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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Regular intervals...

    Larisa, I have not been on here for a while, but got the e mail thread update from you today, so thought I would respond.

    For the last week I have gone from 30mg to 60mg, but I only take 10mg at a time, but two hours apart. All my side affects have gone. No more spaced out, tingling hands, wierd face sagging, panicy horrible dreams...all gone.

    I am drinking, but my main driver is to lessen crippling anxiety. I definately need to drink less, but one step at a time. I feel nicely chilled, and relaxed, and I know I could go up to maybe 70/80mg if I do it like this...close together. I figure its keeping the levels topped up and constant. I am now sleeping right through the night too, which is heavenly!

    I am flying home for a few days on Thursday, where I will be seeing friends and family I have not seen in months. I am a bit apprehensive, as I want to be on top form, but not topple into family politics etc. So here's hoping my six day trip goes well.

    I hope this advise helps you. Like you, I got really dispondant and very frustrated. Its different for everyone I know, but this 'little and often' method has done the trick for me for now...even though I consider this 'work in progress'!

    Good luck.
    Ruby Red


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      I haven't posted in awhile. In the process of moving etc. It was so difficult to cope with the moving and the driving for my job that I had to take the dosage back down to 30mg then 20mg. Guess what? Because of my situation right now, panic attacks set in and I started drinking a bottle of wine or more each night again. Also before Bac I could polish off a bottle of wine and noone would even know I had been drinking. Now, I pretty much go into a blackout mode after 3 to 4 glasses and can't remember stuff and either fall asleep on the couch or luckily make it up to my bed sometimes. That's scary. I'm going to take the dosage back up starting today and try to white knuckle through it. I can't live like this!!! Not sure what I will do about the 1 1/2 hour driving that I have to do for work sometimes. Been looking for another job, but it has been difficult (as many of you know) in this economy and at my age. I feel trapped...hence the panic attacks I guess! Breath...relax....breath!

      Everything I need is within me!


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Hang in there, Bright!
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          It has been a week since I last posted. Thought I would update on my progress and post my dosing schedule.

          While waiting for my mail order Bac: I saw a psychiatrist (would not give me a RX for Bac and wanted me to go to detox),I read as many threads as I could on this web site, I read MWO and Dr. A. O.'s books. Awesome reads!

          9/5 My husband insisted I detox NOW! AF for 7 days. Then drunk for 5 days (he was gone).
          9/15 AF for 5 days ( husband home). Drunk for 3 days.
          9/27 AF for 9 days. Drunk for 2 days. Notice my drunk days are shorter since starting Bac on 9/15.
          10/ 8 AF for 7 days (today). Not by choice. If I could get a bottle I would.

          9/15 received Bac in mail: Took 15mg - 5mg 3 x daily for 3 days. No side effects. Drunk for 2 days.
          9/18 30 mg - 10mg 3 X daily for 2 days. No side effects. AF
          9/20 40 mg - 10mg 4 X daily for 3 days. Side effects: Tense muscles, manic/agitated. AF
          9/23 50 mg - 20/20/10 X 2 days. Side effects continue. Sleeping soooo good. Still drinking heavily.
          9/25 60 mg - 20/20/20. Dizzy. Can't walk straight, along with other symptoms. Drinking.
          9/26 50 mg - No side effects. AF.
          9/27 60 mg - 20/20/20 X 3 days. Light headed and dizzy on 1st day. Then no side effect. AF
          9/30 70 mg - for 3 days. No side effects. AF
          10/3 80 mg - for 2 days. No side effects. Mellow and calm. AF
          10/6 100mg- for 2 days. Dizzy, forgetful, insomnia, tense, manic. Desperate to titrate up ASAP. Drunk.
          10/8 120mg- for 2 days. Insomnia ( 2 hrs yesterday and 3 hrs today). Tense muscles and manic. AF
          10/10 140 mg -1 day. Muscle tension getting worse. Mania gone.. Sooo sleepy. Forgetfulness worse. AF
          10/11 until today (4 days) 160 mg - Very sleepy, dizzy, can't walk straight, find myself wandering from room to room and can't remember why I'm there, numbness and strange crawling sensation in hands and arms, strange looking sagging face (look 10 years older).AF. Side effects seem to be decreasing today.

          Will stay at 160mg until symptoms improve. Them increase to 175mg because I feel like I'm very close to 'the switch'! Think most of my desire to drink at this point is because I am being forced to be AF. We all know how much we hate to be TOLD anything! I have taken a leave of absence until I can get this licked. So I can tolerate some pretty serious side effects for a couple of weeks.

          Hope this helps someone with questions about titration and side effects.


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            Teba, you sound great! I think you really are almost there... more so than I am.

            I have been through similar circumstances (although NO AF days, lots of low-AL days and NO binges). I also feel like I am close to "the switch".

            You are also so kind-- I think there are many people who will benefit from your detailed "update" post.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              I'm lowering my dosage to see how low I can go without cravings.. I'm down to 120mg tonight and it feels just like every other night since the switch was switched.


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Thanks Beatle. I hope you know how much ANY encouragement means when we are in such a delicate state. Hope I hit that switch soon. I really need to go back to work.

                Panda farts how long did you stay at your switch off dose before you started decreasing?

                Anyone who has any input on how long you need to stay at the switch off dose, I would appreciate hearing from you.


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Hi, Teba

                  As with titrating up, titrating down is different for all of us.

                  I tritrated up very agressively, since I was lucky not to have experienced serious side-effects until I got to a fairly high dose.

                  In titrating down, I am taking it very, very slowly. I will not allow anything to endanger my sobriety.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    I had thoughts last night so I took another 30mg .. so 150mg is obviously where I need to stay. I've been at 150 for a week or so I think.


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      I hit my switch!!!!! Since my side effects at 160mg was decreased yesterday, I took 200mg yesterday.

                      I was awake for an hour this morning before I remembered I would 'normally' have had 2 shots of vodka by this time. It was just recognition of my old habits. I didn't want a 'drink'!!!!

                      OMG! This is a wonderful feeling!

                      I owe it all to this forum and the wonderful information found here. The caring, compassion and understanding I found here gave me the courage to go for it.

                      Thank you all for the support.


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        so happy for you!!

                        Teba that is wonderful news, as I am going to up my dose now, I am really depressed about losing my job, drinking every day, but nothing, I mean NOTHING compared to how I was, just worried about how much it costs to keep drinking, and VERY worried I won't find a job................I mean VERY!!! I don't know what to do and I am cleaning my house like crazy, the rain is depressing, my horses are neglected, I think I am depressed!! AND my insurance will run out at the end of the month, then I may not be able to afford the baclofen!!??? Sorry to ramble, just worried sick, which makes me feel I need to up my dose, as I wasn't worried about anything for a while, think I am getting too used to 120 mg/day, so up I go................

                        Thanks for the hope!!!:thanks::thanks:

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          Teba, that is fantastic!!! Congratulations.

                          I also noticed I misread your earlier question: I stayed on my switch dose (240) for 2 weeks, and then started titrating down. When I hit 140, some of the cravings returned, and I went back up to 180 - 200. I'm now on 160 - 180 for the past 4 weeks. The intention is to titrate down by 10mg every three days or so until I'm comfortable with where I'm at.

                          Again: I'm very happy for you!

                          Beatle & Bright: how are you guys doing?
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            Hang in there, CG... Do whatever you need to do! We're rooting for you!
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Great success to you guys. I tried the 3 doses of 15 mg, but added an additional 5 mg after two days. I experienced lightheadeness and somnalence to the point whare I was afraid to continue taking the bac. I cut back. I am now back to 15 mg a day in three equal doses. I plan on waiting five days and then adding 5 mg to the latest dose in the day. Does anyone have any experience getting to the "swithch" over a prolonged period as I am planning on pursueing. I cannot function with much somnolance. I think I need to take it very slowly. Any problems with that. Can I achieve the same result of AF in such a slow and gradual planj?



                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Tip, I'm doing ok, thanks for asking. I'm just not there yet... but savouring every day of not being drunk (and it's been 3 months since I've been drunk!). I guess if my problem had not been so out of control before this, I might have been satisfied with this "moderation", but I'm not. And I won't back down, no matter how long it takes.
                                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

