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My Naltrexone Journey

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    My Naltrexone Journey

    Hi All

    Been awhile since I posted. Life is good. Booze is almost non-existent and the little role it plays in my life now I could really care less honestly. I never drink during the week and IF I do have a couple beers it's on the weekends and yep still take the nal. At this point I seriously could take it or leave it and not think twice. But on that rare occasion beer still tastes good and my attitude now is if I'm not drunk, not drinking more than 3-4 in a few hours socially, not hurting anyone or myself who I don't.

    It's weird how this all worked out. Naltrexone and the Sinclair method gave me my life back. Same old bs and problems and goodtimes etc..meaning just life, but thank-god no more F***ing Booze depression. I seriously had to go back and re-read my old post's to refresh how hellish of nightmare my life was with booze in the driver's seat. I can't STAND whiskey or scotch all. I had a friend who offered me some 40 year old scotch single malt recently I took a sip and was like I'm sorry I can't drink it so before you pour your don't waste I'll have a coke and smile.

    I haven't posted much because I really don't think about's so strange how it happens. I 100% Beleive, at least for me, in the term Re-Wire. Yep for me the word cure is exactly what it is. As far as booze goes now I feel like I did about it in my early 20's before I went off the I never drank like a lunatic. I have had friends in AA tell me "well maybe you weren't a REAL alcoholic". I love it..half gallon of Crown every other night with beers, doctors telling me I wont see 50 (i'm 42) life was hell on earth..oh ok..if I'm not a real one than thank-god cause I would hate to see what that is.

    I guess some of my AA friends just can't beleive a $20.00 paperback, $300.00 in online pills w no doctor, no therapy, no rehab, fixed my life in 3.5 months and now it's around 8-9 months from when I started TSM and all is AWSOME. Not saying this is the route for everyone but damn it worked a mircle for me.

    Good Luck to everyone in their battle w booze. It can be beat


      My Naltrexone Journey

      For me it is exactly a year that I popped my first tab of naltrexone. Man is my life night and day different. The fiance that left me over booze we now have a wedding date planned in febuary, work is going great and the best part the deep depression I was in is long gone. I have zero desire to be banged up drunk any longer. My life long love affair with whiskey is a thing of the past. About two weeks ago I was out with a business associate and we stopped for a drink. I knew this was a possibility so I took my naltexone prior. The guy I was with had a scotch and I said to myself what the hell...I havent had one in like 10 months or so. First thing it still tastes like CRAP and almost made me hurl, from one sip. I used to love everything about whiskey..the buzz, the taste to me was like grandma's cookies. I took one sip and then switched to beer. I had 2 beers in 2 hours and walked thinking DAMN it's nice not having to worry about dwi's fighting with the fiance when I get home over booze. Simple pleasures.

      Funny when someone sent me the info on TSM via PM I thought it was an infomercial for sure. I got the book and was like hell yes I can still drink...gotta love drunk logic. I truly thought it was all a sham but figured what did I have to lose. I wanted to quit and didn't want to quit...this TSM method sounded like an alcoholics wet dream.

      It was so damn nice to have holiday with ZERO issues from me and my passing out on the floor somewhere, Food was great and I can remember eating and actually all the people who came over. I was not obnoxious and zero verbal drunken abuse from me. My girl was in tears happy when went to bed that night about what a great day it was. She was like the last holidays were hell on earth with your drinking this was the way it's suppose to be. I even drank to be social...I had 6 beers from 1pm till midnight. ZERO buzz and didn't care. other got hammered we had a koroke machine and my guitar and I had a blast. I was sober enought to play...hasn't happened in years. Usually after dinner I am so wasted and in a black out I can barley speak. So nice to remember a great holiday with family and friends and not turn it into hell. And not spending $300 bucks in the liquor store for half gallons of whiskey, cordials for shots, wine for dinner and beer...didn't need a cart in the store... priceless

      One of my big drinking triggers are when I get depressed or down....I was feeling low a few weeks ago and said F**K IT. I poped my nal and hit the liquor store for a 12pk of beer...figured 12 would crush me since I have not been drinking. I made it through 2.5 beers and F**K IT Im not getting drunk. I was hell bent to get tanked. I put the beer away and they stayed in the frig untouched for weeks till thanksgiving. TSM is a miracle drug for's up there like a cure for cancer for what it has done for me. Hangovers are a thing of the past and that damn dreaded anixeity after good bout with the bottle. Life is life..not all roses etc but man it is so much better without whiskey destroying it and making way harder than it has to be.

      Biggest thing I have gotten out of TSM was putting alcohol at bay which allowed me to get back peice of mind I would trade that for nothing. Man when the gets's powerful. THANK GOD TSM personally I would have died with a crown on the rocks in my hand before I would gever attend AA again. Thank-you DR Sinclair. To anyone new reading this is does work for some people and it actually worked just like the books timeframe for myself and I think AJ which is rare from reading here. If you are thinking of trying it you have nothing to lose at all and everything to gain. Side effects - who cares, they were nowhere near the side effects of alcohol and the damage it causes. If you new I wish you the best and hope you get the results I got.


        My Naltrexone Journey


        Just read your threads from beginning to end, I too am on the Naltrexone having been on Campral for just over a year.
        Wow how strange this feeling is ,its like I have arrived, the rush in the belly is like a first date, even though I am going throught he first couple of week nausea.
        Have mirrored lots of what you have said, ie continued to drink but with the caveat of I want to get smashed, crazily this usually ends up with me lying on the couch while my mates and wife are rushing around slamming beers, I am sitting here now with a half bottle of Corana on the coffee table that was mine last night, as you all know this is not normal in our crazy little world.
        I am yet to get the TSM book and I dont think i will just going to continue on this little trip and see where it leads.
        Thanks a lot for your posts and good luck to you all



          My Naltrexone Journey

          Well Had an interesting get to that in minute, Other than that not too much has changed. I actually went to my sister's for xmas and completely forgot my pills. Inside I was saying to myself NBFD..Hell I bareley drink if at all anymore so should ne no issues...LOL WRONG. Man once a drunk always a drunk I guess at least for me. Christmas I had a buddy spend the holiday with us because he had nowhere to go. Typical type tale of the "I had everything now I lost it in this economy" We were always very good friends and man of Man could we put it away. We started christmas eve, I was drinking beer..they were going down like water and so was the bullshit and festive holiday spirits. Some of you remember I had a MAJOR love affair with whiskey or really any hard liquour and absolutely hated beer.

          Anyways the beer buzz hit after like 4 or so..LOL I used to be able to nail a 30 pack and be like "what do you mean we are out of beer?" So with a NICE beer buzz cooking my buddy who is exactly like I WAS started saying F that beer man have a shot. We started with a full half Gallon of Absolute. I said what the hell it's xmas so ABSOLUTELY I will have one. In the back of my mind - yep I could still think - I was saying to myself Naltexone got me to the point of hating and puking on shots and whiskey on the rocks so why not..lets see if it still holds true. Other thing I thought was my tolerance can be no where close to where it was..LOL WRONG..we started...After the 3rd shot I was in a total blackout. I saw the bottle the next morning and was like "ut oh I was a bad boy". So I wait for the fiance to get up to see how bad I was. She seems very happy all day so I don't mention it she doesn't either so I am like I couldn't have been that bad..long story short I was a loveable laughable funny unlike me. This the same fiance that left me over booze so I was worried.

          That was xmas Eve..well christmas day we start about 2pm with a new bottle. Now the flood gates are wide open shot shot shot and a beer for decoration..I somwhere remember yaking outside and saying to myself, comes with the territory, and went back in and had more shots. TOTAL black-out...I drank into well if your gonna do it mine as well do it right..anyways next morning I have no clue where the hell I am..I am on my sister's couch. Appreanhtly I refused to leave and wanted to keep drinking...they finally hid the bottle on me and I passed out around 3 am. I get off the couch and ran fiance..oh boy I'm in trouble. Long story short we made up no problem..well hair of a problem I guess but it has sinced passed.

          I cant blame her. She lived hell with me. So to me in that state scared the hell out of her. But all in all she was cool. Her biggest fear was I would just not stop. NOW I suppose the good part. Did I truly have a desire to keep drinking after the xmas drunapade? Well HELL yes. Quite honestly I had a great time, nobody got hurt etc...good drunk logic. BUT I KNEW I COULDNT or I would be right back to where I was in a short period of time being a pathtic pile of crap like I was in Nov 09 when I found this treatment. I do NOT WANT TO GO BACK THERE. It was the darkest period of my life. Christ Nick Cage from Leaving Las Vegas was my only hero left. But like I said and I'm not going to lie, it was fun to be all torn up again, however since TSM I am smart enough to know the "FUN" time wont last and it will get very lonely and very dark quick.

          Now the positive - Since xmas I completely walked away with NO bothered me for like maybe five days after...but not to the point of take a pill and have a few...and trust me I am the kinda guy if wanna drink Jesus won't stop me. My attitude right wrong or in different is until some one else pays my freight in this world I will do what I want how I want end of disscusion and my fiance know's it. Just like it is her choice not to live with a drunk and simply leave. Since taking TSM last year being cured for about a year, I FULLY beleive that was the change in me and why I didn't continue down the same old path. I truly beleive my brain chemistry was re-wired. Like I said if wanted to drink I would have, plain and simple, but deep down I know for myself what the outcome will be and I simply don't want that. That is what I find to be the one of the best things TSM gave to me THE POWER OF CHOICE.

          Prior to TSM, I had ZERO choice. Some can argue I did and I agree the bottle didn't pour itself down my throat, but I was in such a rut I simply didn't care. The bottle drew it's line in the sand and took hold of me. Thats just about completely gone as gone is ever going to be. I am fully ok with this. The thing I have realized is this at least for myself, I will always be a drunk deep down. The demon will always be there just waiting to be awoken. I am not afraid of that like the AA boogeyman bullshit. It is what it is. Like I said I really wanted to party, especially new years eve, but I said to myself nope it's wrong. I could have popped my pills and had a few But I choose not to. I have had one time in January with 2 beers and Naltrexone and it went like it always did. I take it so rarley now the side effects and the power of Nal is very strong and it's like I feel whats the point...but the point is I felt like drinking and if I don't take it..hell on eart will return no if ands or buts for me.

          Now do I feel guilty about xmas? Honestly not one ioata. Reason being no one got hurt, I was loveable laughing blacked out annoying drunk and honestly I had fun. To me, I always said I was going to go wherever the pill took me plain and simple. Hate to say this but it is true - death from alcoholism was an option AA was not. I simply hate that program and find zero value in it. Did I me there is no such thing as a relapse because abstinence is nice but I guess it's not my ultimate goal nor is it my holy grail in my life...I simply could care less about abstinence and all the AA bullshit. Lessoned learned for me, NEVER EVER forget my pills and I now have a plan in place for just that. I guess I kinda of see it as well banged up smashed down drunk ONLY one time in over a year..A miracle,hell over a year ago it was a DAILY occurence, and I still maintain this works and I still maintain I'm cured for what I beleive it to be. I think back to when I came here in late 09 and if I was only getting drunk once a year or a hair more than a year...I would never have came here because whats the problem with that? I beleive TSM gave me the power of choice and to think rationally about booze. I had zero to drink on new years it didnt bug me one bit...the five days imeeadiatly following my drunkapade did bug me but not to the level it did in the was kinda like "damn that was fun..damn I miss having good times like that" but it's simply not woth it for me cause I know where the fun leads and that place is not so fun. So i guess what I'm saying choosing not to drink after that was no where near white knuckling it...if it was I simply would have taken Nal and drank plain and simple.

          Booze has played a zero to nothing role in my life for a hair over a year now and honestly I like that better than the drunk times. No hangover can actually work to full capacity get along with friends and fiance and damn the world is not so dark and doomed filled and I feel WAY healthier than I ever have. Yep so that was my xmas hey Im not perfect...the last perfect man the hung on a cross. I havent posted in quite a while because booze has been non existent in my life so whats the point. I figured this was woth sharing, maybe it will help someone somewhere...who know's. Gonna read a bit to see how some old cyber friends are doing. Hope you all are doing well


            My Naltrexone Journey

            Humbled once again. I, I believed that TSM was the cure for Alcoholism and that baclofen was just a band-aid.

            I will be learning forever:

            I'm going to have take some time and reflect on this.

            It is always really good to hear from you buddy!!!
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              My Naltrexone Journey

              Loop my friend..glad to see your still around..hope your doing well. I still maintain NAL works. There is NO WAY I would be were I am now without it. Being total cure meaning drink without it and the alcoholism is totally gone? Not for me. But the book did say drink without it for a period of time and it will return strong as ever. I still SWEAR by the pill for took me from a bizzare amount of booze to nothing. I kinda look at it like oh well if I have to take a pill everytime I want a drink no big deal because I barely want a drink.

              Xmas taught me a lesson to never drink without it again EVER. You know I am not an AA'er..nothing agaisnt it..just not for me. At this point I simply decided to just quit it all together and IT'S A SIMPLE THING FOR ME NOW...I have not been drunk in a year prior to like I said I feel no guilt..But during that year with Nal EVERYTHING about booze changed...If you met from say January last year to now you would be like dude you have no problem..your a social if at all drinker. Without that year and Nal NO WAY I would be here saying I quit..and as always with Nal if that urge gets way too strong I will simply pop a pill have a drink and call it day. I still stand by the fact it worked for me and it's what the book said..drink off Nal and the demon will be back.


                My Naltrexone Journey

                Okay never mind, I take all of what I just said back. I'll explain it and edit this post when I get a chance.

                I am having the time of my life man. Thanks!
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  My Naltrexone Journey

                  I think Loop you were being sarcastic..?..I remember reading a while ago some guy arguing with you on Nal and Bac...let him say it doesn't work and maybe it doesn't for him. For me - a miracle


                    My Naltrexone Journey

                    Thank you for hope

                    I am so gratefull to read your post, I have been near to giving up on trying to get well but cant stop the underlying need to live for my children. I have tried everything else I know of, treatment centerts, 12 step rehab, nhs hospital for detox and treatment and nothing has worked so for to help me want to not drink, I feel deep down that abstinance isnt the way for me. I am currently trying to get some money together to try meds and this has resored my hope that the meds will work for me, I have been looking at nal and bac so still undecided but think bac may be the cheaper option, I am unemployed in uk. Anyway thank you.


                      My Naltrexone Journey

                      Thanks Crown and everyone who contributed to this post. I'm thinking about using Nal and Bac together.


                        My Naltrexone Journey

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                          My Naltrexone Journey

                          Yes, thank you Crown86 for posting this very helpful thread on Naltrexone. I only wish I would have seen it back in 2009!! I am patiently waiting for my 3-month supply of Naltexone. Still working on abstinence as a way of life, never giving up hope........


                            My Naltrexone Journey

                            Have been taken nal on drink since the start of the year but im only getting massive hangovers, i find im only not drinking every second day because im extra sickened. I hope it gets better soon. My liver hurts.


                              My Naltrexone Journey

                              So sorry to hear that Blue. Are you taking the Nal everyday or are you using it like the Sinclair method recommends? Are you having more trouble with cravings or the hangovers? Have you tried using the L-Glut powder underneath your tongue during cravings?

                              I've been where you you've been/are Blue; I feel your pain. Never, never, never give up. With each breath you take and with each minute that you do not take a drink you have overcome and move toward kicking al's ass. I'm rooting for you. You CAN do this, even if it is the hardest thing you will ever do, even it brings you the most discomfort you have ever felt ~ YOU CAN OVERCOME.



                                My Naltrexone Journey

                                Just thought I would bump this thread for those of hoping in Nal.... =)

