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The DR says NO!!

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    The DR says NO!!

    Hi to all,

    Well I did try......the DRs say no they will not precribe baclofen for me....they say no proof it helps reduce addiction but they are happy to help me???? I said thanks for looking into it, thanks for getting back to me, but after 34 years of thier advice and treatments I am still addicted and suffering........Would they consider prescribing Valium to save me from bouncing of the walls then.......No!.......because I drink.

    I told them that I had gone ahead anyway and ordered on line and my Baclofen is on its way, they said be careful how you dose yourself? I said I have to dose to my own level to find what works and have also ordered Valium to help any kick backs or delerium that may occur?

    My point? Go ahead, you have no other choice.....well I don't anyway.

    God bless and take care,


    The DR says NO!!

    Grrrrrrrr. They should make a pill for docs like that to take that simulates 4 days of withdrawal.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      The DR says NO!!

      Watch out for the Valium. It can become addicting really fast. I'd cut the pills in half and take the smallest amount possible. I've not heard of the Baclofen, so I can't speak to that one. For me, the worst is the night sweats, and lots of baths with epsom salts with help with that.

      I'm glad my doctor (psychiatrist) isn't so anal. But I know they'd spot abuse of a prescription medication in an instant on my charts. I'm trying to switch over to County Health now, and I'm taking pills I've no idea why I'm taking them, so I'm going through a few different withdrawals. The Librium was really ugly. But I don't want to take anything that doesn't have a good purpose.



        The DR says NO!!

        Kelly, just read through the Baclofen threads, and you will gain insight about baclofen. As you will see, it does have a good purpose -- life-changing, and in many cases, a life-saving purpose. It is not even really a drug, but a synthetic form of a substance that is in every mammal. Check it out, it may do the same for you that it is doing for hundreds on this forum.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          The DR says NO!!

          I didn't mean to downgrade it, only not to offer my opinion on something I'm not familiar with. Reading about it is not going to make me any more personally knowledgeable, it's second-hand information.

          I'm sure I'll do plenty of reading and discover if this might help me or not. But I can't speak to it right now.

          added: And yes, you've intrigued me. I'll definitely be researching it.


            The DR says NO!!

            same problem

            I had a similar experience. I went to the doctor yesterday to ask about Bacoflen. I got a "No". Also, she called me hun during the whole 5 minute interview, told me how AA would save me, and then suggested such drugs as Lithium and Lamictal. Luckily, I have learned not to argue with these kind of doctors so I just nodded and took her perscription, making a mental note not to come back. It was one thing not to perscribe the Bacoflen, but to say I don't see you as being manic but Lithium might be helpful was just not a path I want to go down. There are so many problems associated with that drug, I just did an inner shudder and threw out the perscription. For my life long, hard core insomnia she gave me a print out from AOL health. ull

            I have an appointment with a Doctor who specializes in addiction and who does use medication in December and I hope that goes better. I am really looking forward to the Bacoflen one way or another, I have always thought my problems were neurotransmitter related.


              The DR says NO!!

              Hi oliver, hope you get the right script for you.
              I went to my family gp 12months ago for either campral or naltrexone, he said " I want you to try to self moderate first" as though I came in on a whim and asked for such serrious drugs. "try light beer", was another pearl of wisdom.well after filling whole ute loads of light beer bottles i went to a gp in the next suburb, just down the roads from a free drug rehab place. he said, " here is a script for campral, its what the profesionals up the street would give you, at least its not herion your on". and with that im off and running.
              so, keep trying, and good luck
              AF since 10/26/2009

              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                The DR says NO!!

                OMG so many bad doctors out there!!! mine is another story so I ordered the bac on line ......... and it is brilliant,

                Sorry to hijack the thread but why did your doc prescribe lamictal??? my daughter is on that for epilepsy and we have LOADS of it!!!!

                Love & hugs, BB xx


                  The DR says NO!!

                  Good on you, Oliver! I've been living "off the grid" of insurance and medical practitioners (at least in this country, USA) for several years now. Why spend my good money on their stupidity and useless advice? Think I'll go to the "Screw You" thread and post about your stupid doctor!
                  "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                    The DR says NO!!

                    Kelly, I realise my post might have seemed a bit huffy. I think your comments were useful and you were just being honest.

                    I do hope you will check out the baclofen. It is hard not to "push" it when you find something close to miraculous-- that's what makes the baclofen gang so zealous. If you found something after years of suffering and struggle that gave you the ability get your life back -- wouldn't you also want to "shout it from the rooftops"?

                    Also, you will find that the baclofen threads are full of information that is not second-hand. You will find references and links to all kinds of "first-hand" information that will allow you to do your own research, and make a well-informed decision.

                    The second-hand information in those threads is also an invaluable resource because it is our shared experience. Side-effects, progress reports, support-- these are all things we need in our journey, especially after we make the decision to give it a go.

                    UrbanFool;755596 wrote: I didn't mean to downgrade it, only not to offer my opinion on something I'm not familiar with. Reading about it is not going to make me any more personally knowledgeable, it's second-hand information.

                    I'm sure I'll do plenty of reading and discover if this might help me or not. But I can't speak to it right now.

                    added: And yes, you've intrigued me. I'll definitely be researching it.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      The DR says NO!!

                      Lamictal is not so bad. I was prescribed it for bi-polar. The psyche said that is a usual drug to prescribe for bi-polar, even though it was originally a medicine for epilepsy. Apparently, it works somewhat similarly to baclofen but just on the GABA-A receptors (baclofen works on the GABA-B receptors). I take both of them now, with the blessings of my doctor, and I believe they work synergistically.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        The DR says NO!!

                        Honestly, I'm not sure how great my opinion is on drugs. Ambien keeps me up for 3 days. So how can I offer my opinion on that? Lunesta is great, however... IMO. I have an appointment on the 24th, so I'm sure my meds will be mixed all up and worked around.


                          The DR says NO!!

                          As we all know, drugs affect people differently. Ambien is one of the most extreme examples. Many people have done wild things on Ambien and had no recollection. Some of these are quite humorous (cleaning the house in the middle of the night, waking up to a clean house and having no memory of it... that kind of thing), but many are scary and with dire consequences, including driving (many cases) whilst unconscious (Ambien makers have been or are being sued for this).

                          For me, Ambien is the only drug (other than baclofen, of course) that has ever worked for me the way it is supposed to (and I've been prescribed a few dozen drugs in my life). So, as they say, gofigure. I did take very small doses of Ambien, but it always worked beautifully... fast in, fast out.

                          But I haven't needed Ambien since I started baclofen. The last time I took Ambien was the night before the first time I took baclofen.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            The DR says NO!!

                            Well, as much as you aren't supposed to, I turned the Ambien over to my husband who could make good use of it on the few nights he can't sleep normally (not often.) I'll definitely be asking about the Baclofen.


                              The DR says NO!!

                              And it's pretty funny that Ambien brings on the same "effects" that you try to avoid with alcohol.

                              I had a "friend" offer me several dollars/pill for my Ambien. Screw that. I'm not going to participate in anyone's memory game.

