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Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?

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    Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?

    anxiety lessened right away. (only started 3 days ago)


      Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?

      wow.. that is great that the Bac works so well to counter act anxiety!!!


        Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?

        Hi There,

        I just started bac about 4 weeks ago, had a little stumble because I got frightened by the severe somnolence and needing to drive places - I don't typically drink and drive and this made me feel like I was under the influence without actually being under the influence. Oh irony of ironies!

        So, I took a step back and lessened my dosage and titrated up at a snail's pace. I'm just up to 25mg. I definitely feel much less anxiety, but I have to say, I'm a little scared because I feel like I actually tolerate the Al BETTER now that I'm taking a small dose of bac. I'm trying not to get discouraged, but where I used to just have one bottle of wine and that was it, I'm feeling like I want to open a second now. I try hard not to, but I admit I have done.

        I don't know what this episode is about, with feeling like I'm actually tolerating the affects of Al and thereby wanting more since being on the bac, but I'm going to stick with it till I can get to a higher dose and see if anything changes.

        Any thoughts from folks here about what to replace the Al with - especially at meals. I feel that my drinking (in some ways) comes from HABIT vs. a feeling of CRAVING, if that makes sense. I do love wine and have loved it from the first moment I ever had it. I wish there was an Al free wine that actually tasted like wine! Maybe there is nothing that gives the sensual stimulation that wine does. Such a darn shame ; >)

        Thanks all - would love to hear your thoughts!


          Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?

          The first few days on Bac, at just 15mg per day, anxiety diminished noticeably and sleep improved 100% and I had no somnolence during the day. At 50mg per day, this pattern has continued.

          At first, I found I could drink every bit as much as before starting Bac, i.e. alcohol seemed to have the same effect, but I managed to decrease my intake by about 25% -- mostly as a result of putting off the onset of al-imbibing by a few hours.

          As for cravings, I found it easier to not drink when I couldn't drink... what I mean is, when I know I will not have to drive later in the day, I usually start drinking around lunchtime. But when I know I have to drive, I don't drink until afterwards, but I think about it a lot and look forward to the end of the day when I can start drinking. In other words, I obsess. I noticed that after starting Bac, when I knew I couldn't drink, my mind didn't constantly return to thoughts of drinking.

          I've been at 50mg/day for about 3 weeks now (had weird side effects when I tried to go up to 60mg, but will try to titrate up again soon)-- and the cravings are still a little weaker than pre-Bac, but by no means gone, and I am still drinking at about the same 25% reduction level.

          However, recently I have noticed that Al does have a greater effect me. I feel the effect sooner -- after just one drink-- and the effect lasts longer (i.e. I'm feeling a little hungover for the first time in my life).

          I'm hoping this will allow me reduce further and reach AF without much pain. It's not that I'm a ninny-- I've detoxed the tough way (cold turkey) more times than I have fingers and toes and all other appendages put together). And I have sworn just as many times that I will never go through that again... and then I have somehow managed to convince myself it is ok to drink again an equal number of times. That's the hell I've been living in for the past 10 years.

          With Bac as my last chance, I need this to work. I need to stop drinking by ceasing to need it or want it, or else I'm pretty sure I'll fall back into the old pattern. And that will mean the end of me.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?


            I was in the same space you are right now. At the end of the rope.

            I am sober today.

            Just keep doing it, no matter what it takes.

            No matter what it takes.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?


              Why hasn't someone invented and AL free wine...maybe they have, I just don't know about it. We should invent it....I'd buy it!

              Beatle, keep going. I'm not there yet either, but I'm one of your biggest cheerleaders.

              Everything I need is within me!


                Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?

                Beatle I am pulling for you. It sounds like the Bac is working....stick with it!
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?

                  Wow.. what a cheerleading section I have!

                  I will definitely not give up on Bac. This is my last and only hope-- I will go through with it **no matter what it takes**, Cindi! (You know I will... it worked for you, so I am a believer.)

                  Beaches, haven't "seen" you for a while. What a pleasant surprise! And thanks for your vote of confidence. I am trying to do as your signatures says: focus on the goal.

                  And LiteBrite, I'm also one of YOUR (OUR) biggest cheerleaders.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Did Bac relieve anxiety or Al cravings first?

                    S O B R I E T Y......that's our battle cry!! Go Beatle, Go Beatle!

                    Everything I need is within me!

