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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Sorry I've been a little absent. I do appreciate all the concern others have shown and I hope my late response has not offended anyone.

    I have never managed to go over 90mg in one day, as I cannot take more than 10mg at a time.

    I am a "lightweight", however, in many respects. So 90mg for me, at 45kg (100lb), is a moderately high dose -- but obviously not high enough. Yet I don't know how I can get higher, since every time I try to push it, the crazy feelings come and they are so uncomfortable that they make me (yeah, you got it) drink=^(
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      Zenstyle;720868 wrote: With all due respect... I think I speak for "all of us" when I say that us MWO people are more interested in getting through this horrible addiction and coming out the other side of it intact, than we are with the "experimental" aspect.

      Maybe Beatle can sign up for a double blind and if she's lucky enough not to get placebos she'll get her Bac for free... if that information is so pertinent...
      I didn't mean to make you feel like a lab rat, and cause you to post such an nonconstructive set of remarks. Let me offer some clarification that might cause you to reassess your aggressive tone.

      In spite of your effort to distance me from the group, all of us are performing experiments here, both collectively and individually. Collectively because of the novelty and lack of formal study of the therapy, and individually because everyone's response and life circumstances are different. The whole point of this forum is to learn from each other through exchange of information. This exchange occurs not just through volunteering information but also by asking questions that may lead to useful conclusions, both for the individuals asked and answering as well as others.

      You, Zenny, might be obliquely referring to myself not being afflicted, but the significant other of an afflicted person who is not in this forum. Are you saying that I don't know the horrors of the disease by simply watching it destroy a loved one? How would beatle's husband feel if he were to venture on here and see you belittling a person in a similar position as himself?

      Excuse me, but offense taken,


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Tapering down to 90 - slowly (from a 5 day spell at 200)

        It is actually harder coming down than going up for me. This in terms of "floaty feelings" and slight anxiousness (which has been absent at higher doses)

        I am convinced this is a passing uncomfortable phase and that the "off switch" has been hit. I just hope that the "disinterest" in drinking remains and the anxiety levels even out again.

        No complaints from me though. This is 500 times better than how it was.
        Andy R:


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          started bac yesterday

          Hi everyone, I've been reading these threads for some time now and because of them went to my Dr. and got a rx for Baclofen. He said to start at 40mg per day (4 10mg). Yesterday I just had 20 mg. but today intend to do 40. Hoping to have the wonderful results I'm reading about. I'm assuming I'll titrate up in 2-3 days if all goes well? I've been drinking about a bottle of wine per night for years now, which needs to stop. NOW. Hopefully this will be the answer I've been searching for. I'm really hoping to eventually mod, we'll see how that goes! Thanks all for being here and inspiring me to join you!!:beach:


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            Hopeful Spouse

            Hopeful, My husband is also an alcoholic--his entire family is. Unfortunately, so am I. So I am trying baclofen (he refused) and am hoping that if I have good results, he might see how great I feel and follow. You are a wonderful spouse for supporting your husband, it must be very difficult.:welcome:


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              Good luck evan!

              Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work for you at 40mg. Many people have had to titrate to well over 100mg or even 200mg to get results.

              It's fantastic that you have your doctor's support, but please don't be afraid to ask him for a higher dose prescription if 40mg doesn't do it for you.

              Please keep us updated on your progress!


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Evan--or anyone who has gone to the DR's for Bac:

                I am curious as to how you approached your DR. I am going the end of October for a physical and am bringing up the Bac. I have mentioned my drinking in the past to her, as has my mother. So she is aware of the issue. I am planning on bringing the book, and telling her of the website to check. I was hoping maybe there was something you might suggest I mention or an approach to use.


                AF July 6 2014


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  started bac yesterday

                  Thanks Billy and Christy, Billy I plan on titrating up by myself, I also ordered online as a backup! Christy, my doctor (who I've only seen a few times) luckily was very easygoing. I told him about the research and he was fine with giving it to me. If it isn't a harmful drug, which it doesn't seem to be, and is not addictive, they really have no reason not to helpl you with it. If you can't get help, I ordered it from River Pharmacy, but it takes about 8 to 12 days to get. Good luck!


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    I wondering if anyone can tell me when they started to feel the positive effects? I'm sure the negative ones (fatigue, etc.) start pretty quickly, but when can one expect to begin losing those cravings? I'm sure it all has to do with dosage, but any input?


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      It always depends on the person. I know cravings are diminished about maybe 60'ish for me. I haven't found my switch yet though. I can go without if it isn't there, but if it's there I will drink, but not anywhere near what I would have.
                      AF July 6 2014


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        Evan, I was one of the lucky ones who started feeling the positive effects almost immediately. I also had some of the worst side effects when I tried to drink on it though. I wrote about my expriences on the "side effects" thread.

                        I recently tried to moderate and it was disasterous. I just realise that it is absolutely out of the question. I would not change a thing. This has been a journey with many challenges, but one worth doing.

                        At the moment I am on 30mgs daily and managing to remain alcohol free. I do have some cravings, but I can think about the consequences and let it go.


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          It's funny, I stayed at 40 yesterday, knowing it was Friday night and I'd have just a few glasses of wine and didn't want a bad reaction..... but I stayed at a few glasses, even though there was 3/4 of a bottle in my fridge! I even went (soberly) and served hot dogs at my kids football game (on a Friday night? when there's wine to be had? never!) I came home, had 2 glasses, and went to bed. Slept all night too. Wow. On the first full day. I'm feeling great and can't wait to go up to 60 mg. tomorrow. Could this really, finally be the answer??


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            has been for me!!

                            It has been the magic bullet for me!! Welcome and keep us posted on your progress! I am staying around 90-120 mg/day now divided up of course, but doing great!

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              evan;723313 wrote: It's funny, I stayed at 40 yesterday, knowing it was Friday night and I'd have just a few glasses of wine and didn't want a bad reaction..... but I stayed at a few glasses, even though there was 3/4 of a bottle in my fridge! I even went (soberly) and served hot dogs at my kids football game (on a Friday night? when there's wine to be had? never!) I came home, had 2 glasses, and went to bed. Slept all night too. Wow. On the first full day. I'm feeling great and can't wait to go up to 60 mg. tomorrow. Could this really, finally be the answer??
                              That's great, Evan! What you describe sounds so much like me when I started. Yes, bac HAS been the answer for me.


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Just ordered mine, cant wait for it to arrive!!!!!

                                BB xx

