Just a quick question about baclofen dosing. It's gotten to the point in the last month (or longer) where on a daily basis I take pretty uneven dosages--both in the total amount I take and the times throughout the day I take it. Most of the time it's not on purpose. I'm just a pretty head-in-the-clouds, forgetful person--and I'm also, by nature, very unregimented. I've tried alarms on my cell phone & also regular text reminders, which helps but not 100%. So some days I'll take 150 mg spaced at random dosages and intervals and other times I don't get up to 80 mg--and usually because I forgot most of my daytime pills. Of course on 150 I NEVER drink anything but if I mess up and get down to 80 I find myself craving a glass of wine. Thankfully I'm at the point where I can have one or two glasses of wine and drink nothing more, so it's not the biggest deal in the world b/c it doesn't lead into a massive relapse.
I haven't suffered any side effects because of it and things have been working really well for me since mid-July. So I guess I'm wondering if anyone knows if I'm doing anything medically harmful (e.g., increasing risk of withdrawal symptoms--I don't know!) by taking bac in such a random way.