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not sure what to do?

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    not sure what to do?

    I have been reading the forum for a few weeks, I have started taking Kudzu daily, and today I got my order of topamax arrived[ got it on the web as my doc doesn't even know what it is!] How should I start? The kudzu has definately had an effect, but I am still drinking. What dose should I start the topamax? should I try to stop drinking straight away, or wait to see what the effect is first? Help?

    not sure what to do?

    Be careful

    You should read the My Way Out book (you can download it rather than wait for the hard copy) or search for the Lancet article (keywords Lancet, Topiramate, alcoholism...)regarding dosing. In any case, it's important to start with small doses and work your way up in order for your body to adjust. MWO recommends 25 mg the first week, taken in the morning. 2nd week, 25 mg in the a.m, 25 after lunch... and it extends over 12 weeks. Topomax is strong, strong stuff and can have uncomfortable and potentially serious side effects.

    Be careful, but good luck!


      not sure what to do?

      That sounds like I need to get some more! Do you think I should try yo just stop.if I can, or should I wait to see how the topamax effects me?


        not sure what to do?

        whatever you do, do not just go cold turkey. Where are you? Get the PM I sent you?
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          not sure what to do?

          Agree with Tips. Don't go cold turkey. See your Doc first. Have a look at Betty Boop's de-tox thread. I think it's in General Discussion.

          Love Jackie xxx

          AF 7/7/2009
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            not sure what to do?

            Topamax will take a few weeks to start to have an effect; I see an addiction specialist who prescribed mine and for the past few months I have been on 50mg per day. I had never heard of any type of drug treatment before meeting this doctor.

            Its worked and has mitigated my cravings whilst I have at the same time been taking other steps to stop drinking (see my other posts on these boards and my blog otherwise I'll just be repeating myself).

            I haven't read the MWO book but from what I understand the dosages of Topamax sound really high and seems to be the same sort of dosage as someone would take if they were using it for epilepsy. My dosage is closer to what someone would take for migraines.

            The main thing is to manage your expectations of what the drug will do and to do other things to change your lifestyle and use the drug to help you - it has certainly helped me as I haven't had a single drink since early June and I don't experience significant cravings.

            I would attribute that to a number of things; not just Topamax but also change in diet, exercise and the fact I made a massive commitment that has been supported by people around me and paved with short and medium term goals.

            I intend to stop the Topamax in September as I believe the changes I have achieved in my lifestyle are significant and I wont need its help further. But I'll still need the exercise, diet, goals and support. - plus the vision of what I want my life to be about.

            Good luck Zulu; I wonder if your doctor can either learn about Topamax or refer you to an addiction specialist?
            My sobriety blog

