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The DR says NO!!

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    The DR says NO!!

    I mean, really, you've already saved the lives of several people with your participation here. Why would you let one person who isn't even interested in what were sharing here ruin that?
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      The DR says NO!!

      I just picked up my prescription. Doc was nice enough to give me refills for a year. Instructions say take 1 tablet 3 or 4 times daily. That's nice and vague.


        The DR says NO!!

        shop arpund?

        Do you have the option Oliver to change docs??? I certainly would!!!

        just my thought on the subject, good luck!
        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          The DR says NO!!

          Hey Bill,

          it was largely due to your posts and your help (and from others here too) that I had the courage to place an order for my Bac. You gave me the info I needed to feel confident enough to take this stuff.

          Please dont let people get to you so much. We are entitled to our opinions and thats just what Kates opinion.

          I for one, would be very sorry to see you go.

          Harry - thanks for that info, i placed an order with 4RX yesterday, and the postage was quite expensive. So I will give them a go next time.
          Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
          :h ya


            The DR says NO!!

            Trixie, very nicely put....I have a few words though

            Bill.P.... I do have to say that between you and Zenstyle and let's not forget EvieLou (banned for whatever she has done) you guys were the pioneers. We all appreciate that and you have helped so many (which is a big feat with this disease). You have been very imformative with your research and we all appreciate that, have no right to admonish people that have concerns or even constructive criticism. To me, that tells me a lot about you. I hope this was a fluke...but as of late, I don't think so.

            Good luck to you and I wish you health and happiness.

            Everything I need is within me!


              The DR says NO!!

              Looks like I missed out on all the fun again. (This despite checking in here almost every day, often hundreds of times a day.).

              So I don't know what the interchange here was, and really, I should keep my mutt shut, but I don't seem to have any self control...

              So here it goes... I have experienced much of the same frustration as Bill P. regarding the member he is mentioning, for the same reasons, I believe.

              So, rather than add fuel to the fire, I just want to articulate how I have felt in this regard. Maybe this is how Bill P. feels, maybe not. We all speak for ourselves.

              It is always frustrating to be advised (strongly -- some might call it lecturing) about something when the basis or grounds for the advice (or strongly worded instruction) is not based on facts, but in fact is based on personal ethical values and strongly held personal beliefs. As soon as "advice" becomes judgmental, it is not advice in my opinion.

              Even more frustrating can be the refusal of somebody to engage in a dialogue concerning the "advice" and the information (opinion) given.

              Sharing information is good. Sharing experiences and feelings is good. Telling people to do (or not do) things based on personal values is not constructive, in my opinion. Using misinformation (even if not consciously so) to express one's personal beliefs is really off the radar of acceptability, as far as I am concerned.

              And now I will contradict everything I said and tell you what to do Bill P: use the IGNORE function.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                The DR says NO!!

                Agreed Beatle,

                I wish Bill P would come back, I have PM'ed him, and heard nothing, so I hope he see's this and realises how valuable he is and that the majority appreciate his advice and knowledge.

                I would not have taken the plunge and ordered my Baclofen if it wasnt for him.
                Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                :h ya


                  The DR says NO!!

                  A potential source for a prescribing doctor

                  Over at the Sinclair Method web site, some people have had success finding a doctor willing to prescribe naltrexone a la The Sinclair Method on this locator for suboxone doctors. It's worth a shot if you are looking for an alternative to the online pharmacy route. Just type in your zip code (sorry, I think it's U.S. only) and you'll get a list of docs in your area. Suboxone is a drug to aid in opiate withdrawal and docs need certain credentials to prescribe it, so these likely are addiction specialists.

         - Find a Doctor


                    The DR says NO!!


                    I think I was feeling a bit crabby when I posted. I understood why the doctor I saw didn't prescribe the Bacoflen, she was unfamiliar with it and it was my first visit. I have an appointment with a psychiatrist who specializes in addictions and is uses medications in his practice soon.

                    My concern with the Lithium is that I think it is a medicine that needs more than a five minute discussion to per scribe. And she called me "hun" over and over and gave me insomnia advice from AOL health.


                      The DR says NO!!

                      KateH1;765907 wrote: For those that are so quick to label a doctor "a bad doctor" for not prescribing a prescription drug as requested, please consider this. Doctors are responsible for each and every drug that they prescribe. When a doctor prescribes a drug for a condition for which it is not recomended or approved, their medical license can be at risk. Also, should there be a serious problem, their malpractice insurance could be canceled. Many patients routinely request drugs for weight loss and other conditions and when there are serious consequences to their use, these same patients then, in turn, sue the doctor along with the drug company that manufactured these drugs. It is unfortunate, that these situations exist, but they are reality.

                      These days, nearly every doctor is a specialist. Addiction is a specialty. If one truly wants to choose a medical route for addiction, then seek out an addicition specialist.

                      It is certainly not my intention to offend anyone where in regards to seeking medical care for addiction. But, I do get offended when I constantly here doctors getting blasted for not doing as a patient requests after the patient does a bit of research on the internet.

                      Best Wishes to All!
                      Just for clarification, this is my post that Bill P got so pissed off about! The one where he claims to want to go one on one with me regarding show his "smarts" versus mine. NO WHERE did I discuss bacolofen. But, I did feel the need to present another side to the story of prescribing. I believe that Bill.P acted childish and out of control, over nothing at all! Sounds like he needs an "Ego Check" and perhaps Anger Management classes........just a thought!

                      Also, I stand behind my questioning an MD or one posing as an MD (this is not an accusation towards anyone!) treating people on an anonymous internet chat board. General discussion is great! Recomending sites with information is wonderful. But, there are many vulnerable people that come to MWO and I believe that posting different points of view is useful.

                      Frankly, without resorting to the same childish rants and name calling as Bill P, I will just say that this site has many, many wonderful people that contribute to the sobriety of both themselves and others. I am grateful for each and everyone of them. No one person can claim to be the "Life Saver".....perhaps with the exception of Roberta Jewell, who wrote the book My Way Out and who created and maintains this life saving website.
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        The DR says NO!!

                        I agree that the MWO web site is a life saver...but Im am very saddened that Bill P has gone and whats worse all that well researched and the knowledgable posts are gone too...Bill P you and Zen ,Evielou in the begining have in your own way contributed to saving many lives from this horrible disease with your advice not just on baclofen but brain pharmacology, diet, exercise, mind techniques and just well reasond advice as RJ book does even she in the begining ordered her Topomax on line and developed her own Hypno tapes...some times particulary with the moral stigma attached to alcohol addiction you have to take the un conventional path isnt that what RJ did?. You never pretended to treat any one on line and always advised to seek proper medical advice if possible. With out your advice I would have been lost in undertaking the baclofen approach. Unfortunately some of us have tried and tried with many doctors only to be turned away with a "join AA response" some are desparate as i was as a new starter and reading this thread and RJ approach finally gave me hope I am approaching 2 months AF after 20 years of daily drinking Amazing you and the other wonderful people on this site helped me to do this. YOU have helped many vunreable people with hope and knowledge to try different methods as RJ has. Please if you are reading this dont let one drive you away from the voice of many that appreciate your advice. I plead with you to return.


                          The DR says NO!!

                          I am almost rendered speechless, and that doesn't often happen. Bill P removed nearly all his posts because he got all huffy over a post (or a series of posts) by another member here? "Let Kate sort it out." REALLY???!!!! I am sooooo sorry for the loss of all who had come to rely on his information about baclofen. I moderate at, and routinely have referred people to his posts here when they have questions about baclofen. I'll need to edit some posts.

                          Just about a year ago, the Sinclair Method began to pick up a head of steam on this site. As more and more of us posted, we began to attract criticism from other members. Aside a few, abusive, obviously drunken posts, we always saw criticism as an opportunity to be sure we had our facts straight and to further inform readers about TSM. SpringerRider, RV9 and I spent probably too much time debating and clarifying. Speaking only for myself, of course there were times I questioned the motives of some who posted, and I thought some comments or questions to be silly, annoying, ignorant or worse. But I never felt it was my place to do much more than take another member's post at face value, and respond accordingly. There were some rather ugly pm's -- mostly not to me, but to long-time members who had chosen TSM, and I posted a time or two about hurt feelings, but all that quickly passed. Eventually we started our own board -- not to be peevish, but because we felt the need to start a "satellite" community focusing on TSM. Many of us have maintained a presence here, and some long-time MWO'ers signed on as members of our new board to drop in and wish us well. Very classy, but what I had come to expect from this community. Long-andshort of it: When we faced a barrage of criticism, we didn't take it personally, even when it may have been meant that way, and we never let it interfere with the important work to be done: taming the alcohol monster.

                          NOTHING excuses his taking down his posts. Nothing. I don't care if there's more to it than his lame post explaining it, or how would I feel if blah blah or anything else. By his own words, to spite someone who posted something he didn't like, he tried to yank the lifeline away from a lot of drowning people.

                          I see Lo0p, who is a member here and, has already set about reconstructing (and improving!) the information base that was lost when Bill P took his marbles and went home. I hope many of you cut-and-paste an archive of the entire thread so if something happens in the future, the data can be retrieved quickly.

                          I personally hope Bill P doesn't come back, but if he does, I hope he is not given the autocratic control over the flow of baclofen information he enjoyed in the past. I know many of you will disagree with my opinion, but it's just that -- my opinion. Although I'm not a baclofen user, given the history I just recounted, I felt the need to express myself on the issue. My heart goes out to those of you who feel stung by this betrayal, but the important thing is to keep going.

                          All the very best, Lena


                            The DR says NO!!

                            I agree with your comments Lenaleed and this is the last thing that I am going to say on the subject.

                            Everyone here has a right to their opinion and concerns inasmuch as they are not invasive or detrimental to another member.

                            Bill.P has certainly lost credibility with his outbursts and name calling. And, it is childish of him to pull all of his contributed information. He is supposed to be a "professional" in healthcare. That is not helpful or professional in any way.

                            Everything I need is within me!


                              The DR says NO!!

                              Thank you Lena. I was pretty discouraged when I came home with my first bottle of bac and found that Bill P had removed his posts.

                              I considered the Sinclair Method, but would have to start drinking again to get anything out of that one. I decided that probably wasn't such a great idea.


                                The DR says NO!!

                                Quote By Lena "I personally hope Bill P doesn't come back, but if he does, I hope he is not given the autocratic control over the flow of baclofen information he enjoyed in the past".

                                Lena you are a moderator on the sinclair thread personally i wish you would stick to that board.

