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ADD in Adults

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    ADD in Adults

    Here's the deal...

    I've been AF since 21/08 - thanks to bac.

    I've also been seeking assistance for depression - been on Molipaxin (titrated up to current 300mg) for 3 months. The choice of Molipaxin was because of help with sleep (even though I became somnolent on bac, I never slept well), plus additional anxiety benefits, and fewer (more tolerable) side-effects than SSRIs like Prozac.

    Went to my psychiatrist today, and after a long discussion and questioning, he diagnosed ADD as well. WTF??? He prescribed Ritalin...

    I'm not sure if I want to take it.

    Is there anybody else who has had an ADD diagnosis, and if so, what treatment avenues have you sought?
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    ADD in Adults

    I've ADHD and was on Ritalin for a while, but the anxiety it caused every single day as the pill wore off was godawful --especially when you've already GOT anxiety. I didn't need more.

    I'm at 100mgs on the Prozac and I've never had any side effects from it.

    I've pretty much dumped all of my other meds. Librium and Clonidine if I ever need to detox again (knock on wood I won't), and Clonazepam for anxiety attacks when I get them. I won't take them regularly anymore. For a while I WAS taking those one daily as the anxiety attacks came, but they started tapering off, so maybe a couple times a week now.

    There are a couple things I really wish I could still take, like the Seroquel, but I just can't afford them.


      ADD in Adults

      I have ADHD as well. I also was not diagnosed until age 49. ADHD meds (in my case Adderall) made my life so much more livable, functional, and a thousand times easier. These drugs do not deserve the bad rap they sometimes get. Like any drug, different ones work better in different people, and dosages are often adjusted, especially at first. They do not build up in your system - for example Adderall is in your body 4 - 6 hours. I've heard Ritalin even less time. Dosed correctly, you will not feel speedy or jittery. You feel for lack of a better word "normal". You will be less impulsive, less distracted, less prone to anger outbursts (if that applies to you).

      A good source of information is at ADD Forums - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Support and Information Resources Community - Powered by vBulletin

      It's a forum similar to this one, and has tons of related links.

      It's funny, awhile back I posted a question about this very subject, but got zero responses. I figured I might just because the undiagnosed ADDers often self medicate with AL or other drugs (AL being my personal choice).
      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

      AUGUST 9, 2009


        ADD in Adults

        Thanks for your responses, Urbie & Music Meister

        I've joined on the ADD Forum. Feck - it'll take some time to absorb all the info!!! Plus I'll have to watch my language and other utterances - they're much stricter than MWO

        My 1st day on Ritalin was quite good, actually. It counteracted the slight somnolence I still experience from bac, plus I was productive at work. Quite literally a bit of a "spring in my step" or bounce in my tail, if you will.

        Let's see where this part of the journey takes me...
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          ADD in Adults

          Hey, Tip!

          Yeah, it looks like MWO, but 4 layers deep and 3 times as long. It took me awhile to kind of figure it out.

          I actually got edited over there - and that was in the Fun & Games section! And I didn't even use any cuss words! :H "Feck" might even get printed out like this ****. The moderator said "there are kids here" or something. Sort of funny since some of the serious topics are rather graphic. But I guess they have to keep some control, since many ADD people have a problem with impulsivity, which includes what comes out of their mouths. I usually edit myself, since I if can see it in writing, and can tell (or so I tell myself) if it's inappropriate.

          I left you a response on your new members post, so you know who I am.
          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

          AUGUST 9, 2009


            ADD in Adults

            dancelot;773328 wrote: Hey, Tip!

            I left you a response on your new members post, so you know who I am.
            We're cross-posting across forums!!! :H :H :H

            I left you a message on that one before I saw yours here...
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              ADD in Adults

              That's hysterical! I came here first this morning to see if you'd seen my response, and was disappointed because I dreamed last night you'd sent me 4 PMs about how happy you were finding ADDForums! So I checked over there, knowing you'd be polite enough to introduce yourself like they ask! :H I jump between the two myself - maybe I should get a life! :H
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009


                ADD in Adults

                So what are the symptoms of adult add? I have just been reading that book 'How to quit without feeling s**t' and they mention that children that may have had ADD type symtoms resort to AL in later years? Just curious. Has anyone read the book on it, and if so what did you think?


                  ADD in Adults

                  I accept with information:These drugs do not deserve the bad rap they sometimes get. Like any drug, different ones work better in different people, and dosages are often adjusted, especially at first. They do not build up in your system for example Adderall is in your body 4 - 6 hours.
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                    ADD in Adults

                    individualnz;776061 wrote: So what are the symptoms of adult add? I have just been reading that book 'How to quit without feeling s**t' and they mention that children that may have had ADD type symtoms resort to AL in later years? Just curious. Has anyone read the book on it, and if so what did you think?
                    Women With Undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder

                    The above link has a better description than I can provide. I haven't read the book, but that's an interesting title! And a lot of undiagnosed ADD people self medicate with AL or other drugs.
                    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                    AUGUST 9, 2009


                      ADD in Adults

                      Thankyou very much for that Dance, will check it out right now!

