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Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

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    Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

    Hey all! I'm only on my fourth day of the Bac and already am impressed. I have a history of general anxiety and panic attacks and I have already felt that subside enough that although I started taking it on a Friday I got through my first weekend without the racing pessimism and anxiety related depression that might have led me to justify drinking this weekend.

    One concern already is that with Christmas coming up I know I will be flying home to see the family, and with a history of alcohol AND (previously) drug abuse I am all to familiar with the stress of taking illicit pills I have no RX for in my luggage. Of course, Baclofen is not Oxycontin, and I feel I could explain myself pretty easily, has anyone had any problems going through airport security, being pulled over, etc. and not having a prescription for the medication? Like many others, I have had to resort to buying online.

    Thanks and thanks so much for this forum. If my gut instincts are any indication, I think you guys just might have turned my life around once and for all!

    Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

    Hi thirdman, sorry can't help with the flying issue, but I would be very interested in reading the replies!!!

    So glad that the bac is helping, I'm still waiting for mine to arrive!!!!!

    BB xx


      Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

      I put my Baclofen in an old Advil bottle and had no problems.


        Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

        That's exactly what I was thinking. They look like little Tylenol or something, thanks!


          Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

          I fly all the time all over the world and I have never ever -- not once-- been stopped because of medicines/drugs/pills, etc. that I was carrying. Has anyone ever experienced that, or is that just a fear without real basis (well, other than the fascist hype of recent years propagated by the former ruling power of the world)? However, I have been stopped numerous times for fingernail scissors. And containers holding liquid substances;-).

          I don't know if anyone has been stopped for medications, but I don't think it would be a problem even if you were -- first of all, your bac, and all online drugs, have not been obtained illicitly. They have gone through customs (at least if they go into the U.S., which is where I have them sent, since they won't make it through customs in Northern Europe, where I live). The contents are clearly and correctly stated, as is the use (personal). I don't think LSD or heroin would make it through customs, for example, if they were clearly stated as the contents of the package, even if for personal use.=-D

          I have not consulted with a lawyer on this, so this is by no means legal advice... but I'm pretty sure that ordering online is not illegal. I tend to think that if anyone is doing anything illegal, it's the companies selling and sending you the drugs. And even if it were illegal and you were "caught", I can't imagine the customs people would be all that interested in a small amount of Bac with a street value of $25. I think they're more interested in kilograms of heroin. Bottom line is, I don't think they are targeting people with drugs for personal use. That would be a waste of resources.

          Also, the Tylenol trick will probably not work if you are actually investigated. How dumb do you think they are? If they suspect you of doing anything illegal, they will, of course, test all the medications in your possession. Concealing them will only make you look more suspicious, and then they will want to investigate further... than just the medicine bottle.

          I recommend just leaving the stuff as it is (if you want, keep the customs form that comes with the package when it arrives)-- and explaining it as a muscle relaxant that you ordered online. You didn't need a prescription -- how were you to know that you did?

          But one thing I always do is pack enough for a few days in my carry-on, because lost luggage is something I HAVE experienced -- several times.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

            Beatle, it was just a suggestion. It worked for me. And I was not suggesting that they are "dumb" but it certainly looks a little less suspicious going through the xray machine in a pill bottle than 50 foil packets.


              Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

              I wondered the same thing this past summer heading from Canada to California. I had some Nal I had purchased online. I wasn't searched, so I can't really help. I imagine worst case scenario, they would take it away.....not sure.
              AF July 6 2014


                Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

                I see what you mean. I wasn't thinking you would have 50 foil packets in your hand luggage. And I'm not sure they x-ray your checked luggage anymore. But as a precaution, I guess you might want to do that. And, of course if they take it out and ask you what it is, you can just be honest, and explain it is a muscle relaxant for your own use. And I guess a bottle of 500 looks like less than 50 foil packs, maybe? In addition, it might be more convenient to keep them in a bottle, whether traveling or not.

                I guess my main point is that this should not be a big worry for anyone, as I don't think you will be targeted, and even if questioned, I don't think there would be any problem. But of course, if you think you will attract less attention with a bottle, go ahead.

                I have travelled to and from the U.S. with 50-100 foil packets in my suitcase 6 times since I started Bac in July, and have not had a problem. My luggage was searched two times (I only know this because of that little note the U.S. Immigration puts in that says they have searched your suitcase.) I guess since it says Baclofen or Bacmax, or whatever, on the sealed foil packs, they can check and it is not on the list of bad stuff they are looking for?

                Regardless, go ahead and put it in a bottle if you want. Just don't lie if questioned. And mostly, don't worry.

                p.s. I have been stopped and had my little liquid containers investigated even when they contained less than 100ml. Just a little warning for any of you still drinking out there.=-)
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

                  Yes, I always keep all my Bac in my hand luggage. I'm terrified of them losing my luggage and running out with no way to get a refill. I'm a little paranoid about the withdrawals with Bac. I guess I should split it up though, in case I lose my hand luggage!


                    Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

                    I agree completely

                    I guess the only other time I'd ever thought about drugs and airports was back when I would cut a slit in my pants and line my belt loop with heroin. Ah... we've come so far! Imagine the irony if after years of getting away with bloody murder I got busted for carrying my sober pills! Yeah, I'd have to agree there's probably nothing to worry about. Thanks!


                      Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

                      You HAVE come far, ThirdMan.

                      It must feel good to be worrying about stuff you probably don't have to worry about instead of NOT worrying about stuff you really SHOULD be worrying about.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Flying With Baclofen And No Prescription

                        I travel a great deal, and while I too have never been questioned about pills, I take precautions. You just never know.

                        Before I get ito it, though, Beatle: I think "they" are very stupid. Nail files are contraband most places, so I carry a golf tee in my cosmetic bag to clean my nails, and this never has been questioned. I fail to see how four 3oz bottles are less deadly than one 12oz bottle. Some airports consider mascara a liquid; others do not. Etc. etc.

                        I carry the packing slip/documentation that came with my meds. I take the meds out of the foil packs and carry them in my pocket, so they are not in my carryon luggage. If I'm going to be gone several days I use one of the daily dose compartment pill containers and throw them in with the vitamins. But I always keep some in my pocket. That way, if for some reason I get wanded, they will not alert.

                        Agreed: Probably the only way you could get into trouble is to lie. I don't think it's wise to put them in a Tylenol bottle either. Otherwise I agree the worst that can happen is confiscation. There is no consistency or predictability to airport security. I think it's giving them too much credit to say this is some clever ploy. So it's wise take every available precaution. And it's really no extra trouble.

