How do you divide your doses?
At what dose did you hit your switch (if you have yet).
What side effects (if any) are you experiencing?
What are your triggers?
I'll start:
I am at my first day of 100mg. My cravings are much less but I can still talk myself into drinking. I do find I am content with less.
I divide my doses pretty evenly. I take my first 10 mg dose in middle of the night, 20mg upon awakening (6am), 10mg at 9:00, 10mg at 11:00, 10 mg at 1:00, 10mg at 3:00 20mg at 5:00 (witching hour) and 10mg at bedtime (9:00)
I have not yet hit my switch, but feel I am getting close.
My main side effect is sleepiness, although last night I felt like I was only sleeping 30 minutes or so before waking up. Usually I sleep very well. I have some tingling in my fingers and a floaty/foggy feeling that occurs about 30 minutes after my dose and subsides about 1-2 hours afterward.
Anxiety, anger, feeling rejected or being home alone (feeling lonely).