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The DR says NO!!

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    The DR says NO!!

    beatle;766898 wrote: Looks like I missed out on all the fun again. (This despite checking in here almost every day, often hundreds of times a day.).

    So I don't know what the interchange here was, and really, I should keep my mutt shut, but I don't seem to have any self control...

    So here it goes... I have experienced much of the same frustration as Bill P. regarding the member he is mentioning, for the same reasons, I believe.

    So, rather than add fuel to the fire, I just want to articulate how I have felt in this regard. Maybe this is how Bill P. feels, maybe not. We all speak for ourselves.

    It is always frustrating to be advised (strongly -- some might call it lecturing) about something when the basis or grounds for the advice (or strongly worded instruction) is not based on facts, but in fact is based on personal ethical values and strongly held personal beliefs. As soon as "advice" becomes judgmental, it is not advice in my opinion.

    Even more frustrating can be the refusal of somebody to engage in a dialogue concerning the "advice" and the information (opinion) given.

    Sharing information is good. Sharing experiences and feelings is good. Telling people to do (or not do) things based on personal values is not constructive, in my opinion. Using misinformation (even if not consciously so) to express one's personal beliefs is really off the radar of acceptability, as far as I am concerned.

    And now I will contradict everything I said and tell you what to do Bill P: use the IGNORE function.
    i know we should move on but some of the comments here compell me to reply....I think beatles assessment is very true this poster obviously has been here a long time and believes her personal experience of giving up alcohol needs to be impressed upon new starters and others in a very detremined way ... but it also appears to have a way of rubbing people up the wrong way .As a new starter i have found some of this persons posts confronting obviously a long term member who has some great advice and is well liked but i find some posts lecturing and very harsh just my impression I am not excusing billP outburst that was stupid but it seems this poster drops in lectures and disappears ...BillP aside from his faults was a valued member to see some of you here dissmiss him in such a harsh way seems unfair... we all have our own agendas and Bill your outburst was un called for ...I think its sad that after all BillP has done and given for you to round on him and call for his head.??? I know not that dramatic..but YES he was absolutley wrong to say the things he did but he has contributed more to this thread than that poster who isnt even interested in what we are trying to achieve here...sorry i m am not trying to defend bills outburst but i will defend his contribution to this thread I think some of you should back off unless the Lynching mentality prevails JUST my opinion


      The DR says NO!!

      What are you trying to do reggie? Alienate more people? How in the world does that help any of us at all? I am in contact with Bill and I can assure you he is not coming back, for his own reasons.

      Lena has been a generous and contributing member here for a year and if your "wish" were granted the lot of us here would most certainly not be better off because of it.

      You've got no qualms offering your opinion but you're asking another member to leave the board because she stated hers.

      No hard feelings reggie, I'm sure you were just upset but you're treading down the wrong path here.
      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
      A Forum
      Trolls need not apply


        The DR says NO!!

        Reggie, You only joined in Nov of 2009. You have no idea who I am, nor where my journey with recovery has taken me. You simply enjoy repeating anything that can stir up trouble.

        This board is primarily for members sharing experiences. This is how we all learn and grow. Also, we do not personally attack one another here. Quite obviously you do not adhere to this rule. I have known Beatle a long time.....I could attack her for her outbursts and personal issues. I will not do this. I will let it go. I suggest that you try to contribute something positive, instead of attacking people here.

        I suggest that you form a relationship with your friend Bill P else where. He left of his own accord...period! Get over it.....move on. YOU are not helping anyone here with your garbage!!

        Personally, I will MUTE you as you serve no useful purpose!

        OK...Lecture Over!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          The DR says NO!!

          So now Reggie has deleted his/her posts? It's becoming an epidemic around here.


            The DR says NO!!

            Another clarification re: Kate

            KateH1;767957 wrote: Reggie, You only joined in Nov of 2009. You have no idea who I am, nor where my journey with recovery has taken me. You simply enjoy repeating anything that can stir up trouble.

            This board is primarily for members sharing experiences. This is how we all learn and grow. Also, we do not personally attack one another here. Quite obviously you do not adhere to this rule.

            I have known Beatle a long time.....I could attack her for her outbursts and personal issues. I will not do this. I will let it go. I suggest that you try to contribute something positive, instead of attacking people here.

            I suggest that you form a relationship with your friend Bill P else where. He left of his own accord...period! Get over it.....move on. YOU are not helping anyone here with your garbage!!

            Personally, I will MUTE you as you serve no useful purpose!

            OK...Lecture Over!
            "I have known Beatle a long time.....I could attack her for her outbursts and personal issues. I will not do this. I will let it go."

            I should have responded to Kate's earlier post when she re-posted what she had written that apparently pissed off BillP.

            When I read that post that pissed of BillP, I thought, well, I couldn't see much offensive in it. Actually, quite interesting... nothing to do with personal feelings-- maybe biases, but legitimate biases based on legitimate information. So I made no comment.

            THAT said, I do not think that my responses to Kate's posts can be characterised as "outbursts". I think I've always made it clear in the very few posts in which I took offense to Kate's comments that what provoked me was the judgmentalism (sometimes combined with imprecise, or even completely incorrect, information).

            Now I have just tried to go back and find the exact posts I refer to, but I found myself using inordinate amounts of time... so I will refer to a fairly recent post in the General Discussion forum, in which Kate commented on baclofen. Since I don't have the post in front of me, I will just paraphrase. (If anyone finds the post, please do re-post it here.)

            Kate remarked something clearly derogatory about people taking baclofen -- she referred to people taking baclofen as willing to take a very strong drug for the rest of their lives just so they could moderate their drinking.

            Perhaps Kate has changed her views on baclofen since then, as she is now an active participant on this forum. But at that time, I don't think those comments were appropriate; they were definitely judgmental, and even more definitely based on false or self-invented information.

            What she said denigrated all the people who have suffered and used years of their life struggling to find a way to become sober, and had finally found a way to achieve their goal through baclofen... putting it as if they were taking the easy way out and not even being serious about their sobriety.

            Even worse, to make such a depreciating statement based on false beliefs (without checking her facts herself) could result in many numbers of people who might benefit from bacofen closing their minds to it, depriving them of what could be their own "way out".

            Other than the few highly judgemental and misinformative posts, I feel Kate has been a huge asset and important contributor to this site. And I believe she means only good, and no harm. I don't think she should be banned or ostracized for her dedicated participation.

            Nonetheless, I have to react when I see misinformation and potentially harmful (both mentally and physically) posts.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              The DR says NO!!

              p.s. I am aware that I have a tendency to over-react when I feel something strongly. In that case, I appreciate being called on it. (If I am not called on it, I assume my point was valid and accepted.)
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                The DR says NO!!

                In the year-plus I've been a member here, I've seen a lot of conflict, because we are a passionate bunch -- those who have found Our Way Out, or those struggling to find it.

                I've really admired the compassion and tolerance members have shown one another in the wake of emotional outbursts after one controversy or another.

                The only truly hurtful, hateful thing I've seen happen here is one member's attempt to leave a gaping hole by taking down his huge store of life-saving information. That didn't work, because other members here set about to replicate the bank of information that was removed by the recalcitrant member.

                This community is amazing in its resilience as we get over hurt hurt feelings, forgive transgressions, and just move on.

                This too shall pass.


                  The DR says NO!!

                  KateH1;767957 wrote: Reggie, You only joined in Nov of 2009. You have no idea who I am, nor where my journey with recovery has taken me. You simply enjoy repeating anything that can stir up trouble.

                  This board is primarily for members sharing experiences. This is how we all learn and grow. Also, we do not personally attack one another here. Quite obviously you do not adhere to this rule. I have known Beatle a long time.....I could attack her for her outbursts and personal issues. I will not do this. I will let it go. I suggest that you try to contribute something positive, instead of attacking people here.

                  I suggest that you form a relationship with your friend Bill P else where. He left of his own accord...period! Get over it.....move on. YOU are not helping anyone here with your garbage!!

                  Personally, I will MUTE you as you serve no useful purpose!

                  Agree thanks Kate being a MUTE is good :H no hard feelings

                  OK...Lecture Over!


                    The DR says NO!!

                    Personally, I will MUTE you as you serve no useful purpose!

                    OK...Lecture Over![/QUOTE]Best wishes
                    Thanks Kate :H see no evil hear no evil :H no hard feelings no need to be so angry and nasty I like being a mute:HBest wishes i hope we can move on to constructive comments on bacloen Im nearly 2 months AF hit my switch at 190 mg now triating down to 120 mg... I intend on triating down 20 mgs every third day until Im off it ...Im going to use this kick start and build on it ..I will keep you informed of my experience with thr triation down Im sure lots are anxious about this and stopping eventually.there seems to be this impression once you start taking baclofen you will have to take it forever and if you stop you will be a seizure mess so false however ...for others ordering on line just a kindly reminder as its the silly season postal times slow up so make sure you have sufficent supply DONT panic if you run out just be careful and as billP said if you run out just treat it as you are withdrawing from alcohol a link here take care and see a doc if concerned I think Beatle posted a great thing on the scary withdrawl thing.its not that dramatic if you are aware of how your body feels!!!..any way have a great holiday time


                      The DR says NO!!

                      KateH1;767957 wrote: Reggie, You only joined in Nov of 2009. You have no idea who I am, nor where my journey with recovery has taken me. You simply enjoy repeating anything that can stir up trouble.

                      This board is primarily for members sharing experiences. This is how we all learn and grow. Also, we do not personally attack one another here. Quite obviously you do not adhere to this rule. I have known Beatle a long time.....I could attack her for her outbursts and personal issues. I will not do this. I will let it go. I suggest that you try to contribute something positive, instead of attacking people here.

                      I suggest that you form a relationship with your friend Bill P else where. He left of his own accord...period! Get over it.....move on. YOU are not helping anyone here with your garbage!!

                      Personally, I will MUTE you as you serve no useful purpose!

                      OK...Lecture Over!
                      Best wishes
                      Thanks Kate see no evil hear no evil no hard feelings no need to be so angry and nasty I like being a muteBest wishes i hope we can move on to constructive comments on bacloen Im nearly 2 months AF hit my switch at 190 mg now triating down to 120 mg I intend on triating down 20 mgs every third day until Im off it ...Im going to use this kick start and build on it ..I will keep you informed as Im sure lots are anxious about stopping eventually....for others ordering on line just a kindly reminder as its the silly season postal times slow up so make sure you have sufficent supply DONT panic if you run out just be careful and as billP said if you run out just treat it as you are triating down from alcohol a link here for home-detoxers: How to Taper off Alcohol take care
                      Last edited by reggie : Today at 10:30 AM.


                        The DR says NO!!

                        KateH1;767957 wrote:
                        Personally, I will MUTE you as you serve no useful purpose!

                        OK...Lecture Over!
                        Best wishes
                        Thanks Kate:H see no evil hear no evil :Hno hard feelings no need to be so angry and nasty I like being a mute :H Best wishes to you i hope we can move on to constructive comments on bacloen Im nearly 2 months AF hit my switch at 190 mg now triating down to 120 mg I intend on triating down 20 mgs every third day until Im off it ( Beatle did a excellent post on this fear cant find it but maybe we should post a separate thread on stopping taking baclofen) ...Im going to use this kick start and build on it ..I will keep you informed as Im sure lots are anxious about stopping eventually....for others ordering on line just a kindly reminder as its the silly season postal times slow up so make sure you have sufficent supply DONT panic if you run out just be careful and as billP said if you run out just treat it as you are triating down from alcohol and weening youre self off ironically you will need to drink alcohol a thread to this approach but ultimately see a doctor .... take care


                          The DR says NO!!

                          OK....after this post I am completely finished speaking to any comments by Beatle. Frankly I find it disgraceful that a member can claim to "Know the Intent" of another member. How arrogant and misinformed!

                          First of all, I have never made a derogotory remark regarding baclofen, in fact, I have never mentioned baclofen at all. I have also never said that I think taking baclofen or any other drug to stop drinking is "the easy way out". There is no easy way out of this, period.

                          The post where I was reflecting on my arrival at MWO and making choices for "My Personal Plan" for recovery, were just that. How and why I arrived at my personal plan. When I stated that I did not see taking a drug (TOPA) in order to moderate my drinking did not make sense to me. I meant it. It simply did not make sense To Me, For Me. This was and is not a judgment on anyone else's choices.

                          To me, one of the great things about My Way Out, is that we have the opportunity to explore many different avenues of recovery. To many of us, this open means of exploration has truly helped us to find "Our Personal Way Out". Because on chooses one no way is a judgement that any other way is wrong. It is a personal decision. But, we should each be able to freely express ourselves without begin misquoted and lied about and evil, nasty and imagined motivation being attached.

                          I posted on the thread "The Doctor said No"....attempting to offer a different point of view on seeking medical advice. My intent was to be helpful. I did not expect the personal attacks. Even though, I do not personally choose to use baclofen or other drugs.....I am still a curious student. I have enjoyed reading the posts from Loop and others and watching their progress. I rejoice in all progress and success!

                          I will continue to read in this section. But, I will no longer comment, nor will I attempt to clarify any more of Beatle or anyone else's personal attacks. These are rediculous, immature and they help no one!

                          I wish nothing but success, happiness and freedom to everyone with this horrible addiction, no matter which method for recovery is chosen. I take my personal recovery very seriously every day and I continue to work on myself. I have accepted, that, for me, this journey never ends.

                          Wishing the Best for All!
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            The DR says NO!!

                            Alright! Alright! Enough! Can't we all just get along?? Aren't we all in this fight together....please find some common ground. Let's move forward now. OK?

                            Everything I need is within me!


                              The DR says NO!!

                              I really do love all you guys....Cowgal, Beatle, kateH1, Lenaleed, ok ok even Loop and Reggie.....come on sounds like we are about to implode. Our focus is on helping people that show up here wanting's not a battle between ourselves...we fight our own personal battles everyday. They will see that, and surely leave and discredit this site if we do not have a strong stance. So....all you all, please get along for the common good.

                              Everything I need is within me!


                                The DR says NO!!

                                Re-Post: Potential source for a prescribing doctor

                                I thought I'd re-post my earlier post on this thread because it really has proven to be a good source on the Sinclair board for finding a doctor willing to prescribe meds for those who are looking for that, and I was concerned the info might have gotten lost in the [whatever] and I think this speaks to the original topic of the thread.

                                Over at the Sinclair Method web site, some people have had success finding a doctor willing to prescribe naltrexone a la The Sinclair Method on this locator for suboxone doctors. It's worth a shot if you are looking for an alternative to the online pharmacy route. Just type in your zip code (sorry, I think it's U.S. only) and you'll get a list of docs in your area. Suboxone is a drug to aid in opiate withdrawal and docs need certain credentials to prescribe it, so these likely are addiction specialists.

                       - Find a Doctor

