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Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

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    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

    Dr. Phil,

    I don't want to go to your chat thing. I have researched on my own many options. There is nothing on your site that I want to read or promote. I've read and researched as much as I have wanted to with regard to this. Unless more controlled studies are conducted, I am not promoting you or the product. Yes, it has helped many, randomly without Doctors supervision. I'm not a Doctor...but I would never pretend that I was all knowledgeable about a product unless I specialized in that field. And of course, specialists would never...never put up a website saying that they are the end all of alcoholism. And, my guess is that Dr. A.. does not have a website for that reason alone or answer emails for that reason. It is a helps with cravings and might enhance your willpower. It may be good and effective in combination with Nal...because they work on different neurotransmitters.....or maybe work with plain old willpower but there is no one specific cure so put that in your website.

    Sorry all...but Dr. Phil has said much worse to me/us.

    Everything I need is within me!


      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

      I couldn't agree with you more, Brighlite. You are absolutely right

      Dear Brightlite,

      I hadn't realised that we agreed on so much.

      I seek no promotion for 'my site'. Actually, it's not really 'my' site at all. It's what everybody else turns it into. I'm just a facilitator, really. That kind of promotion would be quite wrong. So we agree about that.

      I have no product to promote, so we agree there also.

      You are spot on when you recognise that only a specialist should profess knowledge in his or her own field. I think that is perfectly worded, Brighlite. That's why I do not ever profess to have knowledge in this field, nor provide any specific medical advice whatsoever. However, as a former academic surgeon, at least allow me the credit for being able to explain to the general public bona fide established medical terminologies with some credibility. After all, I have written a 'proper' medical textbook. So, I guess that we are still in agreement.

      The whole point about Baclofen is that it is almost always taken without a doctor's supervision. Almost everybody is 'self-prescribing'. And will be until something even better comes along and the medical fraternity take it on board really quickly. Yeah, like that's going to happen. If this was not the present situation, I would shut the site down tomorrow. After all, there'd be precious little need for it. Although many purely information web sites exist for less reason. And, according to our regular visitors, are of far less quality. So, no problem between us there, I assume.

      You are 100% right when you say that no specialist would put up a web site saying that they "are the end all alcoholism". That's precisely why I haven't. I merely advocate exactly the same sentiments as Dr Ameisen does about the potential of Baclofen and what might be developed from it. Hence, my leader of (it) "not being a cure. Well not quite. Not yet, anyway." You must have seen that. So, we agree there too.

      As for your "no one specific cure, so put that in your web site". I already have. If you'd read the site, you would have seen it. So, we agree there too.

      You say that there is nothing on the site that you wish to read. How would you know unless you take the trouble to read it? Words don't hurt.

      It's a shame that you won't join in the chatty thing that goes on there. But, there you go. We can't agree on everything. You may be surprised to hear that I do not regularly join in the chat. I just set up this formative message board, and let everyone else just get on with it.

      Thank you for taking the trouble to bother so much. It's great to see that we have so much in common.

      Pip xx


        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

        Dr Phill;785409 wrote:

        I do not think of myself as Dr Baclofen. DrBaclofen was just an e-mail address, because the 25 others that I had tried were all taken. Same for YouTube.


        Did the dog regularly eat your homework when you were at school, too?

        Quick - If you act now, you can still get Dr.PE.Thomas. Dr.PEThomas (although that one looks dodgy) or Dr.P.E.Thomas @

        Had blogspot & Wikipedia usernames also been so difficult to find, that you had to continue the same theme?
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

          Zenstyle;785737 wrote: Brightlight... you can't talk coherently with someone who changes the focus of the conversation like Dr Phill did there. The shifting subject matter will have you chasing your own tail!!! :H

          Dr Phill... I've looked at your website now. You could have contacted me, as a courtesy, before you published a link to my baclofen threads. I know they are there for public consumption on MWO, but I didn't expect to find them linked elsewhere. Especially my Baclofen Log... That is a very personal thread.

          Mmmmm... I see a thread I started is also linked. And I have the dubious distinction of being listed on the Wall of Honour...

          I'm afraid I do not hold the belief that "any publicity is good publicity."
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

            let's all change course??

            i think this (as in the past w/ other people)has gone in the wrong direction, we are all needed here for the newcomers and to give support love and experience to each other through this rough journey (at least it is for me!?) ....................let's get back on track here, if Dr. phill feels like chiming in in a positive way, he is welcome, otherwise, let's just stick w/ each other ok??? We have/had a great thing going here, let's keep on going guys, ok!??

            xoxoxoxo MA REALLY tired of this shit!!:h:l

            Mary Anne
            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

              Zenstyle;785817 wrote: I agree with MA. This thread should not be turned into a thread about Dr Phill's website etc. That was not the intention of the person that started the thread in the first place.

              Peace Out from me... And I think this "discussion" should be taken up elsewhere on the boards, not on this thread.
              Agreed, MA & Zen

              I actually have very exciting news on my own progress to share.

              I've been no leave since Christmas Eve (with the exception of two days that I had to be at the office last week).

              Leading up to it, I was rather apprehensive, because there would be so many more triggers during the festive season, while out and about having fun with the family, two weddings etc. etc.

              The good news is that I'm OK - even at my "below indifference" level of baclofen. In fact, I've spoken to Mrs. T, and I'll be going down to 100mg tomorrow. I always rely on her to be there so I can share how I'm feeling. If things do not go according to plan, she'll be there to ride it out with me until a p.r.n. dose has done its work.

              I'm planning to stay on 100mg for a week, and then try another 10mg cut and see...
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                Zenstyle;785829 wrote: That's fantastic Tippers!

                Good luck with titrating down... I think you'll be just fine!
                I think I've been stuck on the idea of the 120mg maintenance dose (from 240 switch) too long. At some stage, one has to see how far you can push the envelope.

                I am a true believer in p.r.n. doses
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                  Hi all not really added to this thread before but though now might be a good time I have been on bac since Aug 09 the highest dose I went up to was 125mg could not take any higher than that It just made me feel ill, not really sure when I reached my switched but Ihave definatley reached it and now tirated down to a maintentance dose of between 25 to 50 mg a day on a level day 25mg and if there is any added stress about go up to 50mg. Just had my first sober christmas and new year in 30 years, never ever thought this would happen. I choose to mod and take a stt dose of naltrezone beofre I have a drink. THe other night ended up drinking a bit to much and I am not sure why so goging to have a (ended up in bed on three seperate occasions feeling like I had the hangover from hell even though I had not had a drink) on a few occassions while my body adjusted to a new dose but it was well worth sticking with it . So after many years ready to enbrace a new decade with the feling that I have won the lottery bac works for me and I am happy to continue using it for life never want to go back to life before bac ! And a happy new year to many frinds from chat that I never seem to catch up with due to the time difference, many of you have been an inspiration and great support to me thank you very much guys, your support and help is a source of joy to me !!! BH xx


                    Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                    glad for u!!

                    Tip, that is awesome, had one slip when my son wrote me a hateful letter, don't know if I shared it on here or not..................drank 2 tall beers, (4 real beers) and got blasted, cried and slept.:upset::upset:............I believe that was 12/22/09, that is why my new sig says AF since 12/23/ determined to do it w/ all your help and baclofen, just have to adjust to this new stuff/crappy schedule/divorce/asshole husband/stress....................will be staying close to you all, (for a change! HA!!) Glad we are all on the same page, let's keep it this way, you guys rock!!!:thanks:

                    lots of love,:l:h

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                      I will really appreciate your help. I have been trying to order Antabuse from Riverpharm, but although I checked the details over and over it kept saying incorrect details. I need the meds to stop me from a bender - any advice from you. ?
                      make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                        Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread


                        This thread is for baclofen, I don't know much about Antabuse, that was what u were akig about right??? I may be wrong, it has been a really long day for me...

                        MA. Sorry cannot be uch help there.
                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                          Thanks anyway, I appreciate your response. I'm in a Eastern country, and believe me - you can't go to a doctor and say help me - so I have to order online
                          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                            Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                            jessie;786086 wrote: I will really appreciate your help. I have been trying to order Antabuse from Riverpharm, but although I checked the details over and over it kept saying incorrect details. I need the meds to stop me from a bender - any advice from you. ?
                            Hi, Jessie

                            All I can suggest is that you email their customer service dept.

                            Or try a different online pharmacy, like 4RX.COM: Your Online Source For Affordable Generic Medications or Inhouse Pharmacy - Supplying a wide range of Prescription and Non-Prescription Medications Online including Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Ventolin, Singulair

                            I am also from South Africa, and have used them successfully to order baclofen.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                              Thanks Tip, if all else fails I'm going to ask you to send me the stuff. I'll pay in advance of course. But here I go...
                              make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                                Consolidated Baclofen Progress Thread

                                Good luck!!

                                Wish I could help out, best of luck and keep us posted!

                                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

