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Baclofen and exercise

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    Baclofen and exercise

    Thanks Lo0p,
    This is fantastic thread!
    Much food for thought


      Baclofen and exercise

      Dear Loop,
      On 50mgs Baclofen and won my category in a 10k 2 days ago.
      Very pleased with the effect of Baclofen Sleeping like a baby Vivid dreams and running faster than I thought I could--Maybe the lack of alcohol is a great help!!


        Baclofen and exercise

        Lo0p;1039710 wrote: Yes I quit doing 45 minutes of cardio in the morning. IMO, now, it is a waste of time unless you either like to do it or it is for your healthy heart.

        Cardio is NOT necessary for fat loss. All I did to adjust is I took the 300-450 or so calories I burned doing 45 minutes of LISS and simply eat 300-450 calories less everyday now. If I'm trying to burn fat, I do it just as rapidly like this without the cardio.

        Yes I am doing Intermittent Fasting. I am following my own version Martin Berkhan's Leangains protocol that you can find for free on his website: Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health

        He dispels all of the bullsh$t myths and beliefs that have reigned supreme for the last 20 years about health and fitness.

        It is the EASIEST protocol I have ever followed and absolutely key to fit into any busy life.
        I reposted this here, for those of us that are paying attention and want it all in one place. I hope you don't mind.
        I spent a good part of today re-reading Berkhan's blog. It's good stuff, for sure, and has changed the way I eat in some ways. But the picture of his roast-beef dinner is enough, in and of itself, to have me running... The only thing worse than watching someone eat it, would be to eat it myself! Don't even get me started about the guy with the cheeseburger(s). ugh.
        I did latch on to the fact that he noticed that his muscles atrophied, and got smaller, when he avoided working on them. Does that work for belly fat?
        Joking aside, while he has some good stuff, and I won't even begin to get into the science of it, he doesn't like yogurt! Or nuts! All due respect to the paleo thing, there is something to be said for the mediterranean approach. Good fats, well balanced, don't have to be a devout carnivore in order to be fit.
        I know you'll set me straight...
        The marshmallow test? I'd fail. It was a good reminder, though, of what I'm leaving behind. And finally, there is something to be said for a little body fat. I'd rather have a belly than silicone. That's completely aesthetic, of course, but I'd like to be strong too. Someone, maybe on this thread, turned me on to Tom Venuto. I'm enjoying the book. And playing with the big boys in the gym. Though that is still a goal and not the reality yet.


          Baclofen and exercise

          neva eva;1040006 wrote: But the picture of his roast-beef dinner is enough, in and of itself, to have me running... The only thing worse than watching someone eat it, would be to eat it myself! Don't even get me started about the guy with the cheeseburger(s). ugh.
          We are no longer and I. :eeks:

          neva eva;1040006 wrote: Does that work for belly fat?
          You should try it and let us know!! :H

          neva eva;1040006 wrote: Joking aside, while he has some good stuff, and I won't even begin to get into the science of it, he doesn't like yogurt! Or nuts! All due respect to the paleo thing, there is something to be said for the mediterranean approach. Good fats, well balanced, don't have to be a devout carnivore in order to be fit.
          I know you'll set me straight...
          Of course you're right. His point (and what I've found to be true for me) is that it is easier with a high protein diet and with consuming things like fish for fats instead of nuts. The reason, is because of the satiety factor. I'd get my fats for a meal in a large handful of nuts but it won't sit in my belly as big and for as long as a plateful of fatty fish. They're both good fats, both good choices and if I find I'm short of fat for a meal the first place I'd turn is to almonds to bring it up to par. Or a cookie (or five :nutso.

          neva eva;1040006 wrote:
          The marshmallow test? I'd fail. It was a good reminder, though, of what I'm leaving behind.

          Read it, can't remember it. I'll read it again.

          neva eva;1040006 wrote:
          And finally, there is something to be said for a little body fat. I'd rather have a belly than silicone. That's completely aesthetic, of course, but I'd like to be strong too.

          Martin Berkan looks like a freaking alien in his photos! 5.5% is too lean for me. That being said, November and December were not good to me and I've ballooned up to 12.3%. Call me crazy or whatever, but that is definitely not lean enough for me. I'd like to settle somewhere around 7-9% as long as I'm, comfortable
          with it. That is, as long as I don't have to fight hunger pangs all the time to maintain it.

          And don't even go there to the "If you and I were left stranded on a desert island with no food who would starve first" scenario. Because I'd eat you, belly fat and all! :crazymonkey:

          neva eva;1040006 wrote:
          Someone, maybe on this thread, turned me on to Tom Venuto. I'm enjoying the book. And playing with the big boys in the gym. Though that is still a goal and not the reality yet.
          I think you and I have talked about Tom before, maybe. Tom Venuto is a god. 'Nuf said. Martin Berkhan reviewed his latest book and gives it a very positive review. He doesn't even mention the difference in eating style. You can't hold that over his head yet, he probably just hasn't even heard about it. Plus, if you say one bad thing about Tom in this arena it's the quickest way in the world to raise an eyebrow.
          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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            Baclofen and exercise

            BUMP! (this thread should always be on top)


              Baclofen and exercise

              Lowcountryman;1040025 wrote: According to the WHO Holland is 106th when it comes down to the fattest people on earth, and America is nr 9. Since we're having kind of the same genes, I think something else might be wrong. So please take good notice of these simple tools that should be considered as a gift from across the ocean.

              Note that I'm of course not prejudiced or being judgemental. This all comes from a caring and good heart:

              Stop eating burgers, coca cola, take-away food, KFC, pizza, pizza with extra's, Stop giving that to your children. Get your ass out of the car
              and ride a bike. In no time the american people might have weights that go with their genes. Fatassity for no medical reason, must be considered unamerican, unpatriotic, and a disgrace to the flag. And a communist of course. The great founding fathers would cry themselves blind these days, and would definitely add an amendment to the Constitution: "when The People get too fat for no reason, the Federal Government has the unrestricted power and the moral obligation to force The People into healthcamps".

              Another tip before you spend your money on a gym to loose weight: stop drinking! wanna be healthier? stop drinking!
              I wanted to start off with this, not because I disagree with it at ALL, but because it's a useful starting point to discuss my weight issues. Up until recently, I ate a vegetarian diet, pretty much NO fast food/soda/pizza/buffet food, and I ran/worked out a LOT (up to 50 miles a week, and I ran a full marathon last year). I couldn't figure out for the life of me why I couldn't lose those pesky 15 pounds that have bothered me forever (I'm not "fat" per se, I just have an annoying muffin top)!

              Well, my research led me to Leangains, Mark's Daily Apple (The Primal Blueprint), the IF Life blog, and several other sources. Obviously, some of the weight loss will come from being 100% AL-free, which I have been unable to achieve (but will achieve very soon, I hope!) I started eating low-carb a few days after Christmas. I lost my "Christmas 5" pretty quickly. Haven't weighed myself since then (don't want to obsess about numbers), but I feel really good on this eating plan--much better satiety from food than I had before (I was constantly hungry, even as a gluten-free vegetarian). Not saying that this works for everyone, but I know that the vegetarian diet was not working for me after 18 years. Somehow my weight just got "stuck."

              I am following the Primal Blueprint "diet," which flies in the face of all conventional wisdom. But Mark Sissoon is pretty amazing in that he gives us good scientific evidence for every dietary suggestion. The latest science regarding saturated fat is getting hard to ignore, and believe me, as a vegetarian I did NOT want to hear this stuff! But I pride myself on my open mind and intellectual curiosity--and those two things won over my bond with conventional wisdom.

              Next up I'd like to start working out again (pretty much not at all since starting Bac; my priorities had changed). I want that "Bac exercise high" so badly! Also, it would be nice to have more non-AL habits. Gold's Gym has a $1/down, $10/month offer right now that's beyond tempting. I don't know if I can turn that down, as much as I usually hate the angry "cock diesel" types. lol


                Baclofen and exercise

                neva eva;1040006 wrote: The marshmallow test? I'd fail.
                The Marshmallow Test | Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health

                About finding the time to exercise. That man is a genius.
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
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                  Baclofen and exercise

                  Berkhan’s interpretation of the marshmallow test:

                  “What I found interesting are the strategies the successful children employed in order to endure the experiment. They kept themselves distracted. Covered their eyes, played with their hands or just entered a trance-like state where it seemed they were lost in their thoughts. Their attention was elsewhere.
                  The failed strategy of the unsuccessful children was the complete opposite of that; in essence, they fixated on the marshmallow almost as if attempting to stare it down, actively fighting the temptation.
                  How does this translate to the various strategies used by the fitness crowd?
                  When some people are dieting, they are DIETING. They treat it like a full-time job and they're in the gym every day, sometimes twice a day. Their spartan diet is meticulously planned and carefully dispensed throughout the day. They are the ones that fixate on the marshmallow.”

                  The marshmallow test is not simply about finding time to work out, it has to do with prioritizing goals. It's whether or not one can focus on the long term gains in spite of short term gratification. And distraction is a means to that end, whereas fixation undermines it.

                  I interpret the marshmallow test through the lens of my over-riding concern atm: Addiction and recovery, of course. Disciplined in many areas of my life, especially in terms of health and fitness, AL has always reigned supreme. And for that reason, I would have failed the marshmallow test. But not any longer. Though I’m not cured and am frankly, despairing atm, AL is no longer the burden it once was. I’m able to distract myself and do something other than fixate on the marshmallow, or AL in this case.

                  Venuto has some brilliant stuff and I’m really enjoying his book, employing his suggestions about goal-setting in terms of nutrition and exercise, in many other ways as well. For me it’s not about body fat percentage, so much as figuring out what the short-term and long-term goals are in order to be and stay healthy and AF.
                  Part of that is finding a distraction from my over-riding obsession with AL and recovery! (The opposite of the AA method, and completely new to me. I'm beginning to wonder, like others around here, what I'm going to fill my time with when I just don't care about AL or freedom from it! A lovely quandary.)

                  Fitness seems to be a good outlet, and feels very, very good too! (a really wonderful SE of bac!)


                    Baclofen and exercise

                    Sounds good!

                    Hmmm...if only there were an outlet for your overwhelming and hyperactive libido. That could certainly prove a most worthwhile distraction.

                    :banana: :nanner:

                    Is it just me or are some of the smilies on here a bit...racy?

                    I seem to remember some of the ladies in the neighborhood talking about a pool boy or something. Anyone hire the pool boy and live to tell about it? :anyone:
                    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                    A Forum
                    Trolls need not apply


                      Baclofen and exercise

                      I think he's missing.
                      Husband is finally reading the book. That in itself is an aphrodisiac. :H
                      Yes, the icons are, um, a bit graphic in this instance. wouldn't want to offend delicate sensibilities, would we?

                      And bac to the point: Are you still smoking and if not at what point did you give it up?
                      I've got a friend trying to cajole me into running a half with her in the fall (not you're cup, i know, but I'd like the bumper sticker.:H) Not sure I can do that on a pack a day habit, and a girl can dream about being free from all the beastly burdens in her life, right?

                      Is, exercising really helped with my back problems, especially after I gave up the treadmill and the machines. Free weights are where it's at imho. I know you're already way more advanced in this stuff than I am, but have you done that? The bac seems to help my back too, unless I'm in the same position for too long (computer) or sleep weird because I don't move during the few hours I am actually asleep.
                      Seeking, I've been eating a LOT more red meat in the last month or so, relatively speaking, and my cholesterol numbers indicate that might not be a good idea anymore! You young 'uns might not have to worry about that, but I'm really hoping to avoid the heart attack at 45, after having extended my life by slaying the beast, ya' know?



                        Baclofen and exercise

                        Hey Ne,

                        I had high cholesterol and blood pressure at 19, while working out two hours a day, being a vegetarian (therein was the problem in part), and eating like a fanatic. No mayo on my whole grain sandwich, lots of veggies, but I did have beer.

                        I think in my mid-twenties I was having 3 beers a night, and more on weekends. I managed my cholesterol which I'm convinced is bad carb related but also genes, since I've known people my whole life who ate all sorts of garbage 24/7 and never exercised, while I hit the weights with my body builder boyfriend all the time, and every night after work to boot.

                        A couple of non-rx ways to lower your cholesterol:
                        Each day take niacin, 500mg or more each time if you can tolerate it. Don't take the "slow niacin", it's not really niacin, it's niacinmide or something and while it's good, it doesn't lower cholesterol as well as real niacin.
                        Each day take fiber, lots of it, supplemental fiber.
                        Each day take 4 grams fish oil.
                        Each day, take panothenic acid.

                        These instructions are found for free on the 8 week cholesterol cure website, with links to purchasing some of the products. It worked for me.


                          Baclofen and exercise

                          neva eva;1048891 wrote: I think he's missing.
                          Husband is finally reading the book. That in itself is an aphrodisiac. :H
                          Maybe he's just a legend... :anyone: There has to be someone who knows or has a story to tell if he is real...

                          neva eva;1048891 wrote: Yes, the icons are, um, a bit graphic in this instance. wouldn't want to offend delicate sensibilities, would we?
                          Au contrare (sp?). Why wouldn't I?

                          neva eva;1048891 wrote:
                          And bac to the point: Are you still smoking and if not at what point did you give it up?
                          I've got a friend trying to cajole me into running a half with her in the fall (not you're cup, i know, but I'd like the bumper sticker.:H) Not sure I can do that on a pack a day habit, and a girl can dream about being free from all the beastly burdens in her life, right?
                          I must apologize to everyone else up front but the answer to that question is kind of private. I'd like to share it with you but I need your gmail addy. I think you gave me one once but I dunno where it is.

                          neva eva;1048891 wrote:
                          Seeking, I've been eating a LOT more red meat in the last month or so, relatively speaking, and my cholesterol numbers indicate that might not be a good idea anymore! You young 'uns might not have to worry about that, but I'm really hoping to avoid the heart attack at 45, after having extended my life by slaying the beast, ya' know?
                          It doesn't have to be red meat. Chicken, turkey, tunas, cottage cheese, egg whites/beaters, lean pork or fish (high in omega 3's). I like to eat a lot of the red meat because my boy hormones are made out of cholesterol.
                          :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                          Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                          Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                          Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                          A Forum
                          Trolls need not apply


                            Baclofen and exercise

                            Lo0p;1049210 wrote: It doesn't have to be red meat. Chicken, turkey, tunas, cottage cheese, egg whites/beaters, lean pork or fish (high in omega 3's). I like to eat a lot of the red meat because my boy hormones are made out of cholesterol.
                            OK, I have never eaten cottage cheese in my life. But we were in Costco a couple of weeks ago and there was this HUGE container of cottage cheese. I threw it in the cart and my wife says "what the hell are you doing". I said "its the boy hormones baby, which feeds the only Bac SE you like".

                            Well, I didn't really say that, but only because I'm not as quick on my feet with this stuff as Lo0p.

                            Anyhow, I have not had the sugar/carb cravings at all. It has been all protein cravings. Not sure why.
                            Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                              Baclofen and exercise

                              Okay, I have no time, atm. But I'm excited and wanted to share.
                              I got emails from two of my coffee clutch gfs this morning that they wanted to meet a little early to talk about losing weight! With me.
                              So I brought all the stuff I've printed out--making sure to seperate the Martin Berkhan stuff from the stuff from beatle's holistic healing the body from AL thread, ha ha. And Venuto's book.
                              I think they were pretty put off by the ridiculously low body fat, and the heresy of skipping breakfast. But they all agreed that the proof is evident--that I look better than ever, and have so much energy and have it all together! guffaw. But I do. Thanks lo0p. Luuuuuv you. (And in case you missed it, could you thank Urban Fool for me, if it's appropriate? Invaluable stuff you two did.)

                              Bruun, thanks for the info. Tried Niacin once before and had major reactions to it, but will try it again without the sauce, once I get the beloved baclofen levels straight.
                              And I must confess, I've moved on from the good protein diet to the peanut butter with chocolate chips diet. I finished an entire jar of pb and a bag of chips in 3 days. But whatever. Eyes on the goal and all that.
                              Will address the rest of the fun stuff in good time! lol


                                Baclofen and exercise

                                Ne, you should make an investment in Enduracin. It's not "slow niacin" which isn't real niacin, as far as choleserol is concerned. It has flushing, but much much less. I can't take the flushing of normal niacin either, it's tolerable in tan people but not in pink people like me with rosacea. I feel like I'm having a heart attack on it. Even some B complexes get to me. Supersensitive me!

                                Phytosterols are also good for lowering cholesterol, they're plannt derived and basically bind with food derived cholesterol and you eliminate instead of absorbing it. I mentioned to my doctor, as I was refusing statins, that I took that, fish oil, fiber and still my levels are high. But it's the booze...... and the fact that I stopped with the enduracin when I relocated, I lost all my routines.

                                Here's the enduracin recommended by the author of the 8 Week Cholesterol Cure.
                                L-arginine, niacin, phytosterols, pantethine, calcium, vitamin c, b complex, cholesterol control without diet, 8 week cholesterol cure, linus pauling

                                Sorry to hijack the thread, but I wanted to answer Ne's post about niacin.

