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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Give it time.........

    larisa, I think it is al withdrawals........I know bac is working wonders for me- as I a am super mellow anymore, even at work, but then again had a good day at work (it was not so crazy as usual for a strange reason!?!) we'll see how it goes when it is back to the totally stressed out place it usually is!

    I HOPE you stick it out and this passes, I hope that what I am feeling is not a fluke, cuz I feel SO good I wouldn't trade it for anything!!!!!! Good luck!!

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      Why so little?

      more2life;711039 wrote: Just back from the doctor. I have bronchitis. One good thing did come out of my appointment. He gave me a prescription for 40mg of bac a day. He was a new doctor for me. When asked what medications I was on I told him 40mg of bac a day. He didn't raise an eyebrow, just wrote me out a new scrip for three months. 10mg of bac cost .10 a pill.
      Just wondering, why didn't you say you were on 90mg, for example? (I guess maybe you didn't want him to get suspicious?)

      Anyway, that's great! And how clever of you. I can't believe I never thought of that. (I tried it on the psycho doc (shrink), but he won't prescribe it because he's never heard of it)

      My GP almost surely doesn't know about Bac, either, and you probably can't even buy it in my country (customs won't let it through either -- mine has to be smuggled personally)... but she (the GP) knows me well and trusts me. She can probably get some kind of special prescription allowing it to be ordered from outside the country through the apothecary. Although that won't be any cheaper, at least I won't have to be involved in illegal activities
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Mine is cool!

        My gp wrote for 4 (10 mg) 4 x a day (that is 160mg a day, which I am not at!) and he gave it to me without blinking an eye and I just took him a printout of the research article by Dr. A........was the best thing I have ever done!! Wish I could share this "cure" w/ people/friends in AA who are suffering so much, but most are so closed minded to new ideas............bummer!!! Their loss!!

        You WlLL reach that mark /dose beatle.............I know you will!

        Glad you are feeling better More2!!:h

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          Where to start? I am a man in his early sixties (very early!) who has had a major problem with alcohol abuse for more than 20 years. Like many on here I am a Celt (Scottish) and am fortunate enough to still reside in God’s ain country. Through my illness I have lost my wife and my home both of whom I adored. I am a binge drinker and can experience long periods AF. However when I blow, I blow. I can easily lose 3 weeks and have got into the habit of using my credit card when buying booze so that I can trace where I have been during these periods, as much as anything so that I know when store employees look at me strangely, why.

          Like many of you here I have tried every combination of drugs, psycho babble, rehab and the Big Book. All have failed. Then I read in the Daily Mail an article on 24th February about The End of My Addiction. I am fortunate to have a sympathetic doctor and since the end of April have been on a gradually increasing dosage of bac. In that period of time I have gone from 15mg per day to 100mg. I have experienced no side effects. Nil, nothing at all. I assume this is due to my medico being very cautious and for those who are finding things difficult may I respectfully suggest a steadier approach. I know better than most how we all crave an instant “cure” but with this particular drug it would seem that it must be tailored to individual needs.

          It is hard for me to articulate where I am now with bac, as I can go for many months at a time AF. I am certainly very relaxed and I think happier than I was. However you will understand that unlike some on here (and I rejoice for them) I could not claim after 6 months AF that bac is the answer as that is fairly normal for me.

          I have had one relapse in early June when I was on 50mg and I must report that it only lasted for 5 days which was mercifully short. I also managed to detox with a minimum of discomfort and Temazepam. Again I hope that this was the result of my low dosage bac but hesitate to be definite. I have suffered from too many “false dawns” with this horrendous disease to start counting chickens. Apologies to purists for the mixed metaphors! The reason I have ceased to lurk and have “come out” so to speak is that today was a landmark for me. Here in the U.K. doctors have a weighty tome called the blue book, which tells them, amongst other things, the maximum dosage for licensed drugs. For bac that limit is 100mg. per day. After he had told me this I, with great hesitancy as he has been very good to me on this matter, told him that I did not want to miss this opportunity would he be willing to take me further? To my surprise he agreed and I am now on 120mg per day for the next 3 weeks. Apart from my blip in June I have remained AF which I believe will give the bac more chance and I also have the advantage of having free medication so I can afford to titrate slowly. American Cousins please note our horrendous “Socialist” NHS gives old soaks like me free drugs! Before I retired I had private health insurance but then I got throat cancer (drinking spirits and smoking 40 a day) and the NHS were superb.

          I hope that I shall post regularly and keep up the optimistic vibes on this forum. To be honest I believe the only true test of Dr A’s “cure” is to follow his experimentation with AL however as I am sure you will all appreciate I am reluctant to do so.

          Keep up the good work I love the humour but also the incites that only other sufferers can have. I am under no illusions that if I controlled my drinking problem my wife would probably still not have me back! I am a pain in the arse to live with for lots of other good reasons.


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            That's quite a story. Thank you for sharing it, and for all the relevant information that is so important for all of us.

            You also have some very good advice. I think it is good to warn people that, as wonderful as Bac is, it is not the cure-all, the magical wonder that will eliminate all problems.

            I hope your progress continues and that you will keep us updated and informed about your experience.

            And maybe you should re-think the possibility of the wife taking you back... we are all pains in the arses to live with, whether we be sober or not, and if the drinking was the main problem, well, with that removed, there is hope for everything.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              Difference in Companies?

              I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a difference when switching companies/brands? I was taking Bacmax and was doing fine. Actually I was doing great. I never had a craving and only drank when I forced myself to. I switced over to Pacifen because it was cheaper and noticed a change immediately. My off switch was switched on and onto highbeam. My cravings and manic behavior have returned (the first 8 items on the history on my computer are shopping sites). My anxiety and irratablility is at a new level. I sat in a crowded airport this weekend and bit all my nails. I have not touched my nails in weeks and I have never bit them in public.

              I have decided to discontinue the Pacifen and order more Bacmax but has anyone else had this problem?


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                I am very glad you posted. Binge drinking is just as horrible is the everyday drinking and it is good to see someone on here posting about Baclofen and binging.

                I am also very glad to hear that your doctor was willing to buck the system and allow you to continue titrating up. Like you, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and face yet another failure. I am still doing great, though, and very grateful for the help Baclofen has given me.

                I hope you keep us advised of your progress.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                  I actually posted some time ago that my prescription of Baclofen was much better than my online purchased Baclofen. I felt the difference in the effects between the two.

                  I would go back to the Bacmax if it worked.

                  Until you get it, is it possible to take an extra bit of the Pacifen? That may help.

                  White knuckling is no fun. I did it at the start of my journey with Baclofen and I vividly recall those days.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    Great story!

                    Thanks for sharing your experiences w/ us, and keep us all posted on your progress please. Wow, hope I keep getting the same brand of baclofen, didn't think there could be a difference, thanks for that warning!!:thanks:

                    Still doing great on my baclofen, happier than I have been in years and even things that used to bug me just don't now....... What is up w/ that???! Cannot be just getting older!? I credit this stuff to be a miracle for me..........not even too "foggy" or "ditzy" anymore as my body is totally adjusted to it..........just mellow and happy!!!

                    Take care all,

                    Lots of love & hugs!:h:l

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      shelbysmiles;713171 wrote: I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a difference when switching companies/brands? had this problem? ...
                      I've used both BaxMax and Pacifen, and had the same effects from both. I've been mostly on Pacifen for the last few weeks, and I think my switch is no longer functioning. I haven't yet tried flipping it madly up and down though.

                      Click here for info about ordering baclofen online.


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        Hello Everyone,

                        I am new to this site - have been lurking around the newbies posts for the past few days. I have read the MWO book and was going to make an appt with my doc in order to get the Topamax that the book refers to. What is the difference between Topamax and Baclofen? Has the Baclofen been proven to work better or is it actually meant to treat AL dependency? I would love to give my doc info about both drugs so I can get what is best for me. I need to get onto something and hopefully start to turn my life around ( I better do it quick, I just turned 45!)
                        Thanks for any info you can give me.


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          Hi ancon

                          welcome and hi,:welcome:

                          Every "body"'s different, for me (and I have tried EVERYTHING!!!) baclofen has done wonders....... Dr. Ameison's book was well worth the read, as he, like me, has tried everything.......

                          Keep reading and posting, you will eventually find "you way out" (I know that is korney!!?) but I just turned 46 and my only regret is that I didn't find baclofen sooner!!

                          Good luck!!! PM me any time if I can help!

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                            Thanks Cowgal. It is nice (and a relief) to see that something out there works! Even if it doesn't end up working for me, knowing that at least one person (that's you!) in this world has found some relief from this horrible disease many of us have struggle with every day makes me feel great. I have read some of your posts and you seem to be very happy and content. I have prayed many times to feel the same way. I'll let you know what I come away with. Anything is better than nothing at this point.


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                              I hope you keep us up on your progress.......when I say I tried everything, I mean it!!!!! I am happy to finally be "happy" no matter what.....

                              Wanted to tell you before I forget, I was on topamax, naltrexone, campral, tried AA and even paid alot of $$$$ for treatment.......NOTHING has worked and stayed working no matter what like this, you just need to be careful and titrate slowly so side effects don't bother you, my doc(GOD love him!!) prescribe it for me and I just printed him the artcle by Dr, A on this forum......... It only costs me $10 a month for the rx!!!

                              Good luck!!!

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                I have been using Bacmax from 4rx. Before that, they sent me some other brand, but not Pacifen-- the name had Bac in it, but can't remember any more. It came in those individual press-out sheets, which was much more convenient than the Bacmax. Also, it was hard and didn't crumble like the Bacmax does.

                                Now I just got a prescription from my doctor, and when I filled it, it came loose in a bottle and it is just marked Baclofen (which is the generic name). It is manufactured by Ivax. Does anyone have experience with this one?
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

