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The DR says NO!!

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    The DR says NO!!

    I've been away from the board for a few days but I'm so sad to come back to see all of this conflict happening.

    I think it's really easy to misinterpret other's intentions via any sort of "virtual" communication--whether it be email or internet chat boards like these.

    Bill P--I would really like it if you would re-post your information because I frequently refer back to it when I'm struggling with bac. I appreciate all of the other information that others have posted as well and I'd also feel at a major loss if someone (e.g., LoOp, Zen, Beatle, MA, etc.) took down their posts.

    I'm confused about this argument that has erupted and I just want help staying sober and managing my life with bac.



      The DR says NO!!

      Yes, I've been away for a while to to return to a wonderful thread and find a mini war going on. This is not what I thought we were here for, anyway lets move forward.

      There is no way Bill P is going to repost, I read it on another post. This was information that gave me the courage to take Baclofen myself, so I find that distressing, however......

      Go to - Dr Phill who is a member here too, has given me nothing but support and help since Bill P pulled the plug. We have a community there too. Between MWO and the baclofen4alcoholism site, we have everything we need.
      Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
      :h ya


        The DR says NO!!

        I gleaned a ton of info from Bill P but I think his reaction was self absorbed and self serving. To pull your helpful posts is not wanting to see others succeed it is wanting to be the only kid on the playground.


          The DR says NO!!

          Interesting view, one I would probably agree with, but lets forget about Bill P and move on, we have Dr Phill now.

          When one door closes another one opens =)
          Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
          :h ya


            The DR says NO!!

            Interesting view Dolly Sunshine and one I would probably agree with.

            Lets forget about Bill P now, we have Dr Phill in our playground now.:yay:

            When one door closes, another one opens.
            Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
            :h ya


              The DR says NO!!

              Starting to worry

              harry;766031 wrote: Trixi,

              Im also in Oz. Ive received several orders from Inhouse - it arrives on the door in 5 days. Vanuatu - not too far away. And best of all - Inhouse is by far the cheapest place to buy baclo on the net - if you are in Oz. No shipping.Very impressive.
              This order I decided to go with the above from Inhouse, I thought I read on the website 7 days (and I took that as working days) So I ordered on the 19 Dec. That gives me 7 working day to receive this.

              I just went back to my order and it says between 7 & 14 days - I dont know if that means working days or not.

              If I dont get my order before the 30 Dec, I will run out, by then I will be up to 90mg per day. I have heard it said, "DONT RUN OUT OF BACLOFEN" - I read this on Dr Phill's website:

              "I had had a week of torture, with what can only be described as an (admittedly) mild psychosis when I did not have Baclofen for more than a week. But it WAS a psychosis, with auditory and visual hallucinations. Voices in my head telling me to kill myself. I had unbelievable headaches, and uncontrollable muscle spasms. It was horrendous. And its after effects lasted almost a month".

              Now Im starting to worry, has anyone run out of Baclofen before?? and if so, was it as bad as Dr Phill describes?
              Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
              :h ya


                The DR says NO!!

                You haven't been taking it long enough to have withdrawal symptoms Trix. The medical literature I have read stated that there hasn't been any reported withdrawal symptoms in anyone taking it for less than a month or two.

                That being said, don't run out. I have an extra 24 day supply hidden away in my closet that I pretend isn't there and order as though it isn't.
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  The DR says NO!!


                  What a relief, thanks Lo0p, I feel heaps better now. :yougo:


                  If I do have to stop for a day or two, how do I resume??
                  Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                  :h ya


                    The DR says NO!!

                    I don't know the answer to that question. I would think with your somnolence problem,
                    you might want to start maybe at 3/4 of your current daily dose. If no somnolence, then go up rapidly until you get to your current doses or start to feel tired. Again I don't know.

                    I would reiterate what LoOP said. I have an extra months supply just so there is no chance i will run out. Also, In House states that over the holidays the shipping time may be greater than the 7 - 14 days. So, you may be in a bind. I know some members have shipped bac to others when they were about to run out. I don't know if that is an option or not.

                    Good luck.



                      The DR says NO!!

                      Thanks NC, I think I will treat is as a big lesson learnt, now that I know how it all works, I will take your advice and make sure I have plenty in stock.

                      I will think positively that it will arrive - just didnt think about all the holidays!!!:duh:
                      Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                      :h ya


                        The DR says NO!!

                        I just received an order from In House that I ordered on Dec 21. That was fast.

                        I did not receive an order I put in early Dec. I figured it was because of the holiday. I emailed In House today and told them I had not received it as of today, Dec 28. They apologized and stated they had resent the order today. So, not good that I didn't receive it, but seemingly good service in getting it out again.



                          The DR says NO!!

                          Praise the Lord!!!

                          My Baclofen order arrived to day :yay:

                          Now this will be interesting. I had Bacmax from 4RX previously, and now have the Pacifen from Inhouse, and they are in 10mg tabs (as opposed to the 20mg Bacmax) so much more convenient -have you tried cutting those little buggers in half??? I wonder if there will be much of a difference. I hope not, but i am going to titrate much much more slowy, I suffer from somnolence something chronic.:upset:

                          I heard what you guys told me, DONT RUN OUT - KEEP A SUPPLY.

                          Lesson learnt, I am going to put in another order today,:thanks:
                          Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                          :h ya

