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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Tonight was unreal.. this is only the second night in a row I've been AF in at least 3 years. It's obviously to soon to say I've hit my switch but it certainly feels like it. I had thoughts about drinking earlier in the evening but it was missing the rabid compulsion I've had every night for as long as I can remember.

    I'm at 160mg.

    50mg @ 1pm
    50mg @ 4pm (this totally shuts down the urge to buy a sixer on the way home)
    60mg @ 7pm-ish (erases any urge to go out and get anything)

    again, I'm not sure I've hit a "switch" but I do know that 160mg feels a world different from 150mg so... dunno.. we'll see what happens tomorrow.


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      Good luck to all of you! I'm in the trenches with you. I went up to 200 mg yesterday, and I think today, I'll stay there, but I need to take more earlier. It is getting next to impossible to sleep taking 40 mg at 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. I get into this sleepwalky state that I have never felt before in my life - not unpleasant, but it is HARD to get up off the couch and go fall into bed! The problem is that once I'm in bed, if I don't sleep absolutely straight on my back, almost sitting up, I can't breathe, and I snore myself awake. (Oh, the glamor of being a alcoholic - just never stops.) Also, I've caught myself falling asleep at work a few times. I am so happy and grateful that it's the weekend, and I can just crash at home, and my muscles can jerk and twitch in peace, and nobody will notice. (It's impossible to read a book - I can't hold it still for long enough.)

      After my third or fourth dose of the day, I might as well be drunk. I slur my words and can't think straight. I've missed exits while driving on the freeway twice this week, although I try to schedule so that I'm not in the worst of it while behind the wheel.

      I kind of feel like I've replaced being drunk with being high.

      I can do this for a couple more weeks, if it'll stop me from wanting to drink...come oooooon, off switch!!


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


        I found it very hard taking Bac at a dose of 90mg. That's the highest I got. I felt very strung out, exhausted, off balance, dufus-like. I am down to 30mg and that is only to help with anxiety. You are doing a good job staying on it at that dose and going AF...hang in there we need more successes!

        I know about the muscle jerks or whole body jerks just before I'm ready to drift off to sleep. What is that that a common thing for us drinkers?

        Everything I need is within me!


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          I used to notice the muscle jerks, especially right when falling off to sleep, whenever I would sober up.

          My husband said that is normal and it is just the muscles relaxing. He is not much of a drinker and he says he gets them frequently when he is falling asleep. After he said that, I started to enjoy the muscle jerks-- they always made me think happy thoughts about falling asleep (sober). I'm guessing I never felt them when drinking because the alcohol relaxed me so much that my body already WAS asleep by the time I fell asleep.

          After starting the Bac, the muscle jerks really increased, and also the whole body jerks, to the point that it was a little scary. But that went away after a couple (few?) weeks, and now it's just an occasional "normal" feeling.

          I also had leg cramps in the night during the first few weeks of Bac, and that is gone now, too.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            Brightlite and Beatle,

            I have had the occasional twitches while falling asleep, but this time, it's definitely bac-related. After I got up to 90 or 100, my hands/arms/sometimes other muscles started jerking - not just while I'm falling asleep, but all the time. It almost feels like an electrical current, and it makes me feel like I can't hold onto things, like a glass or the steering wheel. It's worst at night, after I've had all 4 or 5 doses - I can't hold a book still enough to read it; my hands and arms jerk all over the place. It's pretty freaky. I read that panda farts and some others have had the same reaction.

            It'll be worth it if I can just get to the fricking off switch!


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              yeah... I had (and still have to some extent) the twitches and feeling like you are going to drop stuff... It was only scary the first time it happened and that was the first time I took 40mg in one go.

              now I take 50, 50 & 60 and the twitching is still there but it's fading slowly. The constant headache kinda sucks but the upside is... this is peak crave hours for me and although I've thought about booze I'm not forced to do anything about it. I don't think I've gone 3 days since 2000.


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                This forum has been a lifeline for me! Because of this forum in have read MWO and Dr. A's book, investigated topamax and baclofen, and started taking baclofen.

                I am a 55/F. I have not had many AF days in the past 10 years. I have been an alcoholic since age 20. I have quit 3 times in the past. Each time it was harder to do. I was AF for 10 years (1985 to 1995) on my third try. Now I am trying for the 4th and final time.

                On 9/15/09 I took my first 5mg dose of baclofen.
                While I was waiting for my first online order of baclofen to arrive, I saw a psychiatrist. He refused to play! Would not consider topamax or baclofen. He wanted me in a detox center, followed by rehab. 12-step of course! Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against AA or 12-step if it helps you. But I have done detox/rehab/AA 2 times before. It doesn't work for me.

                My husband and I are both ER RN's. I do not need the expense or inconvenience of his way. Been there, done that......twice. We can and have detoxed me safely at home. While waiting for the baclofen order to arrive, I went from 1 liter of vodka/day to 3 beers/day. I lost 1 lb/day during this process! Went from 157 to 144 lbs. That was a tough 'white knuckle' time.

                I have titrated to 80mg/day now. No side effects now. Could go up but I am running out while waiting for my order of baclofen to arrive.

                I have noticed that those of you who had anxiety problems before taking baclofen are getting help with that. But those of us who had depression have had a lot of tension and hyper/wired.

                Anyway, I wanted to let you all know what a wonderful thing you are doing to help the rest of us find a way out of this disaster called alcoholism when we have tried everything else without success.


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  great but sorry!

                  I think that is great, but I am sorry your doc is such a butt-head!!! Mine gave me an RX without blinking an eye, I love him! I also read the book, and swear, you sound just like me, except for detox center, rehab, never could get up the $ or nerve to miss work to do that, I applaud you for the attempts, but I have tried AA, campral, naltrexone, topa....................all the supplements out there, with NO help until I started baclofen!!! I think you really should shop around for doctors, take the book w/ you, or the article on this site(that is all I did!) Now that I have the book, I really think every doctor should have to read that!!

                  I am 46 y/o female so feel for you there, have tried to stop or control my al intake for about 20 of the past 30 years w/ no luck!!:upset:

                  Good luck, :goodluck:I think (hope) you will do well w/ the bac, it doesn't of course work for everyone, but for me, it has helped w/ anxiety, depression, drinking, (I don't consider myself an alcoholic anymore!!!) I am cured!! I can actually have one or two beers, get a real buzz and stop at that!!!! How cool is that!!??? I am going through some really tough times right now, lost my job (AGAIN, for the second time in the past year!!!?? This time NO fault of my own, the economy did it this time GGRRRRR!!) Well anyway, I am happy to say, normally I would probably be spiraling out of control but am doing great!!!

                  Lots of love, pm me w/ any questions, would be glad to help in any way!!

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    Rhonda worked for me twice before, failed the third time, don't have $$ for another

                    I see some posts about Rhonda Lenair. I just have to say that I visited her three times. The first time I was AF for about two years with absolutely no cravings, desire, whatever. Then spouse had a heart attack and a stroke and everything went to he** including the marriage. So I went back again but spouse was insidious in trying to sabotage it: she thought Rhonda was a rip off. The night after my treatment we went out to dinner and she asked if it was OK with me if she had a drink due to the "stress" of the day. I'm thinking I've been through three two week hospitalizations with her, numerous scary medical procedures and she's stressed by visiting Rhonda? Well, I told her go ahead anyway and have the drink. Didn't really bother me except I knew she had one set of rules for her and one for me.

                    But as time went on (several months AF) she kept attacking me: "it doesn't matter if you drink or not you're still an alcoholic, it's just now you go to tag sales." I let this kind of stuff roll off my back for as long as I could and then finally I started to drink again.

                    Why am I posting this here? Well, I think if we can live stress free then what Rhonda does does work. I'm not even sure what it is except it's a non-invasive switch type of thing that Dr. A talks about. That was my experience. Absolutely no thoughts or cravings those two years.

                    Now I'm on Bac because I can't afford another treatment and Barry wouldn't work out any payment arrangements with me, and quite frankly, I'm not sure that I can live stress free the way I need to for it to last, although I'm trying.

                    The Bac is definitely harder on the system, and I'm still waiting for the switch to go off. I know what it feels like from before, so I know it is possible, it's just that I haven't reached it. At 160mg a day, I'm spacey and have other effects but I'm not giving up. I'm planning on trying something I read in one of the forums here about setting an alarm so that I'm sure I'm on a schedule. Sometimes five minutes after I take a dose I can't remember if I did or didn't so need to get one of those med dispenser things too.

                    Oh BTW, Rhonda didn't tell me not to drink. I understood that was part of the program and yeah I got the canned exercise. The thing is that I didn't have any interest in drinking any more than interest in say skydiving! If you can afford it, I say give it a try but only if you can limit stress and have a supportive partner. Those two years were some of the best of my life.

                    Now we'll see what I can do with Bac. Maybe it will help with the stress I feel that is the root of my problems.


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      Thanks for your support and encouragement Cowgal.

                      Dr. A's book was an amazing eye-opener! I am so grateful this forum encourages every one read it. And I agree with you, it should be required reading for doctors since alcoholism is such a major worldwide problem medically and legally.

                      I also came to your conclusion: I need to doc shop!

                      I am having no side effects at 80mg/day of baclofen. Hope my order arrives soon so I can increase the dose. I am currently forced to be AF for the past 9 days, but the craving is still driving me crazy.

                      To have what you have achieved would be VERY COOL!!


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        I'm on day 3 of 200 mg, and (believe it or not!) pretty tired of feeling high. I wish I had the mental clarity Dr. A got from Baclofen; unfortunately, it makes me really foggy - could not even decide what to have for dinner! Especially at work...wish I could take 2 weeks off to stay at home and space out. I seriously feel like I've had about a bottle of wine, all the time, at this point.

                        On the plus side, I got so much done this weekend! Days are sooooo looooooong when you're not passed out, lol!!! I replaced the shutters on my house, scrubbed the bathroom floors, got both bathroom sinks fixed, and have become obsessed with scrubbing all of my baseboards/trim/doors/walls/cabinets/corners with 409! (Don't know if the bac is bringing out my OCD side, or I've just been sober enough to notice what I slob I've been while I was drunk!)

                        Starting week 3...and yes, I'm one of those daily drinker types - usually between 1 and 2 bottles/night.


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          I should give you my address so you can unleash your OCD behaviour on my place! I am working about 55hrs a week, and well, don't have time to clean for my Thanksgiving dinner I am hosting!!!!

                          On another note, I have been doing ok....not totally AF, but I had to put my baby boy down (my 12 1/2yr old Golden Retriever). In the past, I would have drown myself, however, this time, I have been ok. I have drank, but I am ok.

                          I am waiting so impatiently for my new order of Bac to come....I am hoping it will be here any day....on the flip side, I have a dr's appointment the 27th, and I am hoping that I can convince her, no, have her realize how much this med has helped me.

                          The Bac has been so amazing though.
                          AF July 6 2014


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            Larisa - I could use your OCD at my house also. I was like you until I fell off the wagon in 1995. Which means I have 14 years of accumulation to clean up!

                            I, too, am awaiting my Bac order to arrive so I can increase my dose. I have been AF for 9 days, but had to have AL tonight. Have had only 4oz tonight and am already feeling a buzz! Usually I can drink 1.75 L in 2 days. My plan was to not have anything here when he came home on Wed. I don't think I can do that because I am already getting drunk on 4 oz!


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              beatle, My problems:

                              1) I cannot take more than 10mg at a time (separated by 2 hours)... or else I get really dizzy ditzy, feel like I am in a fog ... also if I take more than 70-80mg/day.

                              2) I go into manic mode at higher levels, even at very slow titrations (it seems there is a fine line between sleeping like a baby and pacing the walls like a maniac)... every time I push the Bac up a notch, I end up so wired I have to drink to bring myself down.

                              3) When I abstain, the physical cravings are not so very strong, but the habit is so ingrained that resisting is still very difficult.

                              As a result, I'm feeling rather down on myself... it's obviously me, and not the Bac, that isn't doing its job. No excuses, right?

                              I also have problems with mania When I increase the dose of baclofen. Were you depressed prior to being alcoholic?

                              I am seeing a doc tomorrow for my tenison and chiorapratic issuses. I plam to ask him for a RX for baclofen.

                              Please do NOT feel down on yourself! You are TRYING! You can not do better than that!


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Mostly I had anxiety prior to when my drinking spiraled out of control. I think my circumstances, together with the anxiety, brought on the alcohol abuse, which worsened the circumstances, which brought on the depression.

                                I'm finding that more Bac at night and less in the day is helping with the mania.

                                However, the ingrained habits are still there.

                                I just need to apply more willpower at this point. I feel like I am in the place where most people (I mean non-alcoholic people) believe we all have always been... namely, that we COULD stop if we really wanted to. That we are just hopeless beings because we do not exert our willpower. I hope to someday get over the resentment I feel about this misconception (and lack of compassion) that surrounded me (and all of you).

                                But now that I really CAN if I just try... well, I will.
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

