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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Well, I don't believe it is our psyche for many of us (although we may very well have problems in that area as well) that needs understanding. For many of us, it is just the fact that we have a disease that we have no more control over and no more desire for than a cancer victim. Does anyone expect a cancer victim to get well with willpower?

    That's the main thing I would like non-alcoholics to understand.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      Still floaty at 160 mg - going to bed sober for 3rd day in a row. I'm really on a roll!!! LOL.


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread



        AF April 9, 2016


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          Well Done Larisa!!!

          I love reading posts like yours!


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            Thanks, guys! Day 4 - wow!

            I have a couple of side effects, but nothing to stop me. I am, officially, somnolent, LOL. Also, I'm getting very congested when I sleep. I usually do anyway, but now, I'm waking myself up gasping a few times per night. It's not really scary, just annoying. Also, I keep feeling stuff draining down my throat all night and getting into coughing fits. I think I need some real Sudafed (the kind they make meth out of!) instead of Sudafed PE. Hopefully, that will help. I also have a little nausea late at night, and my rib cage feels kind of tight. Again, pretty mild stuff. I'm going to stay at 160 until these die down, though. Also going to try taking more in the afternoon/evening and less right before bed.


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              This stuff is...WORKING!! Here's the deal - I decided to switch up my schedule today, per my post above. I went to take my afternoon (3rd) dose at work, and there was no bac in my purse. I figured I had already taken it all and just forgot. I started really having the urge to get a bottle of wine on the way home. I took 40 mg when I got home, and it didn't help. Slowly, I realized that I had only takn 80 mg so far today, not 120. I had forgotten to take my pills to work and hadn't had any bac since early morning. I took another 40 mg a couple of hours later, and the strong urge to go buy wine has disappeared! I can't believe it!

              40 more before I go to bed...


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Larisa;716270 wrote: Thanks, guys! Day 4 - wow!

                I have a couple of side effects, but nothing to stop me. I am, officially, somnolent, LOL. Also, I'm getting very congested when I sleep. I usually do anyway, but now, I'm waking myself up gasping a few times per night. It's not really scary, just annoying. Also, I keep feeling stuff draining down my throat all night and getting into coughing fits. I think I need some real Sudafed (the kind they make meth out of!) instead of Sudafed PE. Hopefully, that will help. I also have a little nausea late at night, and my rib cage feels kind of tight. Again, pretty mild stuff. I'm going to stay at 160 until these die down, though. Also going to try taking more in the afternoon/evening and less right before bed.
                OMG! I thought it was just me! I have found since taking it, I am snoring like a chainsaw! It is a feeling of draining down my throat! How stange! I also take a majority of the pills in the evening at bedtime. I get tired when taking so much during the day.....I find it easier to sleep when I am supposed to! lol
                AF July 6 2014


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  This congestion and coughing fits and gasping is all a usual part of withdrawal when ceasing drinking alcohol. I wonder if it is that, and not the Bac, that is causing this side effect. In either case, it should go away soon.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    I don't have any other withdrawal symptoms though.....I haven't had it the last couple nights though, so maybe it is disappearing.
                    AF July 6 2014


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      Larisa;716560 wrote: This stuff is...WORKING!! Here's the deal - I decided to switch up my schedule today, per my post above. I went to take my afternoon (3rd) dose at work, and there was no bac in my purse. I figured I had already taken it all and just forgot. I started really having the urge to get a bottle of wine on the way home. I took 40 mg when I got home, and it didn't help. Slowly, I realized that I had only takn 80 mg so far today, not 120. I had forgotten to take my pills to work and hadn't had any bac since early morning. I took another 40 mg a couple of hours later, and the strong urge to go buy wine has disappeared! I can't believe it!

                      40 more before I go to bed...
                      Larisa, are you taking 40mg's at a time?

                      I haven't been able to up my dosage to more than 10mg's every 2 hours which has made it quite difficult for me to tirade up to my limit of 60mg's as I usually forget or am too busy to take one of the doses.

                      On the two occasions I did take 20mg's my eyes went "wonky" and my sight was seriously affected.
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        Larisa;716560 wrote: This stuff is...WORKING!! Here's the deal - I decided to switch up my schedule today, per my post above. I went to take my afternoon (3rd) dose at work, and there was no bac in my purse. I figured I had already taken it all and just forgot. I started really having the urge to get a bottle of wine on the way home. I took 40 mg when I got home, and it didn't help. Slowly, I realized that I had only takn 80 mg so far today, not 120. I had forgotten to take my pills to work and hadn't had any bac since early morning. I took another 40 mg a couple of hours later, and the strong urge to go buy wine has disappeared! I can't believe it!
                        That's fantastic Larisa!

                        Isn't that feeling where all of the sudden you don't want to buy wine/beer/vodka/whatever so crazy but also amazing? Honestly I'm still amazed at how I don't have those urges anymore. I'm still in a state of somewhat disbelief that this has been as easy as it's been to quit/mod.

                        I was out with friends last night and we went to a bar after dinner. A friend bought everyone a round of drinks and gave me my usual manhattan (for me it was the strongest drink you could get in the largest quantity w/out looking girly drinks for me!). I sipped at it and then forgot about it as everyone else finished their second round. As we were leaving, an old friend told me she was "shocked" that I only had a sip of my drink and that she didn't even "know me." She meant it in a nice way I think. Even if she didn't I don't care! :H


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          Cool, huh??!

                          That is what I LOVE about this stuff!!! These are awsome stories guys!!!!! Thanks, it is good to hear other success stories....:thanks:

                          Who was it on this or another thread who wrote to Dr. Ameison?!? I was trying to figure out how to today, but couldn't........ Whoever it was, Zen maybe???? Would you post or pm me how you did it?


                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            Cowgal, I don't know how they did it, but if you go to Olivier Ameisen, MD, there's a "contact" page where you can email him.

                            DeeBee, yep, I'm taking 40 mg 4 times/day. It makes me feel floaty, and I have to be careful not to take it about an hour before the drive home, or I get too woozy to be safe. I still have muscle jerkiness from time to time and the congestion thing (hoping that goes away), but my eyes have been okay. I am very tolerant of meds. I'm going to keep going and see if I can become absolutely indifferent to AL. Yesterday was amazing, though - I wouldn't have thought taking one dose would make such a HUGE difference. Usually, when I get to that point, there's no stopping me from heading to the liquor store, even if I remind myself of all the good reasons why, etc.

                            Day 5!!!!


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                              :thanks:Will try to email him when I get home.............this med has done wonders for me as well......... In other areas especially, for instance, yesterday I was told at work that they may have to cut hours to a point where I may not have benefits, which normally I would be FREAKING out over, well........ I am not!!! I know it will be ok, and that is soooooooo cool!!!! The antianxiety properties of this baclofen are awesome......... For me a miracle.......... At 120mg a day it is doable, and I have been on it for a month now, so all the side effects are GONE..........they were either not from the bac or if they are, my body adjusted well.....

                              It's all good here in Tally, now if it would just stop raining!!!?

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Larisa and Mary Anne,

                                Both of your progress stories are making me smile hugely. I know your struggles well and I know the relief that this silly drug gives me.

                                I am so happy to hear you are both doing so well.

                                Now, I so vehemently want Beatle to be posting the same positive results.

                                Thank you both for sticking with this and being candid about your progress.

                                I do not think Baclofen is for everyone. I know that. But, I do think it can and does help those who can tolerate it.

                                I wish everyone could tolerate it and find their off switch.

                                My wish for all of us is that we find respite from this life threatening, life altering, life damaging addiction.

                                AF April 9, 2016

