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new and hopeless

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    new and hopeless

    2 rehabs,campral, naldexrone, vivitrol, all with no success. Is balfolcen the real deal? I am at wits end. Thanks for your help.

    new and hopeless

    Hi Augman, welcome to MWO.
    I dont take Bac but just wanted to say Hi!
    For many bac has been like a miracle. Have you checked out the threads on it?
    Keep reading and posting, the support here plus some supplements and a change in thinking are what got me sober.
    Good luck!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      new and hopeless

      If you can handle the side effects I think it's a good chance.

      It seems to be working for me and a lot of others on here.


        new and hopeless

        Hi Augman,

        I have had success with topamax; I needed to titrate up to 200mg in order to stop drinking. As with baclofen, it has its side effects. I am now off of it, but I was at a maintenance dose of 50mg for quite a while. I would go on it in a heartbeat if I had a lapse or felt myself in danger of drinking again.

        It seems that Baclofen has been a real miracle for some, and I think it is worth considering.

        I hope you won't be hopeless for long. This is a great place. I have been a member for almost 4 years, and I had a lot of screw ups before I got sober. Keep the faith, listen to those who have had success, and keep posting and working at it! You can't fail until you stop trying.
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          new and hopeless

          Hi, Augman

          With the support I got here, learning new coping skills and baclofen, I have been AF since 21 August.

          I have my life back. The hopelessness is gone.

          Welcome, and good luck.

          For information on baclofen, I suggest you start with ths thread, created by Zenstyle (one of our Bac pioneers
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            new and hopeless

            Augman;729163 wrote: 2 rehabs,campral, naldexrone, vivitrol, all with no success. Is balfolcen the real deal? I am at wits end. Thanks for your help.

            Augman, I've done all you have plus much more. I know this is not a contest, but if it was, I think I'd win hands down.

            Anyway, if you read more on the Bac threads here, you will get a good idea of what's going on. The majority have had good to great results with Bac, a few have had such severe side-effects that they were forced to stop. Hey, we're all different. AA even works for some people, so there's the proof:H

            Anyway, I am far from AF (still) but my life has improved immeasurably from Bac, and I am pretty confident I will be AF in the not-too-distant future. My anxiety is all but gone and so is my insomnia. My drinking has decreased quite naturally and I feel more satisfied with life in general.

            If you can get that far, you are on your way, right?
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              new and hopeless

              thanks to you all

              Glad to be here. I will let you how my progress goes, now I need to find some balcofen and give it a try- my head doctor will not prescribe it.


                new and hopeless

                AUGMAN - I just "bumped" Lusus Naturae's thread on ordering baclofen online up so you can find it easily.

                Lusus did a lot of research and it's really helpful info. Thanks Lusus - good luck, Aug!
                "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                  new and hopeless

                  Did not get your bump


