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Can baclofen cause depresion ?

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    Can baclofen cause depresion ?

    I am with you both on that my anxiety I now realise was through the ceiling, but never had any treatment for it as never realised I had it untill bac took it away, I used to be hyper. Now I am very chilled and yes lacking motivation but in a contented way. And Spec oh yes being sober is wonderful and I wonder if my increased low mood is down to the regrets of what al has taken away from me in the past and for me I know its negative but anger that the medical proffesion just wont take this seriously. Have read many posts on doctors negative responses to patients with al problems. I went to my doctors about five year ago and said I thought I was drinking to much, you could have cut the atmophere with a knife and the look of disgust in his eyes made me feel like a total low life, all he ffered was AA and a concillor to talk about why I drank ,did not even examine me, he could not wait to get rid of me and I was only to happy to leave ! I saw the councillor for a while but was a humiliating experience as had to wait in the general waiting room to see him and to be quite honest he did not have a clue, I mentioned taking meds to help and he said it would be better for me to build my own charactor up to resisit drink rather than use an artifical cruch to do it !!! how wonderful weak and a total failure in life did that make me feel, just the sort of reasons that I drank for in the first place ! I repeat not a clue !! But on a high note I try not to dwell on the past and thnak god that I discovered this site and baclofen its truely changing my life !!!


      Can baclofen cause depresion ?

      I think generally there is a total lack of awareness of low level addiction, and by that I mean those of who outwardly appear to be functioning perfectly normally - whatever that means. It's been said on this forum that alcoholism is like diabetes or obesity, I'm not sure about that exactly, but I'm sure I have a susceptibility to become easily dependent on some neuro-stimulators (made up word!). Alcohol to me is like a burger to obese person.

      It's strange that exercise is mentioned on this thread, I used to be addicted to that too!


        Can baclofen cause depresion ?

        I'm following the discussion with great interest - I'm considering ordering medication, but am not sure which one. Topamax, Campral or Bacloven. Or Naltrexone. How did you make your decisions?
        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


          Can baclofen cause depresion ?

          I chose Baclofen because it appeared to have the least side effects.


            Can baclofen cause depresion ?

            jessie;767166 wrote: I'm following the discussion with great interest - I'm considering ordering medication, but am not sure which one. Topamax, Campral or Bacloven. Or Naltrexone. How did you make your decisions?
            By doing what you're doing now, educating myself. :goodjob: Here's a couple of links for you:


            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              Can baclofen cause depresion ?

              jessie;767166 wrote: I'm following the discussion with great interest - I'm considering ordering medication, but am not sure which one. Topamax, Campral or Bacloven. Or Naltrexone. How did you make your decisions?
              Jessie, I tried Topomax but it made me feel as if I'd had a lobotomy. Seriously, I'd stare at the computer screen and had no clue what to do next. I sounded like I was brain damaged when I talked. I couldn't handle it. I'm taking Baclofen now and am up to 120mg. I feel that this will be my magic bullet. My side effects are really only sleepiness and sometimes I feel extremely mellow. Not a bad side effect at all, LOL! Plus, it's cheaper than the Topamax. I've not tried the others, so I can't speak to those.

              Hope this helps,

              Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
              That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
              Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
              Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                Can baclofen cause depresion ?

                I'm not sure whether it's the last few days being totally shit, the Baclofen (or my rapid titration off it), realising what a state my life's got into, the total lack of support I get from wife, or just a dose of seasonal affective disorder, but I need to lift my spirits. Has anyone tried the B vitamins, St John's Wort, or 5HTP?


                  Can baclofen cause depresion ?

                  Hi Jesie I chose baclofen because I had tried all the other, topamax made me feel like a zombie and I did not get on with others for various reason that I have forgotten now( Ihave been trying all the meds on here over a period of a few years) I came back on this site in the summer determined to find a cure and started reading about baclofen, bought the book ordered the meds online in Aug and never looked back. Still have my glitches etc but overall very happy with it. Only real side effect as others have said tiredness which wears off and a sense of calm, which after many years of mad manic drunken behaviour is more than welcome. My skin and my whole welbeing has improved, was only thinking how much better it must be for me not to be consuming vast quantities of pain killers that I used to when I got hangovers which was extremely reguarly, they were probably causing me more harm than the bac could ever ! And I have tried st johns wart and it worked wonders, I am on prescribed anti depressants at the momnent as I have had some big personal stuff going on which left me unable to cope, I am hoping once that is under controll I can taper off the anit depressants and just take st johns wort ! hope this had been of help !


                    Can baclofen cause depresion ?

                    oh forgot to say Jessie I just take a stat dose of natrezone if I am going to have a drink ( I choose to mod rather than af, i know lots of people dont do this but it works for me ) although I have had a af week and been out last two night and just had a small glass of wine and then soft drinks. And I dont know a lot aobut the sinclair method which I believe combines bac and nal, I have found that whats worked for me is finding my own combination and dose by experimenting and reading and researching what other people have done. Oh and just one last thing when I was on the topamax all the supps that youare advised to take with it are expensive and made me feel really ill, I was sober but felt as sick as a dog, so kinda defeated the object ! but that just my experience otheres have had great sucess with it


                      Can baclofen cause depresion ?

                      just read, great!!

                      I don't think Bac causes depression, I personally think it has helped w/ mine, but like you Spectra, have been extremely depressed throughout Thanksgiving............have great expectations, and they always get smashed I guess............??

                      thanks for starting this thread!!:thanks::thanks: :goodjob:

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Can baclofen cause depresion ?

                        How mad is it that for many of us the susposed happy times thanks giving (we dont have that here in the uk) christmas etc cause so many of us unhappiness and I know certainly for me have set of some of my biggest drinking bouts ! Has got me thinking going to start a 'real christmas' thread where people can voice their hopes fears for the coming holiday and lets to honest cowgal most of us have fallen foul of the reality of an occasion not matching the reality and all the backlass that comes with that depression etc. What do you thing about a realistic christmas thread ? Must be load of mwo out members dreading christmas ??? I love being on here you all make me feel like I belong ! , this was not a party I wanted to be invited to but I sure love the guests !

