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new to baclofen

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    new to baclofen

    i know this is probably covered some where else, but i have just recieved my baclofen i ordered online, i dont know how much i should take or what side effects is hould exoect, i am very nervous about taking it, should i take it in the evening as that is when i usually drink to help me sleep, will the baclofen help me sleep or will it make it worse and should i take it earlier in the day? i am really confused about this,

    new to baclofen

    Hiya, good with it, hopefully mine should be here soon!!!!!

    PLEASE keep us informed ...... BB xx


      new to baclofen

      Hi Tawny ~
      I think I already posted this a few times- I took Baclofen for just what it is intended for- muscle relaxant. I was prescribed 20 mg and broke it in half the first few times I took it. It made me VERY VERY sleepy. However- I took it along with painkillers and then later that's not an accurate "side effect". (The pharmacist said when I picked it up- not knowing I was taking anything else)..."this is strong stuff- be careful".
      I would recommend taking it at night until you know how it effects you- it should definitely help you sleep!
      I posted a thread asking for others experience with shipping time- but not a sole has responded. How long did it take for you to get it?? Where did you order from?
      I'm in Arizona........


        new to baclofen

        Franzia, there is a thread in this section all about ordering online with listings on all the online pharmacies. I ordered from 4rx and got them both times within 10 days. I didn't want you to think anyone was ignoring you just they probably didn't want to duplicate what is already there.

        Tawny I had virtually no side effects other than a bit sleepy. Nothing I couldn't work around and it did ease quite a bit after a few weeks.


          new to baclofen

          Thanks Dolly ~
          I have read that thread......your right- I guess it is a duplication.
          I'm guessing in about 8-10 days I should recieve it- bummer.


            new to baclofen

            At least you got it ordered It's a step forward!


              new to baclofen

              i orered mine 8 days ago, i am in the uk, it got here with no hasslw from customs, i was a bit worried, the postman just left the parcel on my doorstep, i didnt even have to sign for it, good luck.


                new to baclofen

                How's it going?

                Hi Tawny ~
                Haven't heard from you~ how are you doing?
                Are you having good results with the baclofen?? Let us know!!:h


                  new to baclofen

                  I just ordered my baclofen from 4x after reading all this posts here for a couple of days. I went to a dr. recently so upset about my 'problem', he gave me an anti depressant and the next time I saw him he told me I might consider going to 'meetings'. So I've checking the drug interaction - thanks to Zen's great lengthy posting info. - and see there is one as both affect the CNS but it doesn't say not to use just to use care. I may ask him his thoughts next time on prescribing to me as I'd rather that. All said, are you just starting going to try to cut down on your drinking or totatly stop along with starting the baclofen? Or are many here just using it to 'moderate'. I believe for me I'm going to have to quit and I'm hoping it will help me get that under control.


                    new to baclofen

                    I use it to abstain. I can't moderate. I feel anti depressants were the catalyst to my out of control drinking. I never had a problem till I went on them. Once I got rid of the alcohol I didn't need them. Good luck!


                      new to baclofen

                      do you mean dolly that you think anit d's made your drinking worse? I am taking them because of the extraordinary stress in my job/life the past two years, which led to my drinking in excess. I am 50 and never had a drinking problem until say 2/3 yrs. ago and it slowly crept up (or quickly) to 1 to sometimes 2 bottles of wine 3/4 times p/week, leaving me drunk half the nights and hung over the other days. What a life... I do feel less anxious in the past few weeks on the anti but still am drinking so I'm hoping adding the bacl will remove my cravings. I don't know that I am 'an alcoholic' (do we need to define like that?) or if its a matter of cravings and habit now. Maybe thats the same thing. Anyhow can you tell me how long it took you to 'stop drinking' once you started the bacl? Thanks@


                        new to baclofen

                        I took Topamax for a month and quit I was sober a year then I thought I could mod....not so much I read the threads on the bac and ordered it. Honestly it worked for me at only 30 mg's. I did go up to about 100 b/c I still had thoughts of drinking but am back down to 30 and I don't care at all to drink. I had no side effects other than being a little sleepy during the day but a walk at breaks helped that. I think if you truly are at a place where mentally you don't want to drink then Bac is a godsend.


                          new to baclofen


                          thanks dolly; yes I am at the point where abstaining sounds wonderful. until now I could only accept 'moderating' but have never been able to do it. reality finally does sink in....i'll keep posting and talking to others as I think that helps.

