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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Awesome. Congrats. I am so happy for you and hope to be there soon as well. I am still drinking less than a glass of wine a night and still have cravings. But not too bad.

    It is amazing to go to bed sober. Haven't done so in years except for the last week. I sleep like a baby and wake up thinking clearly. Just wonderful.

    Again, congrats. That is wonderful news.



      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      Welcome Jim:welcome: you are in the right place now, and amongst some of the most caring, supportive and non judgemental people. You will find all you need here.


      Well done Phoenix, I read your post with a big grin on my face, you have every right to gush, what a feeling to have finally shaken that damn monkey. I am so proud of you.:goodjob:

      NC, congrats to you too, one glass of wine is an amazing achievement. I am yet to get to the stage of no cravings too, but i know I will hit my switch and I too can enjoy one glass of wine and not want anymore. Seems too weird a concept for me atm.

      So much to be grateful for - Love to you all.
      Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
      :h ya


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Hey all!!

        As usual, thrilled to hear everyone's success stories, and a big ole welcome to Jim!!!:welcome:

        You are in a great place, lots of support!!

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          With Christmas rushing up I thought that with my long term aim of moderating after about a month AF I'd try a couple of drinks as a way of experiment. So on 100mg of Baclofen I drank 1 beer and 3 large glasses of wine, strangely I didn't have any cravings for alcohol but I figured I'd give it a go. It was quite weird, first of all I could actually taste the alcohol far more so than I remember, particularly the wine tasted far more like Port. Next after a beer and a wine I definitely felt some effect, pretty sleepy, maybe "tipsy", but that could have been the big roast dinner and the woodburner?

          However, by the time I went to bed I was already starting to feel a bit hungover, bit of a headache, eyey (I'm sure everyone here knows what I mean by that!), and this morning I definitely feel hungover, not incapacitated just a bit average.

          All experiments need a conclusion so I think mine is that I need to stick to 7 units max.


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            Thanks for the support

            Thanks for all the kind responses.

            Tiptronic, I appreciate the help. FYI, I should have explained that the Zoloft is for anxiety (a la Dr. A). I will wait for after the holidays and try a slow taper under the guidance of my MD.

            I did have some wine the other night. No withdrawal, but I still have obsessional thoughts. However these thoughts are no different from when I was sober for 2 years.

            I will contine to increase my dose and report.

            Thanks again.:thanks:


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              baclofen and dogs

              I have 3 dogs - by far the most high maintenance is a Min. Schnauzer I inherited when he got passed around too many times. I dropped my pill box yesterday, and I immediately shooed everybody away, and I thought I cleaned all the meds up. About an hour later, I see Slim Shady the Schnau (I didn't name him) jerking like a fool. I ended up getting freaked out and took him to the pet emergency clinic.

              Turns out, the little *$#) must have gotten one of my pills. He got fluids and charcoal, and once I knew he was going to be okay, I got sick pleasure out of watching him jerk, much the way I jerk when I take a bunch of bac!

              So...keep away from the pups! They're usually okay, but it lowers body temp and heart rate and does some other nasty things. It makes some dogs vomit, but mine was still begging for treats. (Figures.) Hopefully, your doggies are a little smarter than Shady anyway...


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                Man, I am an animal lover to the max, my dog (13 year old) chocolate lab goes out when we ride the horses, usually poops out and goes home 1/2 way through the ride, especially the long one we had on Sat.................WELL he did not show up on Sat, Sun or a special hate letter from my son telling me how hateful and selfish I was
                not to notice he wasn't here etc...............the dog is always (being a lab) in every body of water around, and we have lots of gators worst thoughts, turns out he was picked up by a nice driver by(he will hop in the car w/ anyone, so friendly!) so he is home and safe after all the dramatics have/had been played out..................

                now he has never gotten into the baclofen, maybe would do him some good??? but a sweet old dog who we have had for over 12-13 years, part of the family, you know.....

                happy ending at least...................


                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  "Poly-veterinary-pharmacy" gone mad!!

                  Visit my web site to see why human Baclofen Polypharmacy is so relevant at the moment. And why you should be worried.

                  When all was going very badly wrong with my ex, she threw a whole new container full of best Baclofen in my face.

                  It missed, and lots went onto the floor. I thought that I had got it all up, but I hadn't. Mittens, one of her cats, had eaten at least one Baclofen 10mg tab. We monitored her for hours. She wasn't great until the next morning. She exhibited most of the effects described by Larisa.

                  When drunk, we usually absolve ourselves from our responsibilities to and for others. It doesn't end with Baclofen. Pets, most definitely, included. Often, pets need the very most care. After all, they trust us far too much for their own good. I know. Rosie and Harley most certainly love me much more than is healthy for them!

                  Take care of yours. They generally deserve much better than they get.

                  Dr Phill


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                    you have just joined into the site that is chalk full of animal lovers...............many of my friends on different threads are the same..........

                    heard of dogs eating bac, mine never gets into the bathroom, thank GOD he is home again tho.............

                    love my pets, all of them, a zoo up until a while ago..................6 hens, 2 roosters, a guinea hen, beautiful black cat and my two big ole babies, Cocoa and for them more than life itself. And yes, they do need and appreciate it!!!! God love our animals!!!

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      If you haven't been to Dr Phill's site and seen this, then you MUST

            [/video]]YouTube - Baclofen - Curing My Alcoholism -

                      I nearly cried
                      Are we all looking for the same way out?


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                        can never have enough info on this stuff!! good research!!!

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          I got big telling off from Dr Phill for this, but I don't care.

                          You should all go and see him talking live this Christmas

                          YouTube - Baclofen - Curing My Alcoholism -
                          Are we all looking for the same way out?


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                            sorry, and :hF Christmas for me this year..........................hope all is well w/ everyone here, love ya!!!!

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Last night, I got a really nice pair of e-mails from Dr Eskapa. I have never approached him ever. These were totally unsolicited letters from him. I've never had any reply ever from OA. This is what I sent back to Dr Eskapa -

                              Dear Dr Eskapa (until you give me permission, I will not call you Roy)
                              Thank you so much for your e-mails. They mean so much to me, and to all of us finding our way 'in the blind' with Baclofen. That you came to me unsolicited 'out of nowhere' is especially gratifying.
                              None of us, not even me, seem to ever get any form of reply from Ameisen. Therefore, pending his next best seller, I am on my own out here. I am sure that he will be everywhere in January. It's not always all that comfortable a place to be. Even MWO people are looking for every excuse to burn me in effigy. They love Ameisen, but doubt me. I understand why, but they are just wrong. There have been many times, not least of which have been the last two weeks, when I have thought "Well, I'm doing kind of alright. Why should I bother?"
                              But, bother, I do. Some of us just do bother. That's how we are made. I am certain that you are one of them. I doubt that Ameisen is made of quite the same stuff.
                              Through my own researches, and those of of Lo0p (Evan - we all know who we are talking about here, don't we Dr Eskapa), I know much of what you represent and write about. It is valid. It is (sort of) validated. And it is right. It is right because it works for lots of people. Not all. More of that in the New Year through my next venture - Hosted by Webhosting.

                              So, with regard to Baclofen, sir,
                              I don't represent anything valid, not in the way you think of it. Nor do I pretend to.
                              I, God help me, have become to represent Baclofen for a lot of people. God help them!!
                              I didn't want this or ask for this. But it seems to be happening. But, if they're happy, then so am I.
                              But, whatever you might think, it seems that Baclofen does work for lots of people. Me included.
                              For lots and lots and lots of us, Baclofen has saved our lives. And, that's that!

                              If I can help to validate it scientifically I will. And be pleased that scientists much cleverer than me showed that lots of us were right all along. You and I know that it will never happen. Because noone will ever fund it.

                              But pending that scientific utopia, I will have to settle for doing my best for the thousands of us out there self-diagnosing, self-prescribing, self-dispensing, and self-monitoring high dose Baclofen every day of their lives.

                              Dr Eskapa, you are totally right. Baclofen needs lots more research. It won't ever get it. But, even when it does, it will come far too late for the millions of people that need our help right now.

                              Please please please keep in touch. You must. Ameisen doesn't.

                              Dr Phill

                              Dr Phillip Thomas MB ChB LLB(hons) FRCS

                              This is an open letter


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Hi Phill,

                                Your post is encouraging.

                                A few comments, if I may:

                                No-one is burning you in effigy. I am the lone critical voice on MWO. I haven't said anything negative recently, though. For the rest, you've enjoyed a warm welcome here. My earlier virulent remarks tracked the less than auspicious launch & development of your website, and should be read as criticism at a particular moment in time. I have acknowledged that the quality of the content has improved dramatically.

                                Having said that, I remain doubtful of your motives. If I'm proven wrong over time, I'll eat my words and apologise (I'll actually be glad for that to happen). But for now, you are neither the exclusive voice of baclofen, nor do you represent it. As long as you proclaim it to be a cure, that'll remain my stance.

                                I wish all of us freedom from addiction. Nothing more, nothing less.
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

