      There are other options for treatment, healthier options that popping pills. some of which require alot of time say for meditation and exercise that you almost have to be retired to do.
      So there are two ways to look at it and I leave it at this as I am always prone to rambling. A pill is a hell of alot easier to start out with compared to training for a marathon.
      Exercise and treating your body like a temple would mean no more baclofen for a large majority of people in my humble bill.p. opinion.

      cheers, hope that helps


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Mare's Baclofen Progress

        Hi all,

        Thank you to everyone who has posted about their experiences with Baclofen. It inspired me to start taking it!

        My first day taking B was last Friday. I took three doses of 5 mgs. Went to a friend's house for dinner and had 2 drinks. I was afraid to drink more because I had a long drive home and also didn't know if there'd be an interaction.

        I have stayed at 15 mgs per day and can feel a difference. It takes the edge off....I don't have that urgent, insistent, gnawing NEED for a drink at 5:00. There were nights when I chose to drink, but I was able to put it off until later...8:30 or so. I am sure that at a higher dose I'll be able to "swat the thoughts away", as Cinders so wonderfully puts it. I can now actually imagine being able to do that.

        I know I have a long way to go, but this has given me hope that I can lead a normal...alcohol

        All the best,



          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          Hey everyone.............

          I am trucking along, doingwell!! Glad you are Mare!!!! It helped me immediately too!!!! And I am so happy I have tried it and succeeded w/ this as baclofen HAS BEEN so far the "magjic bullet" for me and I am THRILLED!!!!

          Just stressing out right now since it has been since 8am since my last dose and I left my "lunch time" dose at home by accident, and won't be going home til about 5 or so.......should be fine though........ Just dreading any withdrawal symptoms if they should occur!

          Glad to have found this, wishing everyone well!!!

          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            Evie.Lou;663117 wrote: I will gladly post a short class on "Awakening the Healer within" under "what we believe" so as not to offend anyone.
            I can PM you classes on many different areas of metaphysics that I have taught thru the years.
            I am a 5th generation Spiritualist (rocked in a cradle by my great Gram while she did her readings) so it's not just "What I do" but "Who I AM" and it is time for me to remind myself of that.
            Alcohol had given me temporary amnesia !!!
            Hi, just a dumb question - what is metaphysics (could look it up but too lazy) and how does that relates to our health/alcohol?



              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              I'm in Australia, and have just ordered the Baclofen through the Goldpharma website - it says delivery is 10-20 days. Have been taking Campral and Naltrexone and they just on't work!
              What is the starting dose for Baclofen? Does it interact with antidepressants?
              finding this site very helpful Makes me feel like I'm not alone - thought I was the only one getting p**ssed by myself every night.
              Thanks guys!


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                I just wanted to let you know about Dr. Ameison, he has a book about his experiences w/ baclofen, dosing, etc and there is a thread here (you might have read I by now) on this, if not, read up on it (and I highly reccommend the book, a good read).....

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Progress: It seems to be kicking in more for me now, despite only increasing dose to 80mg for the first time yesterday. I actually thought yesterday would maybe be AF, but I finally caved in at 9:00pm... and ended up having 2 drinks (still, not bad for me). I'm aiming at 1 drink tonight, and then AF from Monday. I think I can do it. If not, though, I know I will soon=)
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    beatle;709829 wrote: Progress: It seems to be kicking in more for me now, despite only increasing dose to 80mg for the first time yesterday. I actually thought yesterday would maybe be AF, but I finally caved in at 9:00pm... and ended up having 2 drinks (still, not bad for me). I'm aiming at 1 drink tonight, and then AF from Monday. I think I can do it. If not, though, I know I will soon=)
                    only 2 drinks! that's fantastic.


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      Is that great? Thanks!

                      I was pretty disappointed, though... after going all day without a drink even though I COULD have had as much as I wanted to drink (with the family away and nowhere I had to drive) ... then I blew it... that's why I took the second drink.

                      How long did it take you to get AF?
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        I definitely think it's great! My experience with bac was that as I was titrating up, I started drinking less and less and the cravings started dissipating slowly over time. I never had the experience of just one day noticing a dramatic reduction in my drinking and/or cravings. It just happened over the course of 6 weeks or so. It would be fantastic, of course, if I knew for sure that 80 mg (for example) was my 'magic dose' and it just switched off all cravings and drinking at once, but it didn't happen for me that way. So, for me, I was thrilled when I would have 2 or 3 glasses of wine with friends at dinner instead of 4-5 glasses AND drinking vodka by myself all day on top of it.


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          My sentiments exactly.....

                          I think that is great too Beatle, you didn't "blow it"....... I don't even feel like that if I drink nowadays, as I don't "need" to drink, if I do, I choose to, enjoy it and don't "have to" continue, you know!? That(and no worries, anxiety, sleeping great and feeling awesome in the morning!) is what I love about baclofen!!!!(or is it just having a 4 day weekend??)

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            Two is great Beatle! Especially with the circumstances such that you could have gone way beyond that.


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              I'm floating around at 140 mg/day since yesterday. Have had two AF days (of course, the liquor stores weren't open). I think I'll try to make it three.

                              I get really sleepy on the drive home from work, but other than that, it's just the floaty thing. The muscle jerking is much, much better when I'm not drinking.


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                One more emotions are all over the place. Don't know if it's from the bac or just AL withdrawal.

