I really have tried to convince my Psychiatrist (who specializes in addiction) to give me Baclofen even while I am on Naltrexone. He has been hesitant and I'm not sure why. He said that Nal worked better than Baclofen, but I have been unable to stay AF for any length of time. In fact, in July, I was pretty much AF the whole month. In August, only 6 days AF. September, only 3 days AF, and so far in October 0 days. I have been on Naltrexone tablets since August. I have had 2 injections of Vivitrol, but because of insurance problems, I have not taken that consistently. I take 100mg a day of Naltrexone.
The wierd thing is I have no cravings at all until the hours of 8:30pm-10pm for some reason. And I take 50mg of Naltrexone in the morning and again at 7pm. What the heck is going on there???? Habit? I just don't know.
But I need all the help I can get right now. I am in no way drinking the quantities I was before. But I still feel that guilt and horror of the next day, when I though I would "make it" the day before and failed.
So, my questions are: How has Baclofen helped you? Are most of you AF? Or are you still drinking, but less? Or has there been no effect?
I would really appreciate hearing your experiences with it. I'm getting to the point where if he doesn't give it to me, I will buy it online IF the success rate is high. So I would really like to know your experiences so I can make a decision.
Ugh! This battle is draining me and I just want help.

Can anyone help me?