I've been alcohol free now for about a week not a big deal for me really, I usually take it easy after a few days binge. I'd go on the odd crazy coke fueled binge every now and then but apart from that I'd maybe have 7-10 UK units (4-6 440ml 4% beers) max a nite maybe 3-4 times a week. Was hoping maybe the Bac might take affect in smaller doses or is it just pot luck really? I'm 6'0 75lb.
No announcement yet.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
I've been alcohol free now for about a week not a big deal for me really, I usually take it easy after a few days binge. I'd go on the odd crazy coke fueled binge every now and then but apart from that I'd maybe have 7-10 UK units (4-6 440ml 4% beers) max a nite maybe 3-4 times a week. Was hoping maybe the Bac might take affect in smaller doses or is it just pot luck really? I'm 6'0 75lb.Started TSM 07/12 Pre TSM... 50-100 UK units
Drinking under control. Still shooting for abstinence.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
corkit;837037 wrote: tm1210, you really didn't mean 6 feet tall and weighing 75 lbs, did you?Started TSM 07/12 Pre TSM... 50-100 UK units
Drinking under control. Still shooting for abstinence.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Is there anyone who got switch beuond 300
Iam on 300 mg per day.i still have craving and terribly sleepy ,iam not working right now so looks like i want to go more and more until i get the switch. :upset::upset:
.looks like i dont have any other side effects .i have solved my sleep disorder recently and Iam happy about it .
let me know if anyone going past 300 MG,i have started a new thread for people who is doing more than 300 mg / day
let me know if anyone who has gone past 300 per day .
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Have been reading alot lately about how Bac is helping people with anxiety as well as cravings. Heres the thing... I don't really suffer from anxiety. I used to when I smoked weed (why I stopped) and after a coke binge but apart from that I'm usually a pretty level guy. So would I be better off working my doses to start later say in the afternoon onwards? Thats usually when I get cravings, around 5pm when I used to get out of work. (Unemployed now). Never been a morning drinker unless on a binge.Started TSM 07/12 Pre TSM... 50-100 UK units
Drinking under control. Still shooting for abstinence.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Have been reading alot lately about how Bac is helping people with anxiety as well as cravings. Heres the thing... I don't really suffer from anxiety. I used to when I smoked weed (why I stopped) and after a coke binge but apart from that I'm usually a pretty level guy. So would I be better off working my doses to start later say in the afternoon onwards? Thats usually when I get cravings and a touch twitchy, around 5pm when I used to get out of work. (Unemployed now). Never been a morning drinker unless on a binge. From what I can tell the Bac works for 3-4 hours? so would it be of any use to me taking some in the morning? Maybe spliting my dosage into 2 instead of 3 or 4?Started TSM 07/12 Pre TSM... 50-100 UK units
Drinking under control. Still shooting for abstinence.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Bac 300 plus
Iam on 310 mg per day ,i still have craving and terribly sleepy ,iam not working right now so looks like i want to go more and more until i get the switch.
.looks like i dont have any other side effects .i have solved my sleep disorder recently and Iam happy about it .
let me know if anyone going past 300 MG,i have started a new thread for people who is doing more than 300 mg / day
let me know if anyone who has gone past 300 per day . :upset:
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
bump -- to go with brave hearted's thread... :-)Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
If this is a thread of "success" stories on bac, count me in. I am entirely abstinent from alcohol since mid January 2010. I am taking baclofen at about 60 mg/day. I had gone as high as 90 on a few days. I seemed to get a lot of somnolence even at the low dose when I first started out, but now I only get tired if I sit down.
Very happy that this medicine is helping me keep my promise to myself. It is a real breakthrough for me.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Hi again
I haven’t been here for a while. Forgive me if this posting is too long. I’ve quite a lot to say.
Firstly, thank you so much to all of you who have sent me private messages since my first visit to mywayout. I cannot tell you how much they have meant to me.
Once I decided to start baclofen, I decided to make a whole fresh start in my new life without my beloved husband. I decided to tell my children about my ‘wee problem’ and what I intended to do about it. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I was amazed by their reaction. My eldest said that he had pretty well guessed the seriousness. My youngest had an inkling of what I was going through. My middle one took it very badly, but has come through it with the help of the others. They are now totally behind me, which has probably saved my life.
We decided (or should I say they decided!!) that I would spend a week or so with each of them once I got started on baclofen so that they could support me.
My eldest son is a bit of a computer expert and has taken me through this forum and how to negotiate it and post on it. I know understand quite a lot of your jargon, including what a bump is. That took me a while! I have decided not to start my own thread (see, I told you I was getting the hang of it!) as I don’t think anybody would be interested to read what I would think would be merely my own ‘diary’. My son has suggested I put my messages on a few more widely read threads.
When my baclofen arrived, there were absolutely no instructions with it. I really didn’t know what to do. Thankfully, most of you advised me to titrate up (there I go again!) very slowly. I was so glad of this advice, as I have had some terrible effects from it. Two of you advised me to go to the baclofen4alcoholism.com web site for information. I’m so glad you did. My son initially, and me since, have had lots of help from Phil. We have sent him so many e-mails and he has explained so much. It seems that my side effects are quite common. I’ve had twitching in my hands, funny visual things, horrible nightmares. I’ve even wet the bed! I have been so tired I can’t tell you. And having ‘I’m not me’ feelings every day.
Anyway, with reassurance from him, and the support of my family, I have come through all that, and I now feel great. I am now on 90mg a day, which I mess around with in terms of timing, depending upon how I feel. I’m not free of the demon booze yet, but I drink much less. I do it openly with no shame or guilt (if those are the right words), and I most definitely don’t have the all consuming need that I did only 6 weeks ago. I am absolutely getting a great deal of control back. It isn’t leading me anywhere near as much as it was. Phil said that this was a very good sign so early on.
Anyway, that is where I am right now. If you wish, I shall keep you informed from time to time.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
We wish you keep us informed from time to time.
You have no idea how important your posts are.
So many are fighting this demon and the use of Baclofen is a very new weapon in the arsenal.
We all want as much information as we can get.
Thank you for posting (and many thanks to your son for helping you.)
ps It sounds like you have stood up, started your journey, and have made some tough decisions. I am so happy you have done that and I am more happy that you have such a wonderful support system behind you. You are blessed.AF April 9, 2016
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Portobello - sounds like you have made some major life decisions. I trust they were well thought out and in your best interest overall. Wonderful that you have the support of your kids. When (not if) you are AF it will be all worth it.
Hugs, my friend.
-P.Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Thank you
Hello all
Thank you Phoenix Rising.
Your help has been amazing.
Yes, I have made some major life decisions.
"Never ever forget, and rejoice in what you had. He would tell me off so much if I didn't move on and be happy."
That's how I see it now.
I will be with him again one day.
Thank you again.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
PortabelloRoad;926003 wrote: Hello all
Thank you Phoenix Rising.
Your help has been amazing.
Yes, I have made some major life decisions.
"Never ever forget, and rejoice in what you had. He would tell me off so much if I didn't move on and be happy."
That's how I see it now.
I will be with him again one day.
Thank you again.
I'm in your corner 100%
-P.Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart