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My Naltrexone Journey

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    My Naltrexone Journey


    I hope it works for others also. I used to partciate alot here and on the sinclair forum and there is quite a few people here and there it has shown great success. In the grand scheme of things the people on this forum and the sinclair forum are small sampling of people that choose to participate in a forum. Every now and then you would see a person pop in say hey glad I found you guys TSM cured me got my life back etc and then they are gone. From what I read TSM has something like a 78% susccess in their trial tests.

    Great question of why there has been no media blitz, doctors seem very uninformed etc. TSM has a 78% susccess rate AA 5% and almost everyone on this planet has heard of AA. I fully beleive that part is simple THERE IS NO MONEY IN IT - meaning naltrexone is a generic drug why would a drug company market it? I get that and from being self employed I fully understand from a business standpoint nothing is worth doing unless there is money involved.

    Ok so the pharmecutical companies are out. Why is the medical comunity not up on TSM or Baclofen for alcoholism? That to me is where the crying shame of this all is. Why is the medical community standing behind abstinence and abstinence only when it has shown over and over for the most part as a whole it does not work - Rehab and AA 5% success rate. Again I fully beleive this all tied into MONEY money money. Here in the US the average cost for a low to mid grade rehab is 30Kish. Based on the number of addicted people here to alcohol this is big business at it's finest. Do you think the rehab industry is going to embrace TSM? No F**King Way!! I beleive they will an do anything they can to supress the information. I cured myself with a $20.00 paperback, $300 something in pills and naltrexone being a generic drug would have been dirt cheap if I went the traditional MD route (bought online without an md - thank-god i did it online because here in the us naltrexone on your record can affect life and health insurance and one guy had an issue with his driver's liscence out of the blue in FLA. and he never had a dwi let alone a speeding ticket) and a couple free online forums. truly free online forums I will get to this in a minute.

    As far as my big business theory I will give you an example in a totally unrelated feild. I have owned a mortgage company for many years. Not a broker a lender when we started off we actually formed a bank then spun a mortgage company from it. from day one of forming the bank the intent was to spin a mortgage company off it...not a bank. Why go thru the riggamarole of starting a bank? Because as a full fledge bank you can get away with murder here in the US. We started our mortgage company in 98. The loans as a whole that were made from say 2003 to 2006, only 3 years, about bankrupted the US. In a nutshell if you had a 620 credit score - which is not very good - it was like ok how much money do you want? we wont verify anything no paystubs assessts nothing.oh and we will give you 100% interest only financing no down payment.ok now shake my hand and promise to pay us back. When at the time average investments were paying like 2% returns these loans were sold on Wall Street yeilding anywhere from 7-8% on the first trusts and the seconds..oh boy get your money maker on 9-14%.

    Why didn't the government get involved at the time? There was and is too much money behing the mortgage industry. The MBA (mortgage Bankers association) is a very large and very powerful lobbyist group. Small example. In the county I lived in Maryland one of the highest income counties in the US, the local Govt passed a law no more stated predatory loans made in the county.this was in 04..LOL the law never came to be. Every mortgage lender including the big banks like Suntrust and Bank of america Wells Fargo - all refused to lend any money whatsoever in this county PERIOD. No mortgage of any type. The county repealed the law within a week.

    I would venture to say the same applies to the Rehab industry here in the US. I am sure they have their lobbyist groups etc. I am not saying the people that work in the industry are all in for the money and cold. But the powers that be and the owners of the corporations I am sure would not want Bac or Nal released to the medical community or the general public as a whole. It would serious dent if not crush and deblitate their industry that has operated for a very long time unquestioned with their failing model of abstinence - as a whole.

    Another great example..I used to post on this site with the intent of helping the few poor folks who didn't and wouldn't go to AA - just to let them know they have alternatives that work with higher success rates. If you go to The Alcoholism and Addictions Help Forums- by it is primarily an AA site run by a company called the Mulligan Group. This site is what is known in the advertising world as a "bear trap". This is taken directly off their site under advertising:

    Advertising on the SoberRecovery ?Network
    Now over 7 years old, is the most visited web site of it's kind on the Internet. With 2500 resources in 60 categories and over 30,000 pages in our SoberCommunity, we are a virtual yellow pages for Alcoholism and Addictions Help. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, visitors come to SoberRecovery for drug rehab and treatment referrals, detox, counseling and therapy, eating disorder resources and more.

    And advertising on SoberRecovery is much more than just banner ads. Your facilities and services will be visible to thousands of qualified, targeted and motivated viewers each day.

    Independent marketing studies by both™ and™ show SoberRecovery as the most popular website of its kind on the Internet. rates SoberRecovery #1 in its category.

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    As a SoberRecovery sponsor, you'll get targeted traffic through banner and text listings in multiple categories, each individually indexed by Google?, Yahoo?, and MSN?. In the Google directory alone we have over 150 top-ten and top-twenty addiction and recovery related listings.
    Traffic from is targeted traffic-with text descriptions that go along with your banners. You aren't subject to "blind" or false clicks.
    A typical campaign on SoberRecovery generates hundreds of new visitors to your site; and you're being found using the same terms that cost $5, $10, and even $25 dollars"PER CLICK" on pay-per-click campaigns.

    For more information please review our media kit, or to get started this week, please contact Mulligan Marketing Services, the exclusive agent for advertising and promotions on SoberRecovery. You can call direct at 949-429-0059

    Funny I saw members on this site absolutely BASH the hell of people talking about TSM and accusing people speaking of TSM that they were selling something. LOL quite the other way around. Sad part is this site gets a lot of traffic because of the money behind them ie the Mulligan group...what better way to make the sick and suffering and desperate and sell them High dollar snake oil. Man I wish I had no concience I could make so much damn money that way.

    I think TSM or BAc what they need to reach thee masses is a catalyst of a high profile figure like a movie star, sports star etc to use it be cured and go public until then it a crying shame these drugs are not made readliy avaiable to the general public. So many people needlessly suffer from alcoholism and the only solution they are given is rehab and aa and they say no and keeep drinking. How many would quit and be saved if they knew about TSM or BAC?

    Enough of my rambling about big brother big's subject that can get me fired up


      My Naltrexone Journey

      I havent posted in a while..around 3 weeks to a month. Not much has changed life is pretty boring and I AM LOVING that. I am currently on a vaction doing a little fly fishing and visiting some relatives that all drink heavy. They want to know if Im sick...LOL. They all think it's great I barley drink. Its funny I had an uncle ask "so what did you do go to AA or something find god?" He asked me this as I had a beer in my hand which I brought to his attention. He said " yeah I see the beer but you only have one or two if you drink at all anymore"...GOTTA LOVE IT...he is way too old school to explain TSM and naltrexone. Some of my cousins asked me what I did so I told them...they are like yeah I gotta slow it down too Im not getting any younger..Funny when you quit or barley drink in your 40's no one really cares meaning there is not much peer pressure by friends and family to drink like we were 20...getting older has it's advantages.

      I am on vacation for 2 weeks and I have had like 8 beers.average session was 1...on one ocassion I got crazy and had 2 beers..have to admit I love that one cold beer after fishing for 9-10 hours. Yep I take my Naltrexone an hour before and after I have one I have ZERO desire for anymore. I sit around and enjoy the evening drinking soda with family watching them get plowed playing cards etc and dont feel out of place one iota. And while they are moaning and groaning at day break to go fishing I am bright eyed bushy tailed and gone and feel great.

      I cant beleive it but I have not been drunk in like 4-5 months. I was bad bad when I first came here and started naltrexone. If someone is newer and wondering jesus is this guy even an alcoholic, If you care to you can read my story in the story section. I posted it when I first got here. Rehab was suggested the whole nine yards. But a $20.00 book ad about $300 in pills saved my life. I will be forever greatful to TSM and Dr. Davis Sinclair and this forum.

      Hell I even managed to quit smoking. Never would have happened drunk


        My Naltrexone Journey


        I vividly remember your first posts. You were desperate then and look at you now!!

        Thank you for coming back and posting again. It bumps your thread up so others can read it.

        Sharing is mportant. Without it, newbies would never have a chance to hear of other's successes.

        Glad you are here and very happy to hear you are doing so well.

        AF April 9, 2016


          My Naltrexone Journey

          I love hearing this. I am on sinclair and it has reduced my cravings and intake so far. I'm ready for a sharp decline but will be patient


            My Naltrexone Journey

            Funny thing happened a few days ago. I got a friend request from someone on facebook and I was like who and the hell is this? It turned out I eventually remembered this person from a cruise I was on like 7 years ago. I was hanging out with this person and a whole group of people on the ship and they were all like "Damn you drink like a fish". I just thought..lightweight 20 something year olds that cant hang. I had no embarrassing moments, never made an ass of myself always laughed and joked and had a great time. However I drank from the time I got up till the last bar on the ship closed at 3 or 4 am for 2 weeks. I had zero clue I had any issue with booze was good. There would have been no way in hell I would have even dreamed of quitting then..none. But I also had zero clue of the hell alcohol would bring later.

            The first thing this person said to me was damn I am shocked your still living, are you still drinking? I was like nope dont really drink anymore. They were like damn did you go to rehab? AA? Find god or something? I was like nope just walked away...LOL..they were shocked and kept probing..if they were looking for help I would have suggested TSM but they were more in shock that I could just walk without tsm there would have been no way. I just kept thinking damn if you thought I was drinking 7 years ago you should have seen me the last 3 years.

            It was nice to get that friend request and e-mail and be able to be here to respond and to be able to honestly say nope I don't get drunk anymore. Then it got me thinking would I actually enjoy a cruise without being rocketed the entire time? I have been on a lot of cruises and they were always partyfest central for me. I figure I would still like them just pop my nal if I wanted a drink. I would venture to guess I would not be flat out drunk for my time on the ship as I have ZERO desire to get drunk. At this point I am way back into all my old hobbies hard - guitar fishing water skiing (just dumped the mastercraft in the water), my dog, woodworking, fly-tying and the list goes on and on. I have always had an obbsessive addictive personality. If I like something I do it alot. I come full circle meaning I am now back to work hard and play harder..this time without the occasional booze soaked weekends that nearly destroyed me.

            It actually took effort on my part to start living again. I forced myself back work at full capacity and then some. For as weird as it sounds I had to schedule my fun/play and actually force myself to do them. LOL I actually wrote them down as to where and when. I forced myself to call and hang out with friends again. After a month or so it all started clicking and i am well on my way if not where I want to be as far as being content and generally happy.

            TSM took care of the booze and put it in it's place. It broke the chains holding me in the pits of hell. Then I just kicked my self in the ass and literally FORCED myself to do things that I used to take for granted that made me happy. The thing I am greatful for is I had these habits and hobbies and habits prior to booze so when booze was removed I had something to force myself into meaning I was pretty clear on who I am and what I wanted and with the booze fog gone it was pretty clear to me what do it meant I had to get off my lazy ass and make things happen one more time. No more time for whinning and bitching...TSM gave me the power to act.

            Not drunk and now not smoking what more can I ask for?


              My Naltrexone Journey

              According to research Nal works MUCH better on men than women



                My Naltrexone Journey

                source for naltrexone

                Can anyone offer a reliable online source for naltrexone?


                  My Naltrexone Journey

                  Nice to hear Crown86. Read your posts. Nal worked for me too and I'm a woman! Changed my life.


                    My Naltrexone Journey

                    I have to admit I am REALLY excited by your story. I am only into my second week but it is amazing, I am looking after my parents house while they are away. The house is FULL of booze, the drinks cabinet is full of every spirit etc.

                    I got a pizza last night and sat down to watch the football, normally I would have had half a bottle of whiskey at least.

                    Last night I had 1 beer & 1 small whiskey...... I didn't want anymore !!!!!

                    The only thing that worries me is that old saying 'if something seems too good to be true... it is'.



                      My Naltrexone Journey

                      well think new

                      there is that saying if something sounds too good to be true it usually is not. However, if nobody ever tried anything new we would be nowhere. Don't always believe old sayings.Lots of them are true but we won't get anywhere if we don't try to make new sayings.


                        My Naltrexone Journey

                        Hi all - I am so pleased to read about your successes on naltrexone. I've also heard it can help but it appears it isn't available in England, well my GP reckons it's only for heroin addiction. Is there a reputable on-line pharmacy I can buy from?


                          My Naltrexone Journey

                          Hi Jasper!

                          Welcome to MWO! I boughy my NAL from River Pharmacy, but it's might want to try Alldaychemist, Goldpharma, Inhouse or 4Rx. I was VERY happy with River's customer service. Debbie at River has been sober for 5 years due to Naltrexone and Baclofen. I can tell you from my own experience that I am now AF after being on NAL for about 8 weeks. Good luck!


                            My Naltrexone Journey

                            jasper1803;889951 wrote: Hi all - I am so pleased to read about your successes on naltrexone. I've also heard it can help but it appears it isn't available in England, well my GP reckons it's only for heroin addiction. Is there a reputable on-line pharmacy I can buy from?
                            Hi Jasper, and welcome. There are a couple of Dr's that I am aware of prescribing Naltrexone in the UK and both are private, there may well be many others, who knows? I tried my GP but he had not even heard of naltrexone...never mind off label prescribing!
                            All I can say is, be informed, read past posts on here through the search engine and best wishes to you.
                            Oh and keep posting


                              My Naltrexone Journey

                              Hi Crown,

                              I've been reading through most of your thread. I just received naltrexone for the first time.

                              I am a binge drinker, beer is my drink nothing else. I don't drink every day. Actually been more of a once or twice a week drinker but when I drink it's NEVER 1 or 2. I'm little so 6 beers gets me pretty drunk and hungover the next day.

                              I am very interested in the Sinclair Method approach to taking this drug. And your thread has really helped me make this decision. It makes sense. When you have the first drink the "brain activity" that often occurs with binge drinkers or anyone with an alcohol problem, results in making you want to drink more and more. But with Nal this gets shut off.

                              I also understand that by taking the drug when you are absteining is of no use. The point of the drug is a learning and re-wiring process for the brain when you have a drink. After years of drinking (it's been wired to binge every time I drink for the last 20 years). Like Pablo's Dog? Take the food away and still ring the bell then eventually the dog's brain is re-wired and stops salavating and expecting to eat.

                              Anyway, I haven't taken any yet and if I feel like I'm going to cave tonight I'll be sure to take one pill an hour before I grab that first beer. I am hoping I don't even get to that point and I can squash the cravings. It's like the security blanket or last resort if I do cave maybe I just have a few and not 6.

                              Thanks for your thread it has given me some direction with this next approach to a sober life!:thumbs:

                              I am so glad it has changed your life around. :goodjob:


                                My Naltrexone Journey

                                Meech. I am also a binge drinker and found Nal very effective but I do not enjoy the side effects. I found though the healthier I am the less they bother me. So I have work to do. Best of luck to you.

