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Help with Ordering

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    Help with Ordering

    I want to try Baclofen and need some help from someone.

    How much should I order for my first shipment?

    I went to 4rx and they sell 10mg pills and 25mg pills. I have looked at the dosing schedule and just can't seem to figure out how much to order.

    In a perfect world, I would order a bunch. However, right now I am broke. As a matter of fact, I have never been so broke or so low in my entire life. I'm hanging on to life with the tips of my fingers. I don't even know if I should spend the money on this or anti-depressants or bills.

    I have a job were I work from home on 100% commission, which has been $0 for awhile now. Completely went through my savings. Something has to change as I cannot continue to live like this. Need to find a new job (one that isn't SO lonely) and in the meantime try to make $$ with the one I do have. I believe not drinking will help ALOT.

    So if I can scrape together the money, can someone PLEASE, PLEASE help me with figuring out how much to order and what mg. I need to take into account the 12 day estimated shipping time between orders and the $18.75 shipping fee.

    I've actually always thought of myself as an intelligent person, however I just can't seem to figure this out alone. I know I sound absolutely pathetic. I am so not proud of myself right now.


    Help with Ordering

    Thanks so much, Zenstyle:h

    I was in a very manic state when I posted. I kept checking every nanosecond for a reply. With none, I walked around my city, the City of Angels, for hours. I came to the conclusion that if no one replied it would be a sign that I was not worthy of living.

    I was nervous as to what I would find when I checked my post, so I surfed the site for before checking it out. I came across a post from Rubywillow on another thread. The Awakening. Just the kick in the arse I needed. And then there was your response...

    So, I am going to buck up and get my life back on track. Ordering the bac...

    I was wondering why no one that I knew of ever asked my question before..., but now...uh...duh...not that hard to figure out!!! However, in my manic state, I was confusing MGs for pills. So I thought I needed 45 pills for 3 days, 90 pills for another 3 days, 200 pills for 5 days...then I started trying to figure out if I ordered the 25 mg pills I wouldn't have to take 30+ pills a day, but then how would that work out? When do I switch from 10 to 25, etc, etc...

    But now I can see I had it all wrong!! I was just in such a...can't think of any other word, but... manic state.

    I really, really don't think I am bi-polar, but I can now feel as though I can relate to what they must go through when in a ... sorry to use the word again, but manic state.

    Your reply means so much to me. :thanks:


      Help with Ordering

      TH, it sounds to me like you might be bipolar, actually (I am), but what does it matter? Bac will probably help that a lot and it will help the anxiety, which you clearly are feeling intensely. Of course, I can't say that for sure, it's just based on my own, and many others', experiences here.

      It's fine to ask questions like that in a manic state of mind. Nobody here cares or blames you. If all your questions can be answered elsewhere on this forum, people will generally kindly redirect you (as did Zen) with no offense taken.

      Just stick around and keep up with us and we will keep up with you.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

