So any new successes in the last week or so?
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Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
titrated up quickly
sorry it is taken me long to get back on here, sorry I mentioned Lenair........................she DID help me, I DID take the first drink.......................was ENTIRELY my fault, or I would be like Best and Greenie~~Hope I made that clear, sorry for what I started, let's get back to business...................
I started at 90 mg a day...............that is what my doc said I could, didn't feel A THING................then stayed there for a few days, went right up to 100, felt fine, now at 120 am FINE........................... started having post nasal drip, coughing over past 4 days, but could just be allergies.................which I hardly ever have, but at first i thought, my respiratory muscles (??) CRAZY!!!! Just allergies I am doctor approved me to go up to 165 mg/day if I want to....................but I think I will stay at 120 since it is I said, just caved in and thought I wanted to drink, bought 2 beers, could only drink one...................that has NEVER happened before.....................not that I could remember!!!!!! I cannot believe it!!!!!
Beatle, I would try to get a few AF days under your belt, go up in your dose, I really thought I was having back pain from this, but I think it is since I am feeling so good, I am doing more, so therefore my back hurts!?!??? I know when I drink, my back hurts WAY more than when I don't...........................Also, my calves have cramped maybe 3-4 times since I started, but that always happens to me, gotta ask my doc for some quinine..............that is supposed to work, other than that I used to get clonipin for it, which I don't want does mess w/ cognition, and I don't need any help in that area!!:H:H
hope that helps.....................I think I am a success story FINALLY!!!!! there ain't no placebo effect here!!! (how is that for grammar!!!????)
off to the hell hole, was supposed to be off (or so I was told so on Weds PM!!???) gotta love that place!!?? NOT!!!
MA:h:h:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Good to 'see' you ZMAN how have you been doing????. I am a success.... havent had a drop for 19 days who'd of thunk... that I could achieve this. I know you crave detail ( I assume thats the lawyer in you) I am at 220mg am a 6 foot 8 tall 220 kilo weighing beast. As for the elusive 'when do you feel you had reached your switch' I cant say unlike DR A does in that restraunt when he suddenly realised after watching people drink that he was indifferent!!! For me friday night drinks with fellow workers over 2 weeks ago was my realization "I just didnt feel like it" and ordered a bitter lime and lemon telling the workers waiting for me to get trashed and be a idiot that I had to drive. The hardest part for me is the 'habit cravings'...... the .....what will I do now its friday night i should have been planning to get drunk??? thoughts. These are the behaviours of 20 years excessive drinking. Baclofen cant un do that . I have started meditating and listening to meditation tapes as i go to sleep.. however with out the complete supression of my anxiety and physical cravings working on the habitual thoughts built up over 20 years ...I wouldnt have a chance..ZMAN YOU WILL GET THERE Im am sceptical of anyone with anything that states a 100% cure rate but with bac i think it comes close PLEASE dont give up
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
I feel like we are having a really similar experience, Reggie. For me, the bac completely took away my anxiety and physical cravings. But the habits and thought patterns are still there. The way I've dealt with it is just to let myself order a glass of wine along w/ everyone else at a restaurant or allow someone to give me a drink at a party. Then once it's in my hand I slowly drink it and then, thanks to bac, usually don't finish it. After that, I'll be around the same friends or co-workers (or my husband) and watch them have 2, 3, 4, 5 + drinks and I don't want any. So it's weird, I'm not fighting the habit, if that makes any sense. But since I have no physical craving or anxiety, I don't want any more booze (or often the drink I just started drinking). Crazy.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
That's great Cowgirl, Reggie and Anna. Zman give us an update. I'm still at 80mg. I did have a couple glass of wine a few days ago. I'm having a hard time upping my dose due to the fact that I have to drive 1 hour and 15 minutes to work at least 3 days a week. It's the drive home in the evening that is difficult. I want to be able to take my largest dose around 4pm, but I'm scared of the drive reaction time and paying attention suffers. I'll just try to hold it at 80mg for now. Feeling good though.
Everything I need is within me!
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
I'm soooo happy for you guys! And Saving Grace, I'm off the bac for right now, I too upped the dose too quickly, and suffered some weird side effects, I'm going to start again, after I drive to Colorado from here in Texas this weekend, and just try 5mg's at the witching hour, and stay there for 3 dys, and up it by 5mg, 1 dose daily for 3 dys. Don't give completely up, stay off of it a couple of weeks, and take just 5mg's and see....I understand what you mean tho!!! Beatle, thanks for being so honest back, I got slammed on another know, you aren't the only one suicidal after seeing them, and it not being a cure, that's what scares me alot too! Oh, and she treated him for an EATING leave you with that thought and attempted success! She is very knowledgeable, and you are right, started out with the best of intentions I'm sure! I'm leaving early in the morning, and I'll check in from time to time, I won't be back here for a few weeks tho, and I kinda take a computer break, but when I start back on the bac, I'll send an update! Ya'll play nice in the sandbox while I'm gone, I'll be thinking of each of you!!!!!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
I am taking 45 mg of bac over 3 doses every day. I titrated up slowly as I had weird sensations of being woozy first. I have sort of gotten used to it/gotten over it now. I don't know exactly what is happening because my goal was moderation and I have never been good at that before. But I really want this to succeed so I am applying a lot of mental effort as well. Also taking vitamins and listening to My Way Out CDs although not regularly. Having said all of that, I went AF for 30 days after I found this site, then started the bac. I started the AF period the week after July 5th. After the 30 days, I have had 1 or 2 glasses of wine on 5 different occasions. I have never exceeded 2 glasses (unbelievable!) and have not had a hard time holding it at that. I consider this a tremendous success! I plan on continuing at this level until I feel craving and then I will go up. I am very encouraged.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
cowgal;703451 wrote: sorry it is taken me long to get back on here, sorry I mentioned Lenair........................she DID help me, I DID take the first drink.......................was ENTIRELY my fault, or I would be like Best and Greenie~~
But, please... how can you say that YOU are the one who failed by taking the first drink? Am I missing something here? Leanair was supposed to eliminate the need or desire to drink... (and at a hefty price) and then YOU failed by wanting to drink? YOU failed by taking a drink?
It's not YOU, but the Lenair method (and so-called guarantee) that failed (is that not obvious?). I would never pay $3,200 -- plus more in travel expenses -- for a notion of something that MIGHT cure me if ONLY I didn't take a drink. I guess anything at all would have worked if only I didn't take a drink. I was led to believe Lenair was almost failproof-- that I wouldn't WANT to take a drink.
To get back to the subject at hand... is there anyone who stands to gain on people getting sober on Bac (besides the people getting sober on Bac)? Maybe Dr. A will make a little more money on book sales-- so what? He'll never get rich on that. The drug companies can't patent it, so they have no reason to support it (in fact, quite the contrary).
Leave it at that. (That means it's time to shut my mouth.)Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Beatle, so true! And its very true, as I said as a pharmacetical rep, that if there's no profit in a drug, then nobody wants to support it. We see it all day long at the pharmacy, the docs push what the drug reps push them, plus lunch! lol I used to have to take one doc CHICKEN LIVERS to make him happy, you should drive all day in a car after THAT! Dr A, should make money! He had the guts to find a solution for himself, experiment on himself, and share it with others! There's a cool book called..."What the Drug companies don't tell you, and your Dr. doesn't know". It's well documented that several research docs have found a cure for many cancers, and were railroaded out of the country. The system makes tooooo much money on testing, treatment, etc, to find a cure, just think of all the entities that wouldn't be needed if we had a cure. It's sad. MA, Beatle is right, you should not carry that was supposed to be a cure, you weren't supposed to ever think about a drink again....don't give them that much credit! Beatle, I like your style, you don't have to shut your mouth if you don't want I checked, there was still freedom of least for now!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
First of all, Prancy I'm so happy that you are doing so well.
Secondly, Beatle, I think Dr. A has done more for Alcoholism than anyone. I know that you are not saying that he hasn't, but I just wanted to say that. And, I didn't have to spend $3,200 to do it or have my insurance increase because I went to my GP. Dr. A is a Godsend and courageous and a genius in my book!
Everything I need is within me!
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Courage, Godsends, Dr A, and RJ
brightlite;704015 wrote: First of all, Prancy I'm so happy that you are doing so well.
Secondly, Beatle, I think Dr. A has done more for Alcoholism than anyone. I know that you are not saying that he hasn't, but I just wanted to say that. And, I didn't have to spend $3,200 to do it or have my insurance increase because I went to my GP. Dr. A is a Godsend and courageous and a genius in my book!
I also want to add that RJ is in the same league as Dr. A -- she found her own cure and wanted share it with the world. I doubt she has made any money on this courageous, herculean effort, but just think about how many people she has helped in their struggle, both with her book and especially with this website.
I hope I will have the opportunity to be so courageous someday. (First I have to get cured!)Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Beatle, just wanted to say I don't blame Rhonda for my failure, she and Barry said DO NOT drink again,gave be an exercise to do before I did(which I tried and tried).
I just want to make it clear that I drank again on bac (just as I did after seeing Rhonda), and rather than re-starting that vicious cycle, pretty much saw how useless drinking was, not rewarding at all............
I, too, think, and have said it millions of times.......Dr. A is my hero!!!!!
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
Glad you all are doing so well!
About Rhonda, I think she leaves herself open to criticism for offering a cure at a very high price to desperate people.
On baclofen, you can't patent the actual drug but you could patent a different form of it, like a drug that mixes bac with something else or a long-acting type of bac. It's already been posted here by someone else that a drug company is developing a drug with baclofen and that reps are reading the boards. Forget who posted that.
Consolidated Baclofen Success Thread
nancy;704455 wrote: Glad you all are doing so well!
About Rhonda, I think she leaves herself open to criticism for offering a cure at a very high price to desperate people.
On baclofen, you can't patent the actual drug but you could patent a different form of it, like a drug that mixes bac with something else or a long-acting type of bac. It's already been posted here by someone else that a drug company is developing a drug with baclofen and that reps are reading the boards. Forget who posted that.
I wish the drug companies would get the extended release version of bac done soon. It would be nice to take one pill a day. (I also wish it won't end up costing an arm and a leg once they do start selling it...but it probably will)
I think there are few drug companies competing to get this out first. Alkermes is one:
Alkermes - Press Release