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Baclofen and exercise

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    Baclofen and exercise


    So as to avoid hijacking the thread, I wanted to answer Ne's post about niacin so started a new thread on Cholesterol and Drinking

    Here it is.


      Baclofen and exercise

      neva eva;1048891 wrote:
      Is, exercising really helped with my back problems, especially after I gave up the treadmill and the machines. Free weights are where it's at imho. I know you're already way more advanced in this stuff than I am, but have you done that? The bac seems to help my back too, unless I'm in the same position for too long (computer) or sleep weird because I don't move during the few hours I am actually asleep.
      Yes, I am a big fan of free weights. I'm holding off on restarting the gym membership for the moment though, due to the back and foot issues. Back's actually been getting better doing certain stretches, and I set up the inversion table last night, so I'm sure it will only keep getting better. But at the moment it's my foot that's killing me, walking hurts! So I'm sort of curtailing most activity for the time being. I saw a specialist last week, got Xrays this week, and am going back to the specialist with them on Saturday morning. After that app., I'll figure out what I'm going to do. Surgery's in my future, that's for sure. In the meantime, I'll probably end up getting an orthotic that keeps my big toe from bending when I walk, supposedly can be worn with any shoe. Maybe then I'll be able to start working out w/out pain or fear that I'm making the situation worse.
      At this point I can't even do my beloved yoga. :upset: Downward dog makes me cringe in pain from my toes being bent. Sucks because Yoga Journal is doing a great challenge right now, with free yoga workout videos delivered to your inbox every day. That was really making my back feel better, and was awesome for calming my mind as well.

      I am all for big compound movements with weights - squats, dead lifts, etc. I read a great ebook last year called The Truth About Abs that advocates this, as well as high intensity interval training for cardio, no medium or low intensity bs. Great nutrition information too. His ads are all over the internet and really annoying, but I agree more with his workout and nutrition styles than anyone else. His newsletter is free and has lots of good information. Mike Geary is the author's name, if anyone wants to check it out.

      I'm worried that I'm going to lose my momentum. I was so psyched to start working out again and was feeling pretty damn good for awhile there. Hopefully I can get started again soon! I'll have to get over my intimidation of the free weight room at the gym. I hate busy gyms!
      Better Living Through Chemistry

      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


        Baclofen and exercise

        Thanks, Bruun. I'll follow up on the other thread. REALLY appreciate it.
        Is, that sucks about he surgery. Not that it's related to your situation, but have you read/heard of Born to Run. Very fun book. It inspired me to start running, and boy did that pay off once the bac kicked in! wooohoooo! I'm pretty sure you won't lose much in the way of momentum, you don't seem like a woman who'll let a little setbac set her back.
        Which brings to mind, Bruun, how're the vibrams?

        And now to the fun stuff...
        Lo0p;1049210 wrote: Maybe he's just a legend...A figment of a very active imagination? I dunno. I've got it in black and white...
        Lo0p;1049210 wrote: Au contrare (sp?). Why wouldn't I?
        Words are so much sexier than pictures. It's a mars/venus thing, maybe.
        Lo0p;1049210 wrote:
        I must apologize to everyone else up front but the answer to that question is kind of private.
        Wish that was a promise for something titillating. but alas, I'm guessing it's going to be scientific... maybe there'll be pretty charts?

        And ftr, when I said my husband was reading the book and that it was a turn-on, I meant he was reading OA's book. :H And that is a turn on. Apparently so is a sober-ish, hyper-libido'd Ne. So it's all relatively good here...

        :l peeps


          Baclofen and exercise

          Great Info

          I also train fairly regularly and I think because of this it took me quite longer to reach my golden point. I still find I rather take it after my morning weight lifting session. I also take a small creatine pre-workout mix in the am before weight session. You seem quite knowledgeable...does this sound proper to you? I usually run at night and take my last dose after. I am on my way down from 400 mgs and currently sit at 280mg. Cheers great info.


            Baclofen and exercise

            Nev, the vibraams are on the back burner. they are not good in cold weather, they need more cushioning, and I'm having terrible foot pain wearing them. Something about how the weight is distributed differently whilst wearing them effs me up. I can't walk down the street without having to take them off because I can't walk literally, due to the crippling pain.

            Is, I'm so sorry about your feet. I can relate, and to avoid hijacking your thread, will post my story on my thread. Keep us updated. Really hope you can avoid surgery. I've had surgery twice on my ankle, and don't feel it was very helpful. All breaks and surgeries have damaged my body's integrity, the first break way back when, in college. I've listed to one side ever since which may explain alot of my problems. More on my thread.


              Baclofen and exercise

              Martin Berkhan just spoke to me. I've got a busy next couple of days then I'm going to outline a personal project of mine that you people are going to help me with. And it just might help us all!
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Baclofen and exercise

                Who is Martin Berkhan?



                Olivier Ameisen

                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                  Baclofen and exercise

                  Otter;1054798 wrote: Who is Martin Berkhan?
                  Intermittent fasting diet for fat loss, muscle gain and health

                  Read his latest blog post. It describes me and some of the problems I'm having to a "tee", and might apply to a whole bunch of us.
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                  A Forum
                  Trolls need not apply


                    Baclofen and exercise

                    I read his latest last night Lo0p. It definitely hits home with me too.


                      Baclofen and exercise

                      ok, so I've only been following this thread sporadically, although I am very interested. It's just that there are too damn many threads to follow:surrender:

                      I mentioned on Isolde's bac progress thread that we are doing something called synergy training here in the great white north. I think it's the same as resistance training or super slow. Our trainers have told us 1/2hour is enough (and it should be-- as in you should not be able to do any more). After that you can do whatever of other exercises you want, caridio, free weights, whatever (maybe at different times, though-- haven't asked about that). You do this super slowly, 10 seconds each way, no pause. You only stop an exercise when you are physically unable to do it anymore. This should correspond to about 3 minutes per exercise-- if you can do more, you have to increase the weights. In general you increase the weights every time (or you should be able to). Does any of this make sense? I had never heard of it before and it is new here.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Baclofen and exercise

                        oh yeah, and you only do it 2x, max 3x a week. Although you feel it all seven days.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Baclofen and exercise

                          I've seen it called Slow Burn (after a book by the name) and also superslow training. Check this out. Super Slow Resistance Training


                            Baclofen and exercise


                            I'm just throwing things up here. Testing links and pics in preparation (hopefully) for my personal project. Maynard is talking to me right now though so I don't know how much I'll get done.

                            Ooh! Maybe I'll start a progress thread of my very own! I've never had one of those.

                            Sorry it has to be here :blush: as my demon is dead already. I buried him a long time ago. Still, it feels appropriate somehow, and I'm sure you all will forgive me.
                            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                            A Forum
                            Trolls need not apply


                              Baclofen and exercise

                              Deadlift night tonight. I've taken about a week off just being lazy, so we'll see what happens.

                              Shootin' for a 1RM of somewhere in the 360 range. Which actually means...lemme go look up my logs...

                              Last back day, Jan 30:
                              Exercise Name 1 RM Lifting Logs Edit Delete
                              Chin-Up 215.04 179.2x6,179.2x4,179.2x0 Edit Delete
                              Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown 205 150.0x11,100.0x6,0.0x0 Edit Delete
                              Cable Seated Row 202.66 160.0x8,160.0x8,110.0x12,0.0x0 Edit Delete
                              Barbell Deadlift 361 185.0x8,285.0x8,285.0x5,235x10 Edit Delete
                              Barbell Shrug 217.5 145.0x15,145.0x14,145.0x11,115x6 Edit Delete

                              I'm just going to try to equal or best those two sets in bold.

                              Not really feelin' it right now. We'll see if Maynard has anything to say about it
                              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                              A Forum
                              Trolls need not apply


                                Baclofen and exercise

                                Alright, Lo0p, I know it's a work in progress...

                                I love a good graph. But definitions would help for newbies like me. And if it's not for newbies, would you please send me some info for me specifically?
                                Something on the order of "read this." Or "do these 4 exercises on this day, and those four on alternating days."
                                Selfish, maybe, but I don't think so. More of us around here are just figuring out how to get off the couch and looking to fill time/find the bac-enhanced-endorphin-rush than the die-hard gym goer.
                                Just sayin'
                                Edit: I like it here, too. But no reason not to branch out. Bac isn't exclusive to bac threads, anymore. We'll follow you over to Focus on Fitness or whatever that forum is, if you choose to go there!

