The problem you had isn't the same. That would've been easy to pinpoint in the traceroute, and would have been much closer. That thought did occur to me, and I was ready to blast my ISP, but figured I might check things out a bit before I did.

I'm currently trying to find a proxy that works. renders the editor useless (other than plain text)., though I like the name, is also unusable. It pops an advert over every post you read. That gets annoying really fast. It also requires you to log in for every post. What makes it completely unusable is the fact that the pop-up windows in the editor (links, images) don't work: page not found errors. slow, has banner adverts, and adverts that take over the whole page. It also renders the editor useless. That's what I'm using now.
The search continues...
I have records of my progress in such excruciating detail that I think most would not want to read them... Hopefully I'll get to a point where I can pull something together.