my history in short...drinking since 16, stopped with 32 thanks to AA and after 7year sober, i started again and i see things go#s way out off my control.
talked to "my" doc and explained him what i want and why...
first been the commence, that i'm not a alcoholic, because i'm not drinking during the day...ok, i dit not reply that i have a inner alarm clock that at 18 hr, i need my first drink and when i get it, better lock your bar =)
now i'm waiting...because he will do some research and will let me know...i showed him the book of oliver ameisen...he could read. ok, that been stupid, because why he should read evrey paicent book, in what he believe.
but the most funny part been last night, when i been dreaming about baclofen, how relaxed i'm, but so dam tiered, that i did not now what is betterA, in the sense, to be tiered of a lack of slpeed, as i use to have or tiered of baclofen...i find this already funny.
anyhow...i need to find my doc who function and is open to new things...not that easy i believe.
i'm not a english speaking person, o please
