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Finding a doctor in the UK

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    Finding a doctor in the UK

    Hi I am on day 4 of taking bac and I definatley feel differant. But my question on here is does anybody know how you can find a doctor in the UK who will prescribe bac ? my gp will defiantley not she is brilliant but I have only brushed on my problem with her and did not get a positive response and certainly dont want it on my medical records ! I am not that brave hearted !! would never get another job again in my field. So I would appreciate any ideas form anybody as obviouslt if I go up to a fairly high dose which I am prepared to do to beat this it will end up very expensive, but ultimatley I will withstand the cost as it is a small price to pay for getting my life back !

    Finding a doctor in the UK

    I think Amelia is in the UK. You might try private messaging her and see if she can help. You will probably have to go to a private physician.


      Finding a doctor in the UK

      Thank you lousie will get in contact with her, I am really not sure how you go about finding a privte doctor as you are probably aware we dont pay for medical treatment here. Iam also in email contact with Olivier Ameisen and I have asked his advice as he has far more access and knowledge to the medical fraternity than myself , so will keep you all posted


        Finding a doctor in the UK

        Hi Brave Hearted,

        I know some people are wary of having this on their medical records but I don't understand the worry (in the UK - I know it's a different thing with insurance in the States) . You say you wouldn't be able to find another job, but no employer has the right to check your medical records. They might require you to "have a medical" but that's an entirely different thing.

        If you want to go through a doc (very sensible in my view), I'd go back and have a chat with your doc and be honest with her and see what she suggests. Are you sure she wouldn't prescribe it? What is her practice's policy on alcohol abuse - some docs will refer you on to another agency which can prescribe medication (that's how my doc works).
        That's your choice - go through a doctor or go it alone.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          Finding a doctor in the UK

          Hi Brave Hearted,
          I reached a point where I didn't see much reason to in get up in the morning and decided that I simply had to tell my doctor about my alcohol problem, regardless of it being put on my medical records. She, along with the alcohol counsellor that she arranged for me, some other agencies and some of the wonderful people here, pulled my back from the brink, and for that I will always be grateful.
          The way I look at it, your doctor is the only person on earth to whom you should confide all of your uncomfortable truths, and if you feel you can't then you should find another doctor to whom you can. They can't divulge your record unless you give them permission, and I know that it's sometimes difficult to deny this permission to potential employers for example, but the protection's still there.
          Regarding going private: I just Googled 'help for alcohol addiction UK' and there's a seemingly endless list of people and places willing to help should you decide to go that route.
          Oh, and to clear up a little matter; we do
          pay for our healthcare. A big chunk of our pay gets whipped off as tax and National Insurance and goes towards our health service, and I'm happy that it does. I'm usually reluctant to avail myself of it's services, but I'm so glad I did. I've just decided that I'm going to send my doctor a 'Thank You' card tomorrow. She's been brilliant.
          Good luck to you whatever you decide. You can beat this thing.


            Finding a doctor in the UK

            Hi Brave Hearted,

            I am in the UK too - and wished to hell I never told my Dr about my alcoholism - 20 years ago. It still haunts me in my notes and has caused mortgage, insurance and medical problems ever since.

            I have a good friend who is a GP - There is no way she would consider prescibing Baclofen for the purposes we want it and at the doses because of licensing. I only asked "hypothetically" as a result of research on this forum. She is a mate and reckons licensing will change over time - and is giving me personal support to go for it on the Baclofen regime.

            The Cynic in her (and me) says that there is not very much money for drug companys to make out of researching this so it will be a long slow haul for the NHS to get onto this.

            I am on day 4 of Bac via an internet pharmacy and it is having a VERY positive effect.

            Let me know if you can find someone who will prescibe it in the UK - I would rather be on the NHS than at the mercy of Royal Mail and the internet pharmacy industry.

            I would go private or do anything to beat this bloody thing and Baclofen seems to me to be the most sensible and hopeful way forward from what I have found.
            Andy R:


              Finding a doctor in the UK

              Hi Popeye,

              Are you on Baclofen? I note we share the same country and wondered if you knew any good Dr's?
              Andy R:


                Finding a doctor in the UK

                A Bump -

                can anyone get this stuff prescibed by a Dr. in the UK? NHS or privately - I dont care. Second month's supply arrived from today. I am slightly insecure about being left without a good supply as it is having such a positive affect on me.
                Andy R:


                  Finding a doctor in the UK

                  Andy R;690994 wrote: A Bump -

                  can anyone get this stuff prescibed by a Dr. in the UK? NHS or privately - I dont care. Second month's supply arrived from today. I am slightly insecure about being left without a good supply as it is having such a positive affect on me.

                  What I'm doing is ordering well in advance from 4RX, especially because I'm on such high doses. I try keep at least 600 x 10mg tablets "in stock". I track the progress of deliveries by checking my Visa statement online. Usually the bac gets here about 10 days after my account has been debited.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Finding a doctor in the UK

                    Hi thank you all for your sound advice to answer a few questions, the bac is having a very positive effect on me so I will continue getting it what ever way I can, I am even considereing presenting at my doctors with muscle spasms and seeing if I can get it that way , I know I would not get the full dose but at least some of it (I would then top up with what I buy online) and at least it would be documented on my medical notes that I was on it. I did mention to my doctor a while back wish I had not as I live in a small village confidentiality is only as confidential as the person who reads your notes and in a surgery lots of people have access to them. I did mention to my doctor about this site and the various meds but she said she could not prescribe any of them , so its back to the underground movement. BUT one thing is for sure not matter what or how I get the meds to help me this disease is not going to desroy me and thank god for the internet because this site and online pharmacies have saved my life !

                    Thank you all


                      Finding a doctor in the UK

                      just another point of interest 4RX do a wholesale service does anybody know anything about it might be a better way of getting the meds

