I don't know anything other than my own experiences but I would go as slow or as fast as your body lets you. If that means ramping up to your "switch" dose over a few months or a week.. I don't think it matters so long as you eventually get up to whatever you need to be at to shut down the cravings.
My first indication something was working was starting to drink later and later then a couple of nights drinking just because I didn't feel like saying goodbye (or see you later) to the booze then one night I decided not to drink and that was my switch. It really felt exactly how I dreamed it would.
I think speed isn't important so long as you keep increasing till the voices and the cravings are silenced.
I haven't had a drop since Oct 2nd and honestly, I haven't been "working" at it .. or trying not to drink. I was incredibly skeptical at the outset of this... I've been amazed.