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Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

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    Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

    I know that meds can be very difficult to obtain from some doctors, but concerning the Antabuse or baclofen question, I think both could be used at the same time, at least at the beginning. That is what I am planning, now that I'm in touch with an addiction specialist who admits there is evidence for high-dose baclofen treatment.

    In my own experience, even though Antabuse doesn't reduce the direct cravings, it can be valuable in stopping internal mental anguish caused by the fight between the part of me that wants to be sober and the part that wants to drink. I don't have cravings for alcohol until late afternoon or evening, so taking Antabuse in the past (during the morning) has allowed me to get some sober time. It has stopped that internal mind debate about whether to drink or not at night, and stops all the excuse-making my "drinking side" makes up to over-ride my decisions not to drink. There is no point making excuses to drink or having an internal mind debate when you know you simply cannot drink. However, I must also point out that this has only ever been a short-term, intermediate step, between the end of detox and the start of other treatment. Taking Antabuse and doing nothing else is likely to just cause desperation and craving to build up over days or weeks like rising pressure in a gas cylinder, until a person can't stand it and deliberately stops taking the Antabuse so they can drink again after a week or so. I have found myself so desperate while on Antabuse that I have smoked cannabis at night for emotional relief, even though I don't normally use it. I have considered hard drugs for relief, even though I never take any of them. I have used prescription drugs, and even drank once after only having quit Antabuse for 3 days.

    When used with baclofen, however, the situation could be very different. The Antabuse could prevent impulsive drinking while waiting for the baclofen dose to increase enough to start reducing alcohol cravings. The promise of strong anti-craving effects from the baclofen could prevent the urge to give up on the Antabuse. And taking Antabuse would allow the baclofen to be taken while completely alcohol-free, avoiding any potential interactions between alcohol and baclofen, and maybe also allowing the effects of baclofen to be felt and appreciated more than if it was being used with alcohol still in the system. Maybe baclofen could actually work better at a lower dose than when taken while still drinking??

    Of course, to do this would require admittance to a detoxification facility or an outpatient detox program, which usually means taking a benzodiazepine for a week or so, usually at a high dose to begin with. Just suddenly stopping alcohol is very dangerous for anyone who drinks on a daily basis at a substantial daily intake, as I'm sure everyone knows (I'm just pointing it out again to ensure my post is responsible...I'm not trying to sound like a know-it-all). Of course baclofen itself has been used as a detox drug instead of benzos, but I can't recommend do-it-yourself home detox. In my own case, if I actually get prescribed high-dose baclofen and Antabuse from the specialist I've been in touch with, I still intend to undertake detox using a benzodiazepine (diazepam aka Valium is the one normally used here in Australia) either as an inpatient or a fully-supervised outpatient. Only after the detox will I start the baclofen and titrate it upwards (as fast I can handle, by the way). The Antabuse could be started even during the detox.

    As baclofen dosage is increased and real anti-craving effects are experienced, to the point of not wanting to drink at all or feeling able to resist urges to drink, the Antabuse could be discontinued altogether, carried as an emergency drug to be taken immediately if a serious urge to drink was noticed, or just continued to be taken as a back-up. If discontinued, and a return to drinking happened despite baclofen being effective, then the Antabuse could be restarted again as a back-up against urges as soon as the latest alcohol was out of the body.

    Anyway this is my plan, after trying baclofen up to 75 mg per day without success, and also having tried Antabuse without a reliable long-term anti-craving solution. If all goes well with the latest specialist I will post my results at some stage in the future.

    Sorry for the long post. I hope it has been of some help.


      Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

      P.S. Just a quick addition to my above post. Please understand that I was NOT in any way promoting the use of addictive drugs, either prescription or illegal. That would be totally irresponsible, aswell as contrary to the purpose and spirit of this forum. I am not an illegal drug user or prescription drug abuser. I was only expressing how desperate I had felt at times in the past, when taking Antabuse without any other supportive measures in place. I also didn't wish to scare anyone away from Antabuse by suggesting they may consider using/abusing drugs; it was purely my own personal experience.


        Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

        Thanks for your replies Veritas and Greg. I have found them to be most helpful.

        In my own experience, even though Antabuse doesn't reduce the direct cravings, it can be valuable in stopping internal mental anguish caused by the fight between the part of me that wants to be sober and the part that wants to drink

        Greg, this is the reason I like the aspect of Antabuse. I can wake up in the morning with every good intention of having it be a sober day. Somehow before my day is over, I have broken that promise to myself, and the cycle starts again. This same pattern has been going on for years and years now.

        I think Antabuse is a good one for me to at least start with. Its my feeling that if I could just get some good long sober time behind me, I would see how life can be without always breaking promises to myself. I need a good huge kick in my pants. I hear some people on here say that antabuse has given them some good sober time, 3 months, 2 months, but I have never experienced even one week of sobriety. To me 1 month of sobriety would be a huge success!

        I've pretty much came to the conclusion I cannot do it on my own. I havent done it on my own for this long.

        I was thinking about the first step in AA. "Admitted we were powerless over alcohol"
        To me, Antabuse is power, and a defense against my own shortcomings and weakness. Maybe I might need the baclofen as well, we shall see, but right now is a trial and error period, and a good start.

        Thank you for your replies and best of luck to all of us


          Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

          Your experience of deciding not to drink every morning but giving in to it by the end of the day is exactly my own experience. My mind makes up the most ridiculous excuses to drink as the day goes on. My most common one is "I'll just spend one more night drinking, and then I'll give it up tomorrow night". The local hospital can detox people so it's not as if I'm chickening out due to withdrawal fears. Just as AA says to do it one day at a time, I find myself continuing to drink one day at a time...insane thinking!! This is exactly what I want the Antabuse for.

          I know I can't do it alone either and I'm planning to return to AA even though I don't like it. At least it's somewhere to go at night to socialise with sober people, and hopefully a night activity that will fill in some of the time I'd usually spend drinking. I wish you all the best and hope Antabuse gives you that extra push you need.


            Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

            Over It,
            So what did the doc say? Was your appointment yesterday?

            Veritas - sounds like baclofen is working really well for you. That's great.

            Greg - I completely understood what you were saying about using drugs. I considered "switching" from alcohol to drugs because I know from past experience that they are less deadly for me.
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

              Hey Marshy and More2Life,

              Marshy, I did NOT make it to my doctors appointment on Monday. Why? Because I was hungover! Go freaking figure huh. BUT I have rescheduled for this coming Monday. I AM GOING TO GO THIS TIME!!!!

              More2Life, I am glad the Antabuse is working for you. I think its the best one for me to try as well. Yesterday as I was pouring a drink for myself I thought to myself "Now, if I was on Antabuse, I would not be doing this!!!" And you know what, I would have been just fine with that. I really would have. Its the damn temptation that I need to get over. And just move on. Did I mention that I am a part time bartendar???? Job change might be a good idea, but who knows. I would probably still be drinking no matter what job I am in.

              Thanks for your replies and interest! More2Life, cranky is always going to be better than stone drunk, you know what I mean??


                Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

                I KEPT my doctors appointment yesterday, and to my pleasant surprise the nurse who saw me was AMAZING. She was so kind, quiet, understanding, and supportive. She sat and LISTENED to me for a good half hour. She kindly made suggestions and even made a call to her girlfriend who is a AA sponsor.

                I left my appointment with a sense of relief, a sense that somebody CARES and that there is HOPE out there for people who suffer from alcoholism.

                You know what else I walked out with? Antabuse! I am making the steps to decide how to proceed with my sobriety, but I have the antabuse if I need it! I feel like I am gathering all the tools I need now for success. Its a good feeling.


                  Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?


                  I am so happy for you that you found a nurse who was understanding and so caring. You are very lucky.

                  Good luck with the Antabuse!! I hope it works for you.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

                    That is great Over It! So glad it worked out for you. Keep us posted on your progress.


                      Debating, Debating...Antabuse or Baclofen?

                      Oh, Thanks so much guys. Yes, this nurse was like an angel. I swear when I teared up, she teared up too. She was very compassionate and seemed like she really, really, wanted to help. I wish all medical people could be that way.

                      Ok, now the pill is not popped in yet. I have an upcoming vacation to see family where no drinking will be involved. Honestly, I cannot even have access to alcohol deep in the Northern woods, and I would never drink around my family. Funny how noone drinks in my family!

                      Im thinking I will do the Antabuse when I get back, just in case I have any side effects and do not want to be away from my home here if that happens.

                      I will keep you all posted, thanks so much for caring and being interested.
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

