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Dud Baclofen Anyone??

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    Dud Baclofen Anyone??

    Hi Folks,

    I recently ordered baclofen from came branded as "Pacifen" from an island called Vanuatu which is somewhere in the south pacific...and claims to be marketed in New Zealand by Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd. I think they are dud pills...I've taken 3 in a row a few times and swear I feel absolutely nothing!! Has anyone else had this experience or ordered from this site before??

    Any info would be grately appreciated.



    Dud Baclofen Anyone??

    Oops!! Made a mistake on the previous post!

    Sorry Folks,

    The site I ordered from was INHOUSEPHARMACY(UK)....not ukonlinepharmacy...I think I made that one up ha ha!!


      Dud Baclofen Anyone??

      jj;733229 wrote: Sorry Folks,

      The site I ordered from was INHOUSEPHARMACY(UK)....not ukonlinepharmacy...I think I made that one up ha ha!!
      I, and a few others I know of, order from inhousepharmacy in Vanuatu. The brand name on the bottles is Pacifen.

      I haven't found anything untoward...
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Dud Baclofen Anyone??


        I and plenty of others have been using Pacifen for fine for me.


          Dud Baclofen Anyone??

          I should add: I also order from 4RX (Bacmax - 10mg & Liofen - 25mg)
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Dud Baclofen Anyone??

            I get mine from inhouse and not feeling anything with 3 in a row isn't that odd. Each day I take 15 of them.


              Dud Baclofen Anyone??

              panda farts;733583 wrote: I get mine from inhouse and not feeling anything with 3 in a row isn't that odd. Each day I take 15 of them.
              Can you clarify - give more detail, PF?
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Dud Baclofen Anyone??

                I could take 3 10mg pills and not feel much and certainly not any reduction in craving.

                I've slowly increased up to 150mg and I only start to feel side effects near the last dose.. so people react differently to it..


                  Dud Baclofen Anyone??

                  The pacifen from inhouse pharmacy has been working fine for me. I also have generic bac from and goldpharma. I've never noticed a difference between any of these generics...


                    Dud Baclofen Anyone??

                    panda farts;733640 wrote: I could take 3 10mg pills and not feel much and certainly not any reduction in craving.

                    I've slowly increased up to 150mg and I only start to feel side effects near the last dose.. so people react differently to it..
                    I've been thinking about this.

                    Please keep in mind that I felt NOTHING on bac, until I reached quite high levels. My switch was at 240mg.

                    Another thing: if you compare Bacmax to Pacifen, the former is very crumbly, the latter firmer and harder. Could it be that Pacifen takes longer to be absorbed? On Pacifen, I don't get that "bac rush", where you are actually aware of it coursing through your veins.

                    Just thinking out loud....
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Dud Baclofen Anyone??

                      tiptronic_ct;733766 wrote: I've been thinking about this.

                      Please keep in mind that I felt NOTHING on bac, until I reached quite high levels. My switch was at 240mg.

                      Another thing: if you compare Bacmax to Pacifen, the former is very crumbly, the latter firmer and harder. Could it be that Pacifen takes longer to be absorbed? On Pacifen, I don't get that "bac rush", where you are actually aware of it coursing through your veins.

                      Just thinking out loud....
                      Is that why you crush it and snort it then???
                      What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                        Dud Baclofen Anyone??

                        Waving_not_drowning;733799 wrote: Is that why you crush it and snort it then???
                        :H :H :H

                        Only because I've run out of usable veins...

                        On a more serious note: you order from inhouse, and have only ever used them, yet you're experiencing fairly bad side effects at a low dose.

                        That should give jj an indication the the inhouse bac works as intended.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Dud Baclofen Anyone??

                          I definitely get a bac rush using Pacifen usually about an hour after a 50mg dose... and I feel warmer.


                            Dud Baclofen Anyone??

                            I second PF...about an hours after a 40 or 50 mg. dose, I'm flyin' high (Pacifen from inhouse).

                            Of course, I'm at 200 mgs. I didn't feel anything at all until 80 or 100, when I started getting the muscle twitches, etc.


                              Dud Baclofen Anyone??

                              I started with a generic -- sounded like Bacmax, but it wasn't (another member on here sent it to me so I could get started whilst I awaited the Bac I had ordered from 4rx). I felt effects immediately -- but not so much physical... just a dramatic decrease in anxiety and the virtual disappearance of insomnia that has plagued me all my life. It wasn't until I titrated up to 70-80 mg/per day (in 10mg doses spaced out over the day -- with more at night) that I felt the Bac physically.

                              After I switched to the Bacmax that I got from 4rx, I didn't notice any difference.

                              However, after I got a prescription, I noticed a big change in my physical reaction. About a half hour after taking 10mg, I get that "rush". Although I find it uncomfortable, and I'm hoping it will subside eventually, I also find it reassuring, and this makes it much more bearable.
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

