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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    freaked out!!

    since I am working nights, just getting used to it poor body, thank GOD for provigil, it keeps me awake great!! And caffeine of course, but this is my case:

    Worked Sunday night, dosed all day, didn't dose all night...................slept all day,or most of it...........(so missed alot of side effects, mind you!?)

    Worked Monday night, took all the meds to work w/ me, dosed as I would have during the day................fine................

    Last night rushed to work, left ALL my meds at home, not allowed to leave the facility for the ENTIRE 12 hour shift!!?? Called Mike (ASSHOLE!!) to ask him if he could bring them,and my phone, which I left at home too.................he said he drank too much (I couldn't understand anything he was saying!!) so therefore, I have not taken doses regularly.............for about 3 days, but no withdrawals.................

    I wonder if I have placebos, or if I am just immune to this stuff..........??? I still seems to be working, if I want to have a few I can (definitely couldn't before 8/14........) but if I want to go AF, it is not hard.....................

    What is going on..................................just glad I am ok!!

    AND, I emailed Dr. A over a month ago and never heard anything back, guess he doesn't like what I said or something?? he has gotten back to everyone else here it looks like!:upset::upset:

    Love and hugs!!:l:h

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


      There have been a few times that I have missed my doses all day and not felt any withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes I just get busy and side tracked at work, or home, and just forget. I start a new job on Monday that is an office job so I will have an easier time of keeping my doses together.

      I hope I don't have placebos as well!!! lol

      AF July 6 2014


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


        I was worried all night last night, even skipped the gym to hurry home to take my bac!! That scared!! Guess some people have bad withdrawals & some don't?? For some it works, and others it doesn't so I guess it is all just whatever the person's chemistry does?? Oh am relieved, but that will NEVER happen again, not worth the stress!!

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          I think the worry of withdrawal has been overplayed -- well, not actually... I think it SHOULD be of great concern to everyone and we all need to be aware of it and do whatever we can to keep ourselves safe.

          What I mean is, as Cowgal has experienced, missing some doses doesn't affect everyone the same way, and plenty of people have had no side-effects with widely fluctuating dosing, including myself.

          This is also the case with alcohol and benzos. Some diehard long-term alcoholics can quit with only minor discomfort, while others can die from DT. The same with benzos. Despite the horrible reputation (rightly so) for the terrors of withdrawal from benzos, the benzo-withdrawal guruess says as much as 50% of people addicted to benzos can quit with no side effects. (if anyone wants the reference for this, I will have to look it up-- and I'm not guaranteeing it is an exact quote).

          Still, best to play it safe
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            Am somnolent! And sober. On a Friday night. Woohoo! Still at 260.

            I can't stop yawning. My face is going to break...

            Another wild, crazy Friday night at our house. *yawn*

            Oh, and cowgal...Dr. A didn't answer me either. I guess we smell bad.


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              Working out well for me still.

              I feel normal. For the first time for over 20 years. Getting drink/drunk is not my obsession. Anxiety down to usually manageble levels and living a life. That is what I wanted when I came into this and that is what I have got.

              I am so chuffed with this drug.
              Andy R:


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                happy for you!!

                I am happy for you Andy.............think I finally found my life 46!! I feel better (even on a bad day) than I have felt in years!!

                Great to feel myself, and hear from others!!

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  I re-read the part of Dr. A's book that happens when he starts upping the bac dose on the way to 270. I noticed that he mentions being a "shopaholic" and that bac helps with that too. I'm still not sure if I've hit the the AL switch (although I am sober!), but I've noticed that after I eat, I'm done, and when I go to the store, I buy just what I need and am able to put other things away. I actually noticed that *before* I read it in the book, so I'm pumped!

                  I'm in bed by 9:30 at the latest right now, but I do wake up refreshed at 6:00, ready to go. I used to barely make it out of bed at 6:30.

                  My nightly buzz has been replaced by my morning buzz when I step on the scale. (Note: it's not just the bac. I've been doing nutrisystem for over a year, which hasn't worked b/c of the enormous quantity of calories I was drinking.)

                  Feeling successful, overall! This stuff still makes me high, though.


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    Hi the bac is working out for me too been taking it for coming up for 4 months now and at 47 got my life back, went out friday night remained sober and did not spend all day friday trying to work a plan ( which always failed) to stay sober. Had a good night and wok eSaturday morning able to remember the whole night, feeling fine and no remorse. For me it a miracle drug. Came on here today because I have been feeling jittery all day and then realised I had not taken my morning dose just taken it and starting to feel calmer already. I have email Dr A 4 times he amswered the first one but not the last 3 perhaps he is too busy enjoying his sober life to answer our emails these days ! shame though


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      just another thing, bac works so well for me I plan to take it long term the rest of my days if necessary, as never want to go back to the way life was for many years before. Is that other peoples plan ? i have mentioned that a few times in chat and some members ( they are not on it) seem to find that a strange concept !


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                        I will also take it for the rest of my life, IF that is what it takes.

                        BUT I am working on taking control of my life to such an extent that hopefully it won't be necessary (seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist, amongst other things).

                        Today was the first day that I skipped my morning dose (deliberately). I am happy to report no adverse effects. Next step: taking my last dose earlier in the evening, to see if my insomnia will be alleviated by having less bac in my system by the time I go to bed.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                          Good for you Tip.................I think I will stay w/ the bac at this dose for the rest of my life if this is what it is not costing me anything more than $15 a month and keeps me from wasting my life by being an alcoholic, what a bargain!!??

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            love you all!!

                            I feel that this is nothing short of a miracle for me and family, best of luck for anynone dealying w/ this, it sucks..............................good luck to you all!!:thanks:

                            lots of love,

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Hi there!!

                              I have been posting mostly on the AA thread. I know many here do not like AA, but I am finding that addressing the physical, mental and spiritual aspect of my addiction to be critical.

                              Baclofen by itself just did not "do it" for me. It helped. Tremendously.

                              But I did still end up in a psyche ward even while on it.

                              However, I still take my Baclofen, 60 mgs a day, and it does help me so much.

                              I hope all who are trying to stop this madness in their lives can find their way out, no matter what it takes.

                              AF April 9, 2016


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Have been at 270 for 2 days - some superstitious part of me wanted to get up to where Dr. A hit his switch. But it's officially too much for me! I actually woke up two nights ago with half-chewed food in my mouth - I know, niiiiice. I was too sleepy to finish chewing, I guess! I can't even make it to 8:30 now, and life has to be about something other than working and sleeping! Also, I'll never be able to test whether I want AL or not unless I'm actually physically capable of going to get some. So...down to 250 tonight, and we'll see from there.

