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    Ok, so I've read the book, ordered the supplements and the CD's and am contemplating the topamax. Tried to order it thru a Canadian online pharmacy, they called me to warn me that it can cause a serious side effect called metobolic acidosis or something like that and the a doctor needed to monitor me for that, and they really don't recommend my buying it without a prescription (I think they would've done it, if I would have pushed it, but didn't want to lie any more than I already do) So, before I go and try to buy it under the table, I'm wondering what I should do.
    Well OK, I mean, I KNOW I should go to the doctor, but I like the whole discreetness of this and was hoping I woudn't have to. I also take Welbutrin, Lexapro and Xanax on an as needed basis for anxiety, any experience with Topa and these other meds?

    Any words of wisdom out there?



    I?m not taking any of those, but I am currently on meds for cholesterol (1), high blood pressure (2), menopause symptoms (2), and an herbal supp for mood enhancement plus that menopause stuff (1). (If you want the list of names, email me.)

    I went to my dr for the Topa and she reviewed my lab tests, which had been done a few months ago. She prescribed 25 mg pills to be ?taken as directed,? which meant: according to the schedule described in MWO. Lucky me, my insurance covered it! I started immediately and the side effects have been minimal. (Grape seed extract goes a long way to relieve the tingles.) Today I start week 3, and it is so effective for me, I think I will stay at 50 mg for now and see how long I can last at that level.

    I understand how you feel about remaining ?discreet? but when I went to my dr with the articles in hand and was so enthusiastic about the program, she actually became excited for me. She said, ?Yes, of course we can do this. I am on YOUR side.?

    So do whatever you have to do for your health and well-being. Your doctor is TRAINED to be discreet, after all.

    And stay in touch with these boards. The support here is great. You?ll see?

    Hugs to you!




      CALM - Question re Topa

      Hey guys
      Just wondering - for those of you who take topa
      I am noticing - as I am really getting used to my dose (still at 125mg - tried to go up to 150 mg but found a little bit of the dopa coming back and I cant have that right now with my job because some major projects are going on, so I have to be sharp)..but I digress.

      ...One of the nicest things I have noticed about the topa (other than, of course, reducing how much I drink, decreasing how much I want to drink in a sitting, decreased cravings - notice i do not say NO CRAVINGS - because we all know its not only about taking a pill!..)is that I find a general "calming" feeling in my brain....
      Do other people taking topa find this? I find this very pleasant - and it really helps me to refrain, or delay drinking...or drink less than I used to. Could this be from the topa working on the gaba (increasing the gaba in the brain?) and decreasing the glutamate (which causes the "excitement" of the craving as I understand it)? (Dont know if anyone can answer this or even if its important, I just like to know how these things work...)

      Do other people find this?

      Over 4 months AF :h



        bkrook, I take 50mg of Topa in addition to 20mg Celexa w/o any unusual SE's. Everyone is different so good luck and if you get a chance please post bk here!!!
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read



          Hi all - I take 300mg Topa (150mg twice a day) and 60mg Celexa . I haven't noticed any of the calming feeling that Jen mentions, but I am a fairly calm person anyway - meditating etc., and I find that the Topa does take away all my cravings for AL.

          My doc was really pleased for me when 'we' embarked on this (his mum was an alcoholic he told me a couple of months in) and has been so pleased with the outcome for me. I know that different drugs work differently for everyone but Topa has definitely been the right choice for me. I do feel that it is a work in progress though and am not sure where it goes down the road - i.e. how long do I stay on it, when do I start titrating down and so on.

          If any of you have any questions and I can help, please feel free to PM me.

          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

