I'd never noticed any of the muscle-relaxant properties of the bac before so I decided I'd just take it all day before and after exercising and see what happened. The results have me absolutely confounded. (skip ahead of the quote for the results)
This is a description of one of the exercises I do regularly:
One of my training days is leg day, and we all hate leg day. Your legs have some of the biggest and strongest muscles in your entire body. The difference between training your legs and any other part of your body is this: your legs will do what you ask them to do. If you are training something like your chest doing bench presses, there comes a point at which after 8 or so repetitions that you just cannot physically push anymore. This is called failure. With legs it's different. I can load up the barbell with my weight in plates and do 4 sets of 12 reps of barbell squats and call it a great exercise, and it is. A barbell squat is where you place the barbell on your shoulder blades and lower yourself down as though you were sitting down and then stand back up. It is a brutal, full body exercise. It feels like you just sprinted a 100yd dash. But you can also do more. I can load up the same weight and go 4 sets for 20 reps too. This intensifies the exercise by a factor of way more than 2. By the time I'm done I'm begging for life and feel like I've just climbed Mt. Everest in 12 minutes flat.
When I finally finished I limped back to my car and started sipping on a shake. I didn't really think it was safe to drive for a while so I just sat there trying to catch my breath and relax. Then my whole body got warm and a state of extremely pleasurable deep relaxation set in. Five minutes later I literally thought I was floating. I knew that I had to get home soon to eat on schedule so I broke my own rule. For the first time, in a very long time, I drove intoxicated. :lol:
Why do this? When you put your body in a state of shock by doing extremely heavy full body resistance/endurance exercises it responds as though it's been injured (it has). When you go to sleep it stimulates the production and release of Human Growth Hormone. This stuff is literally like drinking from the fountain of youth. It promotes fatty acid oxidation and lean mass synthesis. It stimulates the destruction of old cells and the production of new ones. These alone are huge but they are just a couple of the effects of HGH among a myriad of other extremely beneficial processes.
Here is a youtube video of someone demonstrating the barbell squat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40p1qQZTNRw[/video]]YouTube - Fitness Tips with Chrissy: The Barbell Squat
Normally I do 4x20 squats with the same weight every time because I'm doing them as part of a cutting protocol and am not trying to increase my strength I'm just trying to keep the muscle mass I have while cutting fat. It's a beast of an exercise and it kicks my butt every time.
Now here's what happened after switching the baclofen to before my workout:
Normal Week: 4x20 @ 165 lbs = 13200 lbs moved
Week 1: Did 3x20 at my normal weight and was really astounded because I wasn't winded at all. I was really confused...I've done this exercise a hundred times and it always kicks my butt. Usually I have to sit down on the ground to rest after every set! So I threw an extra 10 lbs on and finished my last set...but I still felt like I hadn't even been challenged. Perplexing. 13400 lbs moved
Week 2: Started @ plus 10 lbs and did 5x20 = 17500 lbs moved. I am SHOCKED!! This is inexplicable

Week 3: Started at plus 30 lbs and did 5x20 = 19500 lbs moved! Easily!!

I am intimately familiar with how much weight I can lift and this makes absolutely NO sense at all!!!!
Something is going on here! On top of all of this, I am on a freaking DIET! Which means I am not even consuming enough calories to maintain my body weight . There is no way on earth I should be getting this much stronger.
I also have been going for 60 minutes in my AM cardio instead of 45 for the entire last week for absolutely no reason at all other than I just didn't feel like stopping. Really...NO REASON. I have cut (dieted) many times and get fantastic results going for just 45 minutes of fasted AM cardio combined with my nutrition protocol and resistance training.
Thoroughly confused...Has anyone else noticed anything like this??